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  1. 14. A way to buy pets from merchants. A way to sell pets to merchants. A way to trade pets to other players.
  2. Updated 12) and 13).
  3. 12. Spells that can summon items. a. Item can be "Temporary" which lasts for X duration. If duration is set to -1 it lasts until the owner of the item has been logged out for X duration. ------------------------------ 13. Spells that can summon pets. ( when the pet system has been added ) a1. The option to only be able to have one summoned pet at a time. a2. The option to instead be able to have more than one summoned pet at a time. This could be on a per-pet template basis. A value of -1 would mean an unlimited amount of this pet could be summoned. b. Option for pet to be "Temporary" which lasts for X duration. If duration is set to -1 it lasts until the owner of the pet has been logged out for X duration. c. Option for "Can be Resurrected". Allows this specific pet to be resurrected when it dies. This could come in handy if you want the pet's level, stats, or abilities to be preserved.
  4. 11. I would like to be able to change the spacing between the mob and the ground for flying mobs, per mob template entry.
  5. Ah, that's a good idea!
  6. I think that just makes it not wander around, but it can still chase the player from its spawn point. Not quite what I'm looking for.
  7. 10. The ability to set a mob to be stationary. So the mob cannot roam and cannot chase the player. Example, a giant stationary plant monster that can only attack the player when the player is close enough to the monster.
  8. Kesarium

    My Opinion

    Thanks for the responses Sooms! I'm greatly looking forward to what the next update will bring.
  9. 9. I would like to be able to add more abilities than just an autoattack to mob templates. Maybe even have certain triggers or conditions for when the mob can use an ability.
  10. Awesome, I'll look into 7. and 8. soon and see what I can do with those.
  11. 7. I would like to see some items that could teach the user a skill. 8. I would like to see some items that could teach the user an ability.
  12. 6. I would like to see a way to set Mob Stats aside from a Stat's universal "Mob Values and Progression" fields. This currently does not allow for very unique mob stats for individual mobs.
  13. 5. I think it could be useful to have a boolean "Flee When Dying" that can be set on a mob template. When below x% health, the mob will flee from their attacker.
  14. 4. I think it could be useful to have a boolean "Flee When Engaged" that can be set on a mob template. This would make the mob not engage in combat, but flee from the attacker instead.
  15. 3. I would like to see a "Can Move While Casting" boolean option for when you are creating and editing Abilities. If you start casting a spell and then walk, it would cancel casting the spell if this option is not enabled.
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