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Everything posted by AlanGreyjoy

  1. What package is that?
  2. AlanGreyjoy


    *super duper DUPER happy face*
  3. AlanGreyjoy


    Will coord effects also be fixed? Only a particle effect will work when you actually click on the node and not harvest it. Coord animations will not work for nodes *super duper sad face*
  4. An anime mmo... That sounds pretty darn cool!
  5. I can wait for it. Good things happen to those that wait
  6. Dude... if you can pull this off and make it look good. I will buy it and I'll fly to you, and make you an omelet :cheer:
  7. AlanGreyjoy


    That's not a bad idea. Those are everyone's favorite quest I think lol. I did notice one bug though, dialogue to a quest is broken..
  8. Voted for 100-120
  9. Jesus dude.... one post lol
  10. I don't really care when you add it or what it's priority level is lol. Just wanted to know if it was in the future plan. All good things come in time
  11. I was wondering about that too... Would or will atavism have an auction house?
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