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Everything posted by aquilina

  1. i was thinking about this my self, but was going to create my own Dynamic AI system based off events but was not sure how to get it working in game. could be done easily i think, but my only issue is getting it on the server. perhaps someone with server knowledge is willing to help out here, and others with plugin knowledge, perhaps something we can do as a community to share and help speed up some of this production. just some thoughts if anyone is interested, i got some ideas on how to make a Dynamic Ai system based on RPG elements. but can defiantly do with a lot more work.
  2. aquilina

    Weapon Slots

    literally a 1h weapon to have 3 uses Left hand, Right hand, one hand (One handed weapons can be used in either left or right hand without any restrictions)
  3. fixed the issues will post how i fixed them.
  4. Failed to connect to login server at localhost:9005 - System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. found out this is hats causing the error, it will let me create new accounts but not log in. tested with my phone tethered to my laptop I also have my firewall turned off for this on my main PC I think its my auth server I don't think it starts up properly.
  5. no i manually start Xamp to run it.
  6. hi i reboot PC and started server again and im getting the same error again auth is just stuck on avism.logs=../logs/master" Starting authentication server: SUCCESS Wait for finished initializing msg... ERROR [2015-01-15 15:33:45,684] main MasterServer.main caught exception atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: could not connect to database: com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to underlying exception: ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION ** java.net.SocketException MESSAGE: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect that was the only error in the log everythign else was Debug
  7. Found the file, these seem like relevant error's ERROR [2015-01-15 14:51:48,370] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'mobserver', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:51:48,755] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'arena', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:51:48,765] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'builder', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:55:51,200] main DomainServer listener java.lang.RuntimeException: TcpServer contructor bind failed at atavism.server.network.TcpServer.(TcpServer.java:22) at atavism.msgsys.DomainServer.start(DomainServer.java:248) at atavism.msgsys.DomainServer.main(DomainServer.java:135) Caused by: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind0(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Unknown Source) at sun.nio.ch.Net.bind(Unknown Source) at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketChannelImpl.bind(Unknown Source) at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(Unknown Source) at sun.nio.ch.ServerSocketAdaptor.bind(Unknown Source) at atavism.server.network.TcpServer.bind(TcpServer.java:59) at atavism.server.network.TcpServer.bind(TcpServer.java:38) at atavism.server.network.TcpServer.(TcpServer.java:19) at atavism.msgsys.DomainServer.start(DomainServer.java:248) at atavism.msgsys.DomainServer.main(DomainServer.java:135) ERROR [2015-01-15 14:55:56,505] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'wmgr_1', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:55:56,541] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'combat', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:55:56,882] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'instance', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:55:58,024] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'objmgr', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:55:58,449] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'login_manager', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:55:59,569] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'proxy_1', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:55:59,888] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'mobserver', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:56:01,098] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'builder', exiting ERROR [2015-01-15 14:56:01,100] MessageIO Duplicate agent name 'arena', exiting
  8. Starting domain server: SUCCESS Atavism server version 2.2.0 0 (- -) Starting wmgr_1 ... SUCCESS Starting combat server: SUCCESS Starting instance server: SUCCESS Starting object manager: SUCCESS Starting login manager: SUCCESS Starting proxy_1 ... SUCCESS Starting mob server: SUCCESS Starting arena server: SUCCESS Starting builder server: SUCCESS Wait for finished initializing msg... when i was testing on my own with local ip it worked fine and said ready to log in but not anymore since i tried to get it running online, under ativism_server_v2 logs there are 2 folders master & world which file did you want me to copy the last few lines out of
  9. ok i done that, opened up the extra ports, turned off my firewall and still nothing unable to login
  10. yes i have done that for both and still same result
  11. i had opened the ports 5040-5060 5090 9005-9010 i believe i may have done it right i will link an image i configured the content_admin_connection.ini Auth.properties world.properties but unsure if i did it correctly i used a DDNS Name for my IP which is what i put in there instead of my IP it self. still not workign when i try to log in says Unable to log in. and yes i did restart the server and start it back up again. Open Ports image https://www.dropbox.com/s/kw3do9nb8vb99wd/Open Ports.png?dl=0 File Configuration content_admin_connection.ini Auth.properties world.properties https://www.dropbox.com/s/gn1ox8zmbyykyvc/File%20Configurations.png?dl=0
  12. im sorry but i havent worked with this before, would you have an available material online for me to go through to set this up.
  13. sorry i wasnt sure where to put this, but i posted it on the unity forum and believe i would get a better response here, i wanted to connect ativism to a Hamachi just temporarily i have attempted this but didnt manage to get it to work i was wondering if anyone was able to assist me with this, or know of a free way to get it online for free, Hamachi was really just a free way i was looking for, only interested in having less than 10 people online at once for testing purposes.
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