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Everything posted by Rikito

  1. Hello everybody, I have enough on my VPS Server Host system and forgive them nor free Projecte could have the future. Who has interest can feel free to apply with me via email. Please leave a Skype. And add in the subject Atavism sponsor. So I can sort this directly. EMail: info@myserverhost.xyz You will receive a full administration of the server via an interface. I would be only a back link on the home page if exists. Is not a must. best regards your Rikito
  2. I have no Translate in my Shop ^^ only the interface translate
  3. I host all my Files on the Hoster http://myserverhost.xyz he have nice pice
  4. Hi we are looking for our German game " Sign of Darkness " still interested modelers have items to design for our characters . But ingame objects are welcome . we you could not previously offer much as we can , the game only in the leisure development . but we may need to make money from it later then it will be divided among all . Anyone interested if he can feel free to contact me via Skype under robinlucas1988 Topic from use : http://forum.atavismonline.com/topic/1378-wip-sign-of-darkness/
  5. Good Work Feet further hope it will be even better
  6. UGui Support it's nice pls
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