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  1. Oh I really hop this happens because unity3d I know little about it just the basics but unreal engine I know a lot of. So I really hop this happens
  2. Hi, so I added atavism to my firewall, that did not work ether, so I turned off all firewalls antivirus and all that stuff then restarted and still noting. I just wanted to see the deference between 2.7 but the demo is not working, so that's ok, on Friday I'm going to buy it. but wanted to let you know 2.7 works good signing to the atavism unity editor and server works. Not sure if that makes a deference. But Its ok thanks anyways for helping me I really appreciate this
  3. Hi, I'm trying to run the atavisum demo and I cant login I get this message. Thanks
  4. ok cool thanks for letting me know
  5. Hello, I wanted to ask, I cant afford the new atavism, can I still use my version of 2.7?
  6. Hello, Iv just notest that I don't get the 2018 atavism is there a reason why, I got it a long time ago, All I get is 2.7 I though once you buy it you still get the updates? I have not been around lately and now I'm confused what is going on, can some one please let me know? and is there going to be a 2.8 ?Thank you
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