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Now a days I use Unity less, my kids use it more... since I retired from the client, studio life, so I no longer work with Atavism as I once did. I had two clients that used it over the years.. I use Unreal in the past and for a current project so Unity don't interest me as much, but to teach the little ones. So I bought a copy years back , I also bought upgrades to support you Martin, as you are doing a great thing for small companies, new users, and many others.. So I thought I may update my account as I did last year come Black Friday... but I would like to know, are you guys ever going to add range stuff ? I plan to in time let my kids use it for learning as well.. Main reason I would upgrade it, but I know we always hear range will come, I had clients that where always asking about it and others, but we never seen it. So I was wondering is it ever going to come? in the next year atleast even if its super basic... something . I know there kinda is something, I seen it, but its near useless as it stands, I had to recode it for a client years back.. it was a bit of work. I don't have that time anymore to do that, so it would be great to have something there for teaching the little ones as they break into the industry.. Thanks. By the way thanks for refactoring the code, its alot better now a days than in the past. I have not looked at it in awhile until recent, it looks alot better. PS: I have not been on your Discord in well over a year, so I tend to come here for updates and your site sends me updates, so please keep doing that, other wise, alot of us, would never know what is going on..
Congrats Martin on release!! Prolly the best version you guys released yet. ( to bad I don't use Atavism anymore since I retired and my current work is in Unreal, I still watch how this is progressing. So, I wish it the best! This version, is a huge step up for users! Nice work.
Martin (Dragonsan) reacted to a post in a topic: Dungen or Dungeon Architect
I have an old client, that is making a game with Atavism, I used to do work for him for his game. ( Retired from client work today). but he uses this same asset. What I had did for him, was, treat each map like ATAVISM does now.... but, if you want it to load different maps, add these to the server, set a number for each one you want loaded. Now if you add different mechanics, and such that is another story. But he had me add the ability to be able to have it load random maps, so we treated this and used a number from 1-100.. So it would let DA asset. make generate the random maps . Then have atavism load in the maps once created.. So do most of the work outside of ATAVISM and make the connections needed IE, loading different maps. Right now Atavism loads its current maps. Just make it so you can load, the maps randomly generated by DA. Keep it simple. Making a game in Unreal, using DA myself, I used DA since the early days... break it down, in terms of how DA works.... and go from there.. for say a single player, then think of say how multi player works , and make the connections, according.. Alot of people start just tossing code together, and not understanding how something works. . So I always tell anyone i'm helping to learn how the code works, asset works, or tool works, then break it down to simple forms, and then add according.. Don't try to add to much at first , add the basics.. later add more as you understand things...
Yup, I just wanted to make sure, that my feed back was added about the comments. Since its seems fairly scattered. Thanks for info.! Code refactoring - NOT STARTED Ya, commenting is something, I recommend even before refactoring, when folks are using/reading your code. As you know development for users takes a lot of time, so I recommended this as well, since its easy to do, and since it can be done, while, waiting for refactoring. (Remember, experience users are using ATAVISM and digging through source . So if you can do this as you are programming in general in the future that would be great, is what we are asking, Otherwise, this will cost developers much more time and those being contracted ( alot more money) to get done. No worries about being behind, not to worried about updates, this is more or less about commenting, something that takes a few seconds to do. This can save a person paying a contractor a lot of money since we have to take a bit of time to tear into this. So, if in the future any released code , even if not refactored if you could do this, that would be wonderful.. I had to charge someone extra, for having to spend more time tearing through the new combat. Which took me longer than normal.. Which if comments was there, that would of not happen. Other scripts where acceptable. Even if its a few words, thats acceptable. PS: programmers, should always be commenting as they are coding. Huge Pet peeve of mine anyways just some feed back I hope to see in the future.. ( not worried about refactoring right now.) Thanks Recon
Hi Martin, I had messaged you privately, but not sure how much you check the Unity forums. So, I was wondering if its possible, if you guys can do a better job with commenting out, some of the combat scripts atleast? in the source... I don't want to comment on much else, as I did so privately. This would help folks out, on reading such scripts in a timely manner. You have in some areas, but its pretty scattered . I would like to see this more, as you know making games, reading others coding, can be timely, and trying to make it out... can be a job of its own, most other areas, seem pretty straight forward.. But the new combat scripts, no offense, need some clean up, and refactoring. But if you can atleast add more comments, users who do, edit add custom work for others, would be helpful. ( Shouldn't take more than a few mins, and short sentence, comments as you did else where is perfectly acceptable . Thanks ! PS: in the future, when you refactor, try and use less, if else, using a enums, interface, and even switch statements for using JAVA 7 etc this would make the code also much more readable... but for now, atleast add more commenting. and that would be enough for most of os us, until you guys get the time to refactor. Thanks again for understanding.
