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  1. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object UnityEditor.UIElements.UIElementsEditorUtility..cctor () (at <20b79eb59c0f467d8b1106b2110bc953>:0) Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'UnityEditor.UIElements.UIElementsEditorUtility' threw an exception. UnityEditor.UIElements.UIElementsEntryPoint.CreateRoot () (at <20b79eb59c0f467d8b1106b2110bc953>:0) UnityEditor.UIElements.UIElementsEntryPoint.GetRootVisualElement (UnityEditor.EditorWindow window) (at <20b79eb59c0f467d8b1106b2110bc953>:0) UnityEditor.UIElements.DefaultEditorWindowBackend.OnRegisterWindow () (at <20b79eb59c0f467d8b1106b2110bc953>:0) UnityEditor.UIElements.DefaultEditorWindowBackend.OnCreate (UnityEditor.IWindowModel model) (at <20b79eb59c0f467d8b1106b2110bc953>:0) UnityEditor.GUIView.set_windowBackend (UnityEditor.IWindowBackend value) (at <20b79eb59c0f467d8b1106b2110bc953>:0) UnityEditor.GUIView.OnEnable () (at <20b79eb59c0f467d8b1106b2110bc953>:0) UnityEditor.HostView.OnEnable () (at <20b79eb59c0f467d8b1106b2110bc953>:0) It seems I get a different error message every time I open 2020.1. I was getting something similar to the above about a CSS issue and the UI. If I close then open Unity again I get no errors...? I should probably post this on the Unity form. I'm pretty sure this isn't an issue with Atavism.
  2. So, I've just got the demo 10.5X up and running in Unity 2020.1 using North Net Working. Yea! I've purchased Gaia Pro, World Streamer 2, And I'm looking to upgrade the nav mesh because I want to do the modular building and have the path finding be dynamic. But, before I do all that. Should I keep this install on 2020.1 or use a different version of Unity? I get a bunch of errors when opening a project in this version about Unity's UI and CSS. I tried a couple of fixes but they didn't work. It doesn't seem to affect anything in the game. But it is annoying. Also, the video tutorials are kinda old. Can I use the URP or HRP? Or, still just Post Processing 2. Thanks your your input.
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