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Posts posted by HiCallMeAce

  1. Hello, I have a question if your still around after updating my server and reinstalling everything now it wont let me login to the website Base any more. I can create an account and when i click the activation link in the email it lets me login but once i log out cant log back in the accounts are created in the database accounts created on the website works in the client but cant log into the website any incite on this.

  2. So testing this out if you have it on the same server as the websitebase launcher does not load the html folder not a big problem i just switch it to another sub-domain. Big problem tho download a big patch crashes the launcher i was testing it out with client files uploaded it as a zip files about 3.4gb start the launcher starts downloading the update after about 2min launcher crashes.






    Edit: so according to debugger has an Undandled .Net Framework expception which is causing the crash.

  3. Profile information is now not displaying correctly.



    and i did add my gmail and i still get the same error when creating a new account.

    Also after creating an account on the website you cant log into the website but you can log into game well it will tell you your account does not have access to the game which is fine. but if i register an account from the client i am able to log into the web site.


    Suggestion wouldn't it be better to just remove the admin panel from the the drop down menu for normal members or make it so normal members can not see it in there drop down.

  4. Creating new accounts you get



    when your in the admin panel and you try to log out you get



    Normal members can access the admin panel i think is very bad



    seems i forgot about my second monitor lol.


    This is just the stuff i found just playing around with it there could be some other major problems despite the fact that any user can access the admin panel. You get errors when you try and activate a key that's already been used instead of it telling you key is invalid. there are a few other errors that come up but i have to make sure there not on my end.

  5. Some errors i found Normal members if they register on the website can access the admin panel even tho there not set to admin or are not admin in the database when you try to logout from the admin panel throws and error when you try to register it throws and error but your account is still made. not sure if ppl have been testing this but those are some big problems.

  6. yea i checked the overlays and slots no duplicate it only started appearing after I finished my character creations screen UI. using ngui if it matters. also this error started showing up 2

    Could not find method 'CharacterSlotSelected' on CharacterSelectionCreation

    UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object, Object)

    EventDelegate:Cache() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:405)

    EventDelegate:get_isValid() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:210)

    EventDelegate:IsValid(List`1) (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:672)

    UIToggle:Start() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:156)

  7. Hello, Well i bought this a while ago and everything was working fine but now i am getting errors every time i choose race not really sure what the problem is everything was working just fine.


    indexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

    UMA.SkinnedMeshCombiner.CombineMeshes (UMA.CombineInstance& target, .CombineInstance[] sources, UnityEngine.Transform rootBone, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 boneMap)

    UMA.SkinnedMeshCombiner.CombineMeshes (UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer target, .CombineInstance[] sources, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 boneMap)

    UMA.UMADefaultMeshCombiner.UpdateUMAMesh (Boolean updatedAtlas, UMA.UMAData umaData, System.String[] textureNameList, Int32 atlasResolution)

    UMA.UMAGeneratorBuiltin.UpdateUMAMesh (Boolean updatedAtlas)

    UMA.UMAGeneratorBuiltin.HandleDirtyUpdate (UMA.UMAData data)

    UMA.UMAGeneratorBuiltin.OnDirtyUpdate ()

    UMA.UMAGeneratorBuiltin.Update ()

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