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Posts posted by sooms

  1. We had to upgrade Joomla to 3.5 to support php 7 as our webhost was dropping php 5.6 support. We had very little time to upgrade and had to rush the update which meant the old template and certain features were no longer usable. We will look at improving the look once all our sites are stable again (the main priority).

  2. There can be numerous reasons a character breaks and it can be hard to track down the reason. I generally just delete the character and create a new one, but you could look at the errors log to see what errors are popping up when they try log in. That should give you a starting point as to what is wrong with the character. If you post it here I may be able to point you in the right direction.

  3. Gave the script a read - I think all that needs to be done is a way to save the objects to the server like we do with Interactive objects and then set up messages to be sent to the clients of players nearby to tell the object to move (so they all move at the same time). I'll implement this in the final test version of 2.7, likely as part of the actual interactive objects system so it's minimal work.

  4. I agree it's cumbersome, but I can't think of an easier way to do it. It needs to run through the ability system to allow features such as cooldowns and other activation requirement checks. It would make a huge mess of the server side inventory code to copy in half of the ability system to it just to allow easier creation of consumable items.

  5. i'll have to think about this one - I see it as quite a cool feature to have. My current line of thought is to do it via the InteractiveObject system, or a very similar system. The idea being you would place the object in the scene as per usual, but then define a new location for it to travel to, along with a movement speed, and then linger time. The server will then do the work of working out when it's moving etc, and send that down to all players nearby, just like how the interactive object system works.


    I'll get back to you on this.

  6. Hmm, can't say much about the trees, that will be a Unity issue. Not sure on the merchant table, it could be some weird UI scaling causing it to somehow get out of the screen, but I would doubt it. Would be good to see if anyone else is having either of these issues.

  7. Logging back out to the character selection screen requires some code to be written to handle disconnecting from the world server and back into the login manager. If this is a highly requested feature I could try squeeze it into 2.6, but not 100% sure how much work it will take.

  8. Sorry forgot to reply to this. We will be supporting instances for groups, but probably won't be doing a fancy UI for it yet, but rather people can just walk in themselves atm. This may be something we can implement in a later release.

  9. I threw together a DeathTrigger script for Aizen to use on the mesh explosion script he had. I'll include this script in 2.6 as it can be used to trigger any kind of action (such as a coordinated effect) to be played when a mob dies.

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