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Everything posted by jtarules89

  1. Hello when I try and run the setup.sh file on my Ubuntu server it gives me an error saying file not found. When it is clearly inside the atavism_server folder. How can I fix this issue? I will provide a screen shot with this post to better understand the error I am getting. http://imgur.com/a/G3gh6[/img]
  2. We can discuss the payment in private. I have updated the main post to include the jobs for the coder and or programmer. Yah I can do that stuff Just tell me a job you want me to do; and the pay. And I will do it for you Okay sounds great, add me on skype if you have it please. So we may further discuss the jobs, and such.
  3. We can discuss the payment in private. I have updated the main post to include the jobs for the coder and or programmer.
  4. Hello I am the lead owner of my mmorpg project. I am looking for certain people to do certain jobs, and or multiple jobs if you are able. The name of my mmorpg was originally Beyond The Dragon Kings. It is subject to change though. I am currently developing this project by myself. I am trying to currently raise money to pay the developers of this project. We can talk about that in private though. I can assure you that you will be paid well enough for your work on this project. With that said, I will include the positions below that I am looking for. Coders: 0/2 Map Developers: 0/2 Game Ideas: 0/2 Model Designers: 0/2 Graphics Designers: 0/2 Website Developers: 0/2 The Jobs For Each Position: Coders: Will need to be able to help with coding and or programming scripts for the game. By scripts I am sure you would know what I mean. Some examples would be custom teleport scripts, custom mailbox scripts, and so on. I may also need the coders and or programmers to code some server side stuff if needed in the future. Map Developers: I will need he map designers to design maps, and or parts of worlds for the game. That is why I wanted 2 of each position so that it is easier on each person doing the work. With that said like I said above map developers will need to be able to make and design maps, and maybe whole zones for the game. Game Ideas: The people with these positions will evaluate and come up with ideas along side with myself. Basically come up with additions to the story line I have thought up of so far to this point. Model Designers: These graceful people will need to be able to make the models for the game. I will need character models, building models, and everything that the players will see in the maps, and zones. Graphics Designers: These people with this set of jobs will need to be able to create graphics such as loading screens, and title screen / main menu graphics. They may also need to be able to create texture graphics. Website Developers: These jobs will include the development, and maintaince of the website. They will need to know php coding, html coding, and all the basics of developing and maintaining a website. My Contact Information: Email: jtarules@gmail.com Skype: jtarules89
  5. Thanks for this awesome release. When will the updated version be release to the public? The one with the updated admin panel.
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