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Everything posted by Fenena

  1. Fenena


    Hi Chasle! Thanks for your reply. We looked into TerrainComposer which is a lovely terrain generator as far as we have tried until now. Lots of options and sweet functions. Since we are new to Unity3D: are there any level designer plugins most developers prefer to combine models and structures with the landscape or texturing/landscape modelling - or is it usual to use the Unity3D editor only? There should be some experienced Unity3D developers that might have an idea about the best toolset within that environment ;-) Fen
  2. Fenena


    Hi everyone! What kind of terrain editor plugin do you all use? We need to create an isle-like continent with about 30x30km and have some different binome types. So we are looking for a terrain plugin or toolset that works great with Unity 3D. Since we have a lot of unique places, good options for manual landforming are as important as good automatical creation of landscapes. Looks like TerrainComposer is an option: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/7065 I am asking here because we don't want to run into problems with Atavism compatibility afterwards, e.g. when it comes to player housing / building. Does anyone have deeper experiences with that and a hint/tipp by any chance? Thanks a lot, Fen
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