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Everything posted by br20o0ly

  1. hi aizen what kind of pet you meaning ? i like to see a good pet system like you can summon/recall it from item or from stable pet can use skills and heals/buffs to help players to kill mobs let me add this to the list: 1-auction - this will make selling item very easy and stop spamming selling item on chat 2-effects when die - this will save a lot of work on making die animation for every mobs so you can use explode or suck to ground effect instead of animations 3-ladder system - look at video 4- dungeon under terrain- i build my dungeon but i can't enter to it! because the water collision cover all the map and there's no way to Exception some area 5- path transport - transport players in ship between islands 6- multiple xp/drops/golds 7- decals/tattos 8- spawn mob after mob killed 9- timed item / item change over time / use time when equipped 10- press shift to sprint 11-daily quest 12- reset password - email conformation
  2. good job and modern desgine i'm very exuited about this project
  3. i've done my uma but if it worth to buy i will buy it
  4. +1 i need this too
  5. thanks for shearing this this may help many people
  6. thanks for sharing this i had planned to do it with blender but that asset looks more easier
  7. try retexturing uma
  8. thanks this will be usefull
  9. i need it too but it doesn't matter how it late
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