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Posts posted by sooms

  1. Thanks Kesarium, we're glad to hear you are having a good time using the system, and thank you for the suggestions (of which many we agree with and are planned). Here's the response to each request...


    1. InstancePortal: Set destination point within destination instance.

    I have just added this into the next release :)



    2. Editor: A way to set how many levels a player can gain/xp req per level.

    Agreed, will try get this in as well (but no promises).



    3. Client UI: Updated to Unity 4.6 so 3D Vision depth works with it.

    On the to-do list but no ETA yet sorry.



    4. Server: More Authoritative functionality... mob collision, mob location, mob pathfinding, player movement, player location.

    Currently in development.



    5. Looting some currencies can go straight to the currency window.

    Yup, will make sure this is implemented again by next update (it used to work).



    6. Merchant window closes when user moves too far away.

    I will try get this in for the next update - we have implemented it in Neos already, so it's just a matter of copying over the code.



    7. Merchant popups display the correct currency value for stacks(buy/sell).

    Yup, will implement this next update.



    9. Player jumping repeatedly should not freeze up animations.

    Will have to look into this one



    10. A way to set how much experience mobs give the player.

    On the to-do list, not sure when it will be implemented.



    11. Quest turn-in experience rewards should be able to reward more than one level per turn in, if the experience points are enough, instead of getting results like 950cur/800max experience on your character.

    Yeah I will fix the code on the server to allow this (same with all exp gains).



    12. Quests that require non-quest ItemType items should not consume more items than the quest requires(currently consumes all of them in the inventory).

    Valid bug, will need to look into it.


    Thanks again.

  2. No plans currently. It wouldn't be too much work to change it, but it would be changes made to the server core which isn't open for people to play with. It may be something we look at in the future as it has been brought up internally before.

  3. Not too sure how well we will be able to integrate other AI systems into the server yet, I haven't had the time to look into it. Depending on how the system has been developed in Unity it may be possible to write a server side that just sends the data needed to the system on the client. At the end of Alpha we can start looking at the more popular AI systems around and plan how we may be able to allow integration with them.

  4. Hi all.


    These questions are tough to answer at the moment, there are a few factors at play. I can first say that there is no server side collision system started yet so if that is one of the requirements then you will be waiting a while.


    In terms of the alpha of the server itself, that comes down to a) how long my illness hangs around and B) how my time is split between working on the neo's land game, as most of the development for that is not the same as the engine work at this stage (it's been more client side and UI development).


    Due to the kickstarter all of my development time has been put onto neo's land lately so there has been no server progress, but we will be re-planning from here how the time split goes.

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