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Posts posted by jbarrett98121

  1. one question i have about a completely server based ai system is on performance............ how is something like that going to perform, when 1000+ users are all connected, and all being sent data from the server about where and what the ai is doing?


    i knopw it's just location data, but say a server has 200 mobs spawned out, and a ton of people connected. The server has to send the data out for all 200 mobs to every single client connected.



    just wonder how smoothly that kind of thing will be able to be handled.

  2. the building system was actually the main selling point for me for atavism when i was watching the youtube vids prior to buying.


    check this out, here's my project in early stages...... when it was a medieval themed game still, hehe. but, i was working on a building system of my own (placing objects through using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate() )



    i did get pretty far with it, but never really got it to save the objects on a database. so the objects would stay in scene only as long as the player that built them was online.


    but yeah, the idea was almost exactly the same as atavism's housing system.

  3. No the housing system wont require the voxel system.



    best news i've heard all day. thank yah :)


    mainly ....... voxels dis interest me for reasons of in game grief


    players digging holes under each others houses to raid.... players making voxel dongs and boobs... and other horrible voxel things people don't want to see in game.

  4. def thank you for the reply :)



    I'd say, as until the project gets large ( which it will, i'm hoping on getting this project submitted to steam for early access in two / 3 months is the goal) I could get away with using the voice server on the same machine, but will definitely eventually need to get some actual server hardware.


    i think i can get around the low ccu without paying an arm and a leg by running the photon server on my machine.... but, then i'm running two servers, and might as well just integrate it all into one.


    gives me food for thought i suppose, thanks!

  5. because I have uSpeak already working through photon already........ it may even be able to integrate uSpeak into atavism using photon as the front end for that, so it in no way uses the server bandwidth or resources. and all the voip data is still handled directly through the photon cloud, or photon server.

  6. I do have a request..... for random spawn points upon first creating a character and entering the world, and upon the character respawning after death.


    would be superawesome to be able to spawn randomly from an array of spawnpoint gameobjects.


    Definitely needed in a pvp based game, so players cannot camp spawn points and kill new spawns.

  7. icky teamspeak.........



    the voip i'm wanting to add in game ( which i will work on once i purchase the $340 license, gotta have it in my project) will be a proximity based voip like second life, dayz, rust, etc....... where you can only hear the person talking in proximity of that person.


    voip works like a 3d sound attached to the character themselves that way...... so if you're standing far away from that person, you do not hear them at all.


    it's definitely essential to my gameplay mechanics, players need to be able to communicate with each other besides txt chat (which i'm also going to work on converting to proximity based only chat) so, same concept, if you're not close to the character typing in chat, you will not be able to read his / her chat.



    teamspeak should be independent from the main game's voice capabilities. not everyone uses, or likes teamspeak.

  8. if there aren't any plans for voip in game, has anyone tried uSpeak yet? works nicely in a photon project, and is easy to set up. Not sure of how to go about sending that kind of data over this setup though.

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