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Everything posted by DistantTemples

  1. Very cool!
  2. Cool, sounds like ubuntu is a popular choice but I am not sure what you mean by "prepared". Could you clarify?
  3. I had been running the older Atavism server on Ubuntu 12.04 and Zpanel. I am looking at installing a newer version of Ubuntu and maybe a different system to run my database on other than Zpanel. I was wondering what other systems maybe be worth checking out. Any thoughts as to what may work better or what to avoid?
  4. Before the Black Friday Sale is over?
  5. I just seen that Unity has posted a list of their Black Friday Sale which will be 50% off starting on Nov 20th. Some of which have been mentioned to be integrated with Atavism. World Streamer is one of them. Maybe this is a good time to talk about others that may be on that list so folks can save some money? Either way the list can be found here, it has a lot of great stuff on it for world building: https://assetstore.unity.com/lists/black-friday-sale-63111
  6. I am being sincere when I say thank you for your apology and it is accepted. I understand you are learning to speak another language and I admire that because it is something I have chosen not to do in life. The reason I know of your issue is because I have been on this forum since it began back in 2013. I believe that is far longer then any one else that has responded to this topic. Please, if somebody points out to you that you are being sarcastic I would recommend that you stop and think about that instead of telling them to "OK first calm down" and assuming they were mad at you. That would probably be the time to simply say that you are sorry and ask if there was a better way to have said things differently. That way you may learn how to avoid that kind of situation in the future. That is if you are truly looking to learn how to speak English which I believe you are. I think you will find that most people will take the time to help you with that. Well, I would like to think so anyway. Please message me if you would like to discuss this further. Again, Thank You.
  7. I use all of Adams terrain tools. They offer great quality and can save a huge amount of time. I also like what he has done with GAIA. He has added some great asset integration automation. It can automatically configure other assets that you import with a click. He has a long list of them. He also added WORLD MANAGER API AND UNITY TIMELINE which can control environmental assets via one API. http://www.procedural-worlds.com/blog/wapi/ I would think it may be worth Atavism working with Adam to see what automation GAIA could offer. Environmental integration was always an issue with Atavism. Then again I would not be surprised if you guys have that covered too. I have been beta testing GAIA 2.0 and it is coming along nicely. The one thing I wanted to mention because it has been talked about publicly is how it can create multiple terrain meshes at once really quickly. It can fill up 10km X 10km with what ever equally sized terrain you want. There is much much more that is being implemented in the update. @Killersan I think it could be very interesting if you were to chat with Adam about how GAIA could integrate with Atavism. Maybe it could end up helping network the environmental stuff? Maybe it could help with a DB terrain chunks system?
  8. Music to my ears! And the peasants rejoiced!!!
  9. Wow, you are really insulting and of no help. never mind.
  10. Yes it is a Unity issue. That is why I was told that "Atavism would deal with that issue" hence the reason those "running for ever videos" were made. Bottom line I was mislead into believing that Atavism would deal with that issue for one reason or another. Maybe they ended up running into an issue as they tried to deal with it. I don't know. I really do not care much about that aspect. What I would like to focus on is a solution. I would think there has to be a certain way to go about building a large world that would be more optimal than other ways. What are the limits you want to watch out for? I know there are more than floating point issues to consider. None of this has ever been covered in much detail. Actually not much was. I may be wrong for expecting that it would be, but if not from a company that is making a MMO template for a game engine then who? So that is why I am asking here. So comments like "thats a Unity issue" and "Make a large map???" are not helpful and come across as sarcastic. Frankly I had my share of that crap on the old forum. I am looking for a little help and guidance thats all. I am pretty sure that is why the forum is here right? Also I am posting this here so the new owners of Atavism get to see some of the concerns from an end user that were never really addressed. I am not trying to speak bad of the old Atavism team. Jac and Andrew are good people and did great things while they were building Atavism. I will miss working with both of them. Still issues need to be discussed and not pushed aside and addressed as invalid. Has anyone tried World Streamer to deal with this issue? Did it help at all? I have Sectors. I think this will help with enclosed environments but I am not so sure for outdoor environments. When it comes to how big I want to make a world, I do not know. Mostly because I do not know how big of a world I can make. So again I am hoping other can share what they have used for solutions and talk about limitations they have come up against
  11. I am referring to what I believe is called floating point precision. The further you get away from 0 the more errors you have with precision. I guess models just don't line up or function very well and the game becomes unplayable when you get to a certain distance. Atavism was suppose to overcome that issue.
  12. I have seen this question asked many times and I have never seen a straight forward answer or solution. Sometimes it was never even answered. It was one of the big features advertised and one of the reason I bought Atavism. There were even videos showing that you could run quite a distance. I have not pushed because Atavism was in development. I would still like to know how to build a large world with Atavism. Was hoping we could start some discussion about that.
  13. @Mightee. Yes I know Tomt because like many of the other people on this forum and in the Atavism skype channel I see what he types when he helps folks out or has a question about Atavism for his project. He has never accused me of lying or scamming like you just did so maybe in that sense you could say he is a friend. But other than that I would just say he is another person on here that happens to do great work. Did I put a certain amount of trust in him when I purchased the UMA Fantasy Races Creator Pack? Yes and I’m glad I did because even though it is in an alpha state it is a great product. I did the same thing when I bought Atavism MMO and I paid a lot more for it than the UMA Fantasy Races Creator Pack. In both cases I was well aware of what I was buying because I watched the video’s they made and I’m very happy with both purchases.
  14. I just purchased the UMA Fantasy Race Creator Pack recently and wanted to say that I’m very pleased with my purchase. I feel I got a great deal at a great price. At $150, it worked out to be $8.33 a character. 9 different races in both male and female, 18 total. My project is just a hobby at this point and will probably be so for some time to come. As with any hobby I like it when someone makes something that gives me professional results with minimal time and effort along with an easy learning curve which is what this Creator Pack offers. Even with the short time that I have had to work with it I can see that it will be offering me awesome results with the customizations that it allows me to add. This is one of those assets that I’m glad I got at a great price and didn’t pass up only to want it later when the price has gone up. It has definitively locked me in to my choice on weather to use UMA or not because it fills in some of what the stock UMA system is missing. Now the UMA characters for my project don’t have to be all humans because the UMA Fantasy Race Creator Pack makes it easy for me to add many customizations for me as a developer and to the end user of my game. Even though UMA Fantasy Race Creator Pack is in alpha it still offers a lot, along with a few small issues that the developer said will be fixed, which after all is what alpha releases are about. The videos on their site ( http://www.artforindies.com ) shows what the different races look like. The developer shows how to install them, talks about the functionality and the few needed fixes they will be implementing. The quality and the performance of this asset is great. I would highly recommend the UMA Fantasy Race Creator Pack to folks that need multiple races for their game. At the least I would recommend watching the videos on there site to see what is being offered. Also Tom has been very good about answering any questions that I have asked so I’m very pleased with the support that has been offered.
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