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Business Partner(s) Wanted


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I am looking for someone with an interest in starting a corporation. I would like someone who knows some things about businesses and maybe even have started one or two. You should at least understand what a business system is and how important they are to a business. Cash flow should be a term you are familiar with.

I want to start a video game company. Make a small vertical slice of a game (prototype). Go after funding by equity crowd sourcing (NOT reward crowd sourcing such as Kickstarter). I am going after enough money to support the project full time for the partners. I just don't have enough time to work on it part time. Plus it is what I love. Since learning agile for programming I have decided to use agile to reach my goals. In simple terms it is breaking down large tasks into manageable chunks and setting a deadline. I am expecting to go after funding in about six months time.

As for the project I am open to just about anything that I believe will make money. I only ask for a polished product. I do have a sci-fi mmorpg started if you wish to go that route.

About me: I have ran 6 business. Most of them failed. Most failed do to lack of marketing. One failed do to lack of being bonded. I understand what it takes to run a business. I have helped several successful business owners with running their businesses (family businesses). I am a programmer by day and by night. I love to program. I also do level design.

I have more details on business systems, business models and cash flow projections. If you are serious I will share them with you.

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