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Everything posted by droptopgames
we've actually go the ability to integrate payments for items into chaosplugin; it will not be on the initial chaospro release but its functionality we have on our to do list for the very near future. we've already done a lot of the server side code but no UI is preset for it yet. but it will let you have a store in your game to sell game items. also subscriptions for accounts is added. someone did ask me about apple store. I have added routines in the code to allow external access to add items but it will rely on a keyphrase to add items (if that makes sense)
(sorry to hijack your thread but rather than make a new one for the same thing !!) As per your request for ideas to help circumvent the hacks may I suggest having some portion of the code on the atavismonline server, which rotates with a randomized code (like the blizz auth code) in the core so it cannot be tampered with, which syncs with the server on a regular basis. The atavism editor simply calls our 'localized' atavism server to check if its been updated and locks the interface if it hasn't. This would also solve the issue of people like myself who work offline for large chunks of time as it can be set at a few days or even a week.
okay when we talk about AI, I think I need to clarify. Artificial Intelligence does not require the player to trigger an event to cause the combat. AI should be intelligent enough to make choices, attack a target based on its comparative level, do other things other than stand there waiting for something to happen. Responsive combat IS NOT Artificial Intelligence. Most of whats in place is a random chance combat. There is already a known way to bork the CombatAI in Atavism. I'm talking about extending that so that we get battlefield style combat, players being stalked by mobs for long distances; Being able to do other tasks like smithing when not being talked to; having commands at certain times of the day etc. NOT included with atavism currently.
Okay here is my input on the subject. The server side AI is simple enough if all parties can agree but even when we had the discussion here we couldn't actually agree on the best way to tackle it. We get half way there and then start finding holes. What specific AI scripts are we looking at; I note RAIN AI has been mentioned, but what specifically about RAIN makes it more impressive than say Advanced Fantasy AI Pack? I was looking to use a cross section but its a LOT of work to code so many different AI into the system which is why we originally looked at LUA script implementation so people could use a more comfortable language to code new AI. But i am heavily interested in adding AI into our ChaosPlugin, we already have weather, scheduling, music systems, I'm working on transports at the moment. Now would be the time to speak up
Please see my update in the Plugins / Chaos Plugin.
Yep the information is out there, someone just has to join the dots up and it will all be solved. And sweet irony upon irony the lovely hack folks made it possible to use the trinitycore lua so theoretically those libraries are available (with wow style combat already coded (whether completely working is a different story but the fact that we have a shortcut is great)
There was already one in existence. Just did a little more research on it and looking at adding it after I've done the one for SkyProject and made that accessible to folk. https://code.google.com/p/jnlua/
1) Reputation Table & Currency Table for Mobs 2) Tools : should be a separate section like Weapons as it has a lot of sub categories that could be expanded upon. We ourselves have already hit issues with defining items which are part of an ability to a skill. 3) Crafted Recipes : Allow Dyes & Allow Essences with no specific areas to define what is allowed, maybe have 3 "rows" of drop items and then have a separate section which will allow color dyes etc which customize the item given out eg. Item Plain White Shirt Enhancement.....Output Item Red Dye.........Red Shirt Blue Dye........Blue Shirt Ruby Gem........Ruby Buttoned Shirt 4) NPC currently has the ability to display a single currency for an item, so for more complex systems if I wanted to offer arena points (currency) as double the value of valor/honor points (currency) An over-complication of a fairly working simple system but its a thought ;P 5) Mailbox hook to show when mail has arrived graphically (to demonstrate how to pop an icon up to show the client has mail), I realize I can program my own but it kinda seems like the sort of thing that should serve as a good example plugin that shows how to send receive messages etc.
Hi Sooms Some things to note ... 1 = needs to know when the navmesh has transitioned from one terrain / navmesh to another 5 = need a hook from the server end to say that its completed sending all node/aoi details 6 = the world MUST be named MainWorld for atavism << still being a pain, I can't load a different scene first, so if the player is on the other scene it insists the player START on MainWorld. I have MainWorld, Zone2 as my two scenes added in build view. 7 = yeah, I think there is come confusion in the language used on atavism because I can see that theres a bag layout and slots, but it doesn't allow me to identify which bag an item goes to or which slot type (meaning if the bag can only handle leather etc). Also, if you set a stack and then rename the item it resets to 1. 8 = This is more of a niggle that I can't iron out, if anyone has any ideas how I work around the character moving causes it to RESET to unblended when it gets a server update. 9 = I don't know where in the code the SPAWN events occur. I basically need this for both spawning items and for mobs / players. I also wanted to revisit/remind you of the server broadcast messages etc. for server shutdown / restart (we had this conversation at the start and I keep forgetting to remind you guys.
