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Todd Daniell

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Everything posted by Todd Daniell

  1. I was thinking about building a "Quest Board" into my game. Something like this: 1. The user would interact with an object "quest board". 2. Upon interacting with the object, a list or grid would be presented of local quests. 3. The user would be able to select/read quests. 4. upon accepting the quest, the quest would begin as it would from and NPC etc. I figured out how to start a single quest from an object, but not be able to select quests. If I could figure out how to load a list of quest types, the user could be presented a grid using Unity GUI. Can I get a hint to how this could be done in 10.5 or is this not possible a this time? Thanks for your help...
  2. I noticed that you just release 10.4 version of Atavism and I wanted to upgrade my Cloud Server that I am currently subscribed too. What do I need to accomplish this? Thanks
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