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Everything posted by UltraTM

  1. Is it allready buyable or aviable to download or something? When not when do you plan on releasing it? Would be nice to play with it a bit and maybe make a nice template hehe Or do you plan to include an template designer or something? Greetings René P.S would be nice to inlcude something like the beta key system which should be in atavism then
  2. Races you only see when you have the Race pack from Thomas at the moment. With Atavism 2.3 it will be also in the changed script
  3. Look in the UMA Scene on your CharacterSelectCreate Object There are the Character Slots Races and Classes you need to setup them there also not only in the Atavism Editor.
  4. The list you have in your UMA Scene. There you also define your classes and Races
  5. Heres the script and how it need to look if you want to add an Button to select an Class with it. Attach this script to the Button. You can see an example setup in the Screenshot: The same for an Race:
  6. Hi Ace, yes of course also to set a button to choose the Race. Will make an Screenshot of it later when im at home. Its pretty simple and easy
  7. On the Asset Store? https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/search/uma There you find some stuff from Will B and also from Strongheart Studios
  8. I didnt tried it with the Free Version. But the Free Version is very old. So i dont think that it will work with it.
  9. Hello @ all. Now its Time for doing an own Topic for that. Here you will get the Stuff for Atavism using NGUI. At the moment its still under development. Whats going to be in the Package allready: 01. Login /Registration 02. UMA Char Creation 03. All Scripts you need for it. 04. Also all Scripts for Ingame are included allready but Scene is under development. I will release it when its on a state where you can play with it. Need to fix some ugly Bugs. As im not a scripter i need help. If someone can help it would be nice to finish it up together. What need to be done for Login/Register: 01. Nothing at the Moment What need to be done for UMA: 01. Character Slots = 8 but i can create Char 9 then Char 1 is gone. Means overwriting!!! (Need a Message like: You cant create more Characters) What need to be done for ingame: 01. NGUI Tooltips doesnt work everywhere 02. Bag Resize bug if you add a new bag you will dulicate the 1rst Item to all (need to relog to fix) 03. Sometimes some Bag Update Problems dont see items when added via command and such stuff 04. Move Items in bag not really works 05. Cant remove or replace Bags in the Bag Bar 06. Spells & Talents (Skills) missing 07. Chat missing 08. World Builder UI missing 09. Cause of Spells, Talents and Skills missing also missing to change them or remove them in the Actionbar 10. Display Currencys in Bag or somewhere else 11. At the Character Screen we need to display the Character (live) like in other Games to see what is equiped and such stuff Heres the Link to the Downloads: Downloads How it works: The NGUI Stuff Unitypackage will be the one with such a name: Atavism_NGUI_v1.0.1.unitypackage Version Numbers of course will change on Updates. In that package you get all Stuff for NGUI. Scripts, Atlas, Scenes. Then the changed Corefiles from Atavism: Extras_NGUI_Atavism_2.2.unitypackage Also there the Version Number Changes to each Atavism Version Number. That means you are using Atavism 2.2 you need the file called Extras_NGUI_Atavism_2.2.unitypackage. Then i provide a pack with a changed file if you use the Race pack from TomT to use the Races for UMA: Atavism_NGUI_Racepack_v1.0.unitypackage With this file you are able to create Buttons to change your Race with NGUI. Link to the Tutorial: Comes very soon I will update them as fastest as possible. Normally it should be updated until the new Version comes out cause im in the Testing Team of Atavism and can prepare the files before they get public. How to use: 01. Import NGUI to your project 02. Import the NGUI Stuff into your project 03. Import the Extra Stuff into your project 04. Take the new Scenes to use NGUI Thats it for now.
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