To add to this I am wondering how the cloth simulation in 5.0 will be handled with atavism since technically its a moving mesh ?!?!
Hello All 1 = As previously mentioned, I was looking at using a collider trigger to do music & lighting effects based on the area the player has just walked into. Once again I've hit a nice roadblock that I'd love to see adressed. Currently if i walk from zone A -> B and there is some lighting changes i am doing this chop in chop out, but as we discovered when we try to transition between two zones by fading between the two its a lot harder, and since this would affect the day / night system I was wondering whether anyone has some clever work arounds or whether there is some feature that I might be looking toward. 2 = Quests triggered by an event such as entering a portal, by trigger plate (already previously discussed in support forum) or by calendar schedule such as holidays etc. << see wow 3 = Guild system have the ability to have its own NPC quest trees tied into guild points somehow (yes even we are still working that one out) 4 = Translucent GUI can be clicked through, even in the atavism demo if I have the inventory open, sometimes you can click right through to objects underneath. A more separated GUI overlay layer maybe neccessary ? 5 = We added a loading screen to try deal to the terrain loading in the background & objects being populated from the server before the player can move, would be nice to have a 'objects loaded' client event so I can load and unload the loading screen once its done on enter world 6 = Currently we have Login => Character Scene => World. I managed to get it so my music doesn't restart when switching from scene to scene but I also noticed that if I have sound effects just playing as the scene changes it gets stuck in the 'loop' mode during the scene swap, again this might just be number 5 again where i can just call objects loaded event and then stop all sounds. 7 = Current inventory is one bag. Can I have bag slots based on the bag type? I tried to figure this one out; I'm pretty sure its hard coded but I just haven't had time to worry about ongui stuff since it was said we could swap it out for ngui and then everytime I tried it either didn't work or the ngui version wasn't updated yet ... << sad life 8 = The terrible twos - UMA vs FBX vs landscape blending, I tried this out and the whole system just went spastic, when a player moved it kept switching between blended and non-blended, when I update health etc the UI flashes ... something i did wrong or another alpha feature ? WHAT I MEAN : I'm blending the edges of the models with the landscape based on the LAYER. 9 = Objects need to be faded in when spawning, I assumed eventually this might be done but just in case where exactly does one find the entry for spawned items, mobs is obviously in the mob/character controller.
I prefer it this way !!! At least you can see what one person is thinking, unlike me posting every other feature request in the support forum willy nilly
This is another one of those trigger events, like I was saying to sooms As you walk within the radius of the NPC it triggers dialog text which rolls through randomly. It can also be used for prompting secret quests etc; where the quest doesn't show until the player is in close radius.
My problem Dakora is that we're inexperienced with UMA, and there's no ~training facility~ that we can send our guys to aside from youtube to learn more about how they need to model the joints etc. our guys are good but the models they made don't seem to want to work with uma. We are trying to convert our models to UMA based models. And I mean ALL of them need to be converted. I was hoping I could fast track dev by buying a package so we can get on with building the atavism side and then just swap out the models once Boyd gets his head around the UMA stuff but if we're wasting our money I have no option but to waste more time getting him up to speed... just really annoying that I can't just drop another character generator system in and continue working; as I've said to neojac before everything is too inter-wound into the demo for me to clearly see what parts I need to take out to remove UMA and (ngui) to implement other systems
Ordering next week for sure, I had a stuff around trying to transfer models to uma and just went 'ahh bugger it I'll just buy someone else's and then I can see how it works' lol. I need a bottle of vodka just to translate half the text from the UMA documentation; and working another full time job as well isn't helping either. waaaaaaaaaaaay too busy
I was literally just coming to see if someone had a framework already done up. I was going to make one that integrates with drupal and then thought about it and went 'hack friendly' and was going to just do some api scrounging but since you're already way ahead of me; do you need some beta testers???
There are a whole host of LUA scripts from UDK that you can use in atavism if I ever get around to building an AGIS script to convert them, I'm working on this myself but at the moment I don't have the time to get indepth with it and my job is slowly eating my life away so ... I need to get rid of my job so I can focus !!!!