nah I have my own server for testing, and start, its the later date that what I was concerned about, if I made something larger but I was thinking of also making something else smaller scale like Gloria Victus 1/4 scale of what that game is. , but was more of less looking for a short cut for some of the net coding aspects. I have used Photon and made our own as well in the past when I worked with my networking partners. Now I'm not working with them so I was more or less looking for, a short cut. Thanks for the suggestion. I was surprised to not see anything long term, since when making an MMOROG, you need to be thinking long term.. I worked on a smaller indie, MMORPG which is still out today, and the server costs is what hurt the most. and yes needed alot of power, so that is why I wanted to make something about a 1/4 scale of a true MMORPG. even if not an RPG 4 player co-op, or something that is more or less a 100 players per server. Not interested in a huge scale MMORPG, I know what is involved and its a huge task, that takes years to make with a team.. I have no interest in that at all anymore.: That is fine I will just keep Atavism as a base to keep my net coding skills up and just use it as just that to finish making my own. so for now I WILL just use ATAVISM as a tool to learn from on the net coding side which was always my weakness. I have all the other areas covered.. Unreal I was able to easily create my own networking , and using the new EOS that Epic has released. I have done the same with Steam in the past as well , but I was more or less looking to short cut some of the heavy lifting , for Unity that don't seem that will happen. ( it was worth a try.) PS: I normally don't buy kits since most are useless to me, and more for newbies and users to who lack the skills. So sadly, Atavism may be a bust for me. I mainly wanted it to short cut some of the net working and to learn from. on the net coding side. and since I'm working alone. but Keep up the good work anyways. it don't seem to be what I need. I will still dig into it and such, in the future , if I ever want to make such a game. ... but MMORPG's aren't as popular and I wasn't really interested in making one. ( I worked on two before and both released ,they are a huge under taken, I was hoping to be able to make something smaller with Atavism. Oh well...\ I have all of the RPG stuff coded, custom data bases, inventory, quests etc over the years. with Unity.. So that RPG kit you mention, is more or less for someone starting out. a non coder. I been a programmer for 30 years, so I will just need to take the time to push my net coding skills now since I never had the time as much before so I will still dig into Atavism and use it possible as a tool push my net coding skills and just do some stuff from my home server to get some use out of it. Other wise it sounds like it don't be worth making anything with it, that i'm interested in anymore. I ran a community for MMORPG 's for over 17 years, its not what it was anymore sadly.... the social aspects and games like Asheron Call, Ultima, even if made today, kids today would never play, because they want thing handed to them, SO honestly, I recommend to think about having Atavism in a way folks can make other kinds of games . Having the non target combat is a good start. Fallen Earth, was a fun MMOROG, and it has guns, and melee. Mortal Online, 1, and 2 is releasing soon is a fun one as well, all are sand boxes. but for a solo person, no way could I afford thousands in server costs. Which is part of a problem for these larger games. So just a thought I could see other leveraging parts of Atavism for other kinds of games. if the networking was there. EVEN in a generic level. I know you had said before it could be done, but not out of the box. so I will still look into it, to see if I can still leverage it Some how, most things in Atavism as far as plug ins I would not use anyways. I wanted more or less for the back end, networking side. My opinion you did a great job Martin not bashing you of course, disappointed it may not be a good fit for what I planned to do possible. I recommend to have Atavism is a way that other game types can be made, for experienced coders, artists as well, since most games devs are experienced coders or artist, but lack the net working skills. That is what is the most common. Alot of my net coding ex-partners, where terrible artist and could not design to save there lives, but where fantastic net coders. So if Atavism found that middle ground, I think it could blow up to be 100 times more popular that it already is. I have no regrets that I bought it. before and even paid Maint, so I will still get some use out of it some how. but more disappointed I may not be able to use for any of the games I had planned. So its what I recommend. and having the non target combat is a good start. But I would consider, targeting other genres as well possible. Alot of folks want to make games with out a DS.. Since its so costly.
