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  1. And to respond to the inevitable - These guys should not make tutorialson every upgrade. They need to concentrate on developing the package.
  2. I just can't resist posting. It's Beta. That should be enough said, but think about it. I have had a game concept originally developed in the late 90's, which was the reason I started learning HTML! The concept remains unique to this day, and I hope that I might be able to make a little money with it eventually. I have watched the industry grow and kept learning and adding to my skills, programming and modelling, but I do not claim to be highly skilled - I have to provide for a family, so time is precious. I was very excited about Multiverse, and had it up and running a few years back, but Aha!, the amount of work needing to be done on it to make it work for me was daunting. I have been working with Unity for a long time, building a world. I went back to that work, while continuing to look around for an acceptable server set-up. Then I found these guys. I have been waiting for a long time for them to institute the authoritative server portion, and I continue to wait patiently for that upgrade. (Obviously, I am starting to get real excited about that, as it approaches). I know what these guys have had to do to accomplish what they have done. It is an AMAZING job. The amount of work involved REALLY is STAGGERING, and they should get commended and PRAISED continually. I have not even purchased the basic as of yet, because I am waiting for authoritative server, and will buy the Veteran immediately at that time. That is what I'll need. The price of $270 is fantastic. Meanwhile I continue to develop a world and continue modelling and learning. I have not posted often on the boards, but the few times I have, the response to my questions have been 1.) Fast and 2.) Helpful. With all that said, my comment to the OP is: Working with programs can be frustrating, everybody knows. But this program DOES WORK, as a reading of these boards reveals. What one man can do, another can do. Keep trying. (Man was it frustrating to get Multiverse running - but what satisfaction to succeed!) If you are really stuck, these guys are extremely helpful to those who explain their problem and politely ask for help (again - these boards show this to be true). Understand that these guys have a whole lot on their plates, and have spent countless hours on the project. Some of the guys helping out gratis. Imagine spending that length of time on something, and someone comes along and says it's garbage! You might get a bit irritated yourself, especially when there are others (many others) who have been successful with it. A rant is likely to return a rant. A question is likely to return an answer.
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