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Everything posted by romaxjp

  1. @Killersan hello, for now it's paused. I am busy right now. I think I can start again from zero.
  2. hello new update: correct some bug: TimeLeft add: Speed download (kb/s, mb/s) add : executable name for execute your game. (in LauncherSettings.xml) download link: alpha 0.3
  3. you can use the same server as my website need to put in App->webroot->(your update folder) and you can access www.yourdomaine.com/app/webroot/(your update folder/) i think now update with big file work now. Add button on form: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/20/1463928156-launcherv0-2.png[/img] new update (alpha v0.2) : download
  4. I update the first post download link
  5. yes see in database.php in config: public $default = array( 'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => 'localhost', 'login' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'database' => 'master', 'prefix' => '', 'encoding' => 'utf8', );
  6. its supported, you have an error?
  7. Hello, some screen Launcher/updater: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/22/1464967433-launcher-0-3.png[/img] Make Zip and Xml: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/20/1463825046-makezip.png[/img] How To: For WebServer: -htdocs folder edit update.xml: VersionID= Your Version ID not use ".""-""_"... only number Link= Direct Link to your file.zip In Launcher folder: LauncherSettings.xml WebLink = Link to your website (html...) XmlLink = Your Update.xml Link latest.txt 999 its your current version of game. how it work: the launcher check you version in latest.txt and add +1 and see on your update.xml if it exist. exemple here: me version is "999": 999+1=1000 check if version "1000" exist on update.xml. if yes (as here) it will download the update. and after same work 1000+1 = 1001 : update 1001+1 = 1002 not exist = up to date. news 0.3 correct some bug: TimeLeft add: Speed download (kb/s, mb/s) add : executable name for execute your game. (in LauncherSettings.xml) download link: alpha 0.3 Make a don : Make a don (thank you)
  8. i answer you on message, i think i find the error, its googel security. go here: Google Less Secure App and need to be: Enable. I hope it Resole all SMTP Error. for people want translate: PoEditor Website
  9. yes i lost to set defaultl '0' to status in master->acccount->status its on server or your computer with xampp or other tool ? if on xampp need to configure sendmail. and see if is correct gmail account
  10. to arrestedgames for connect the website yes you can But atavism logs you can't i think
  11. Hello Thenk you HiCallMeAce for report bug. i correct all bug you say. website beta 17.05.2016v0.2 for smtp error, what you use (gmail or smtp) ? if gmail, correct your account name and not lost change your email un usersController.php un app->controller.
  12. Hello , news update: what's news: -Keygen System (generator & activation (for play)) -Shop (for buy currency(gold,silver...) game with Web Point, send to email system of atavism) -Buy Web Points with paypal. i will post later new screenshot. the link: Mediafire Make a don : Make a don (thank you)
  13. i update the link thank you
  14. User Game Key Activation http://i.imgur.com/3YgBMR6.png[/img] Admin All Keys and see if it use and user id http://i.imgur.com/0Z5jGh8.png[/img] Admin key Generator http://i.imgur.com/SBIYs0b.png[/img]
  15. news for the next update: activation key system Show all Key: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/atavismwebsite/images/8/86/Keygen.png[/img] generate Key: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/atavismwebsite/images/9/98/Keygen_generator.png[/img]
  16. Hello, i post my update link Download for my website in first post. new download link => Mediafire Link and new tutoriel link (wiki) Atavism Website wiki Post your review thanks
  17. Hello, sorry before little personal problem i think i will post new update sunday(24/04) or monday (25/04). I don't know the time.
  18. thank you now we can show email(s) from character(s) ^^
  19. put your file in 'app/webroot'. and the link to access file: http://yourlink.com/yourfile.exe you can make a 'download' folder in webroot and user this link to download: http://yourlink.com/download/yourfile.exe
  20. make a page for download? or direct download link ?
  21. sorry i don't know, because i don't know how it work (cloud server)
  22. hello, new screenshot: =>Server Log Auth: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/13/1459524981-server-log.png[/img] =>Server Log World: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/13/1459524982-server-log2.png[/img]
  23. hello, thanks looklzl news: ->item list: http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/12/1459102431-item-list.png[/img] ->item list ToolTip http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/12/1459102431-item-list-tooltip.png[/img] ->item Info http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/12/1459102430-item-info.png[/img]
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