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MHdev E.

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Everything posted by MHdev E.

  1. Yeah but most of them are garbage on the Asset Store, on Unreal Side almost all of them are modular and when it comes to quality its always AAA. Unreal supports FBX import too, if a release will happen for Unreal, a conversation shouldn't be that hard. textures (.PNG, .JPEG), objects (.FBX, OBJ) and for your terrain you can easily create a b/w heightmap from it and extract your current splatmap from it and assign it in Unreal.
  2. Unreal is much better, it supports all platforms and its optimized by default, you can create large worlds without the need of any plugins, LOD and textures are handled internally in Unreal, when it comes to visuals and optimization i think Unreal is the winner here, Unity's HDRP is still in preview and unstable as fuck. Unreal has a decent learning curve but once you guys get comfortable with Unreal's Blueprints you will like it. Their Linux editor runs stable too on Vulkan right now. I can definitely recomment Unreal.
  3. Linux is simply learning, its much different to handle than Windows. Its different, but much better and safety. The Atavism Server handling on Linux is exactly the same, the only "scary" thing is to install Java on it as a newbie but you can find anything you need, just use google for it. https://linode.com/docs/development/java/install-java-on-ubuntu-16-04/ https://askubuntu.com/questions/521145/how-to-install-oracle-java-on-ubuntu-14-04 For MySQL you can simply use XAMPP, graphical install, all easy. Sometimes when you rent a dedicated server they only offer Ubuntu/Debian as Server Distribution, so you have to install a desktop environment and a remote desktop service separately.
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