Hi, I seen you guys have a company you recommend now which is cloud base. Now cloud base hosting always has bothered me in the past and been not reliable for MMORPG. Now I will admit its been a bit since I messed with cloud base. So my question. What are users using for the typical Atavism games now. Which hard ware, and which company. I know this can depend on resources, and so forth, but you can give me a broad reply, just to give me an idea. I have ran some decent size games from my basement for years and also know of Steam games that also do. So, its something I do for testing regardless, and even had for production. But I had used some companies in the past for larger scale MMO's . But, its been awhile since I worked on some larger scale games and messed with these hosting companies, so what are you recommending to your users these days. From more of a low end and higher end type game. I have used Game lift, AWS, but some of them can get expensive. So, curious if you happen to know some less expensive hosting and reliable ones as well. Which has US hosting and EU hosting, which is the two I plan to support. Thanks. Does Atavism require a dedicated server?? or has anyone used Steam SDK ?? ( I have used Steam for other games, SDK) That is for match making and so forth. I been thinking of making a 4 player co-op type game and using Atavism. but not interested in running a dedicated server, unless I can find one cheap enough. but strong enough for my use. any thoughts ? ( I rather not to save costs. ) also do you have any users, using Atavism, just to make RPG's rather than an MMORPG? just curious. :PS i'm not much of a backend guy, more of a front end, so that was another reason I had gotten ATAVISM, to expand some of my experience more on the networking side. since I'm more of a programmer and artist, not a net coder, but I been trying to spend some time to learn this more. . so any suggestions for the above questions would be great.
Unreal don't need that many assets or any, after 15 years of using it, I own ZERO a big fat goose egg and I use way more than Unity.. Unity I own prolly about 200..and maybe 5 are good to decent.... Unreal has most of it built in, and we have source to make our own stuff, fast...with out needing to wait for an update like we do with Unity. Also, 5% most pay less..and if you release on there store...Steam you pay 30%..... if you release on Unreal store and use the engine, you pay a total of about 13% total....this includes that %5.... Where if you release a game on Steam with Unity its 30% and way more..... as a developer we are releasing on Unreal store first , this includes our Unity game plus our Unreal games...so keep this in mind.... I have used both engines professional extensively and anyone else who has, will tell you, you spend much less time in Unreal, and less money... due to not needing to hire people, or buy assets..... and less headaches.... I use both today extenstively and I curse way more when building larger worlds in Unity and always making a new tool due to the engine lacking it....or needing to buy it...Unreal I made a hand full and own zero..Unity I made about 16 tool and own 200 or so...and right now needing to make two new tools.... as much as I still like Unity.... Unreal is still much better in nearly every regard. but I still have love for Unity ..... So this would only help any developer. I talk to some people to try Unreal and actually use it for a few months most never come back to Unity. So this can only help Avatism. at the end of the day... as Unreal could really use something like it, most assets I would say no..it don't need it... This one, I would say yes. Yes they have some built in tools....but not all for an MMORPG. so this would sell well... and people would not throw a fit about cost...
Np. Ya I can understand that. I say that, because so many do, with Unity assets, and this can be annoying, and a huge waste of time. I know your serious. due to the time you put in. but some people have surprised me and went a different way. Which has caused problems for me and people I worked with before. so I'm always skeptical, when it comes to anything.. until I see it in action. I wish you speedy and successful release for Unreal. !
Recon reacted to a post in a topic: Atavism for Unreal Engine
Recon reacted to a post in a topic: Atavism for Unreal Engine
Recon reacted to a post in a topic: Atavism for Unreal Engine
Recon joined the community
hI I post as Recon in the channel a lot. I been a game developer since the 1990's I can tell you from experience, That many users would want it for Unreal, I work with many companies, investors, who refuse to use Unity anymore, due to its poor support and many assets that are not supported properly or tested in real games. Now I'm a Unity user and will always continue to do so. as I like the engine, but I do find myself using Unreal more, I have for over 15 years, Unity about 10 or so. I find Unreal to NOT need any assets or as many... this is a good thing as many things are built into the engine....You also get the source, Unity we don't... If you make a game with Unreal its 5% and lower....many pay about 1-2 % if they are lucky.. I won't say how I know, but you can ask for your self:) They do custom licenses... and most of the time much less. I been using Unreal as I said 15 years and I own ZERO assets and make some of my own. .. The reason is most of what is needed is built in.. and properly tested by AAA games and other companies... This is a huge bonus. right now we have two games being made, Unity one and Unreal, both are open world.... In Unity Right now we spent about 2 grand more in tools made, hired people to make tools, we spent way more time making tools needed.. and we started about the same time, the Unreal game is nearly a year ahead. So these are my experiences and examples of why I like Unreal.. Now why you guys should support Unreal. Unreal users, typically don't mind paying for quality at all...No offense, some Unity users do.. Clearly ones here do not. but World Creator is about 300 dollars and they even found more customers are willing to pay for quality assets, where SOME Unity users won't so I see way more Unreal users over there than Unity . . So this can only benefit you guys. This can also benefit Unity users by having experience Unreal users on