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Doc Psyanide

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Posts posted by Doc Psyanide

  1. Thank you for the link. So far the progress is stopped. I'm showing 'No Connection' in Unity.

    Database test connection Failed: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.
    Atavism.DatabasePack:TestConnection(String, Boolean) (at Assets/Dragonsan/AtavismEditor/Editor/EditorCore/Libraries/DatabasePack.cs:266)
    Atavism.DatabasePack:TestConnection(String) (at Assets/Dragonsan/AtavismEditor/Editor/EditorCore/Libraries/DatabasePack.cs:181)
    Atavism.AtavismUnity:OnGUI() (at Assets/Dragonsan/AtavismEditor/Editor/EditorCore/AtavismUnity.cs:107)
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

    And in the Windows Panel I'm getting an error on the External Hostname/IP saying 'Missing Config Parameter' and won't let me edit.

    I created the new scene/project and imported Atavism (2019.1) into my project. Made changes in the Player tab of Project Settings, and made sure I installed the server pkg. It does show as running from the WinPanel, as well as success on both World/Auth starts in command line box.

    I'll leave it at this for now. Don't want to dump a bunch of questions all at once. :)

  2. Greetings. I'm a new user to Atavism. I'm mostly a scene maker but wanted to step things up a bit. I could use some pointers as to getting this up and running. I've watched a few of the tutorials but there is an overwhelming amount of topics, so it's confusing. I'm running a Win 7 Pro i5 Quad core x64 system with 16gb ram, an Nvidia Gforce 1030 grfx card. I'm currently running Unity 18.3.1. I'm not sure what packages I need to d/l or run. I'm also a bit confused as to what other programs I need. Do I need Python, MySQL if I'm doing it all through the interface? I tried a couple scenes in Unity to get it running and I'm not sure what I need to do to get the server side running. Do I need to run the Atavism.exe window panel before I start unity, or does it run inside unity without the WinPanel? Like I said, there are so many different ways to do the same thing that it's overwhelming. I did the 'Linear' 'Net3.5' thing and I still have problems connecting. Is this something I would need to be on discord for? I just installed that and have to learn how to use it.

    I know there are specific tutorials I need to get it online, but I don't know which ones. I've seen talk of VM systems and other utilities. I hope you folks can steer me in the right direction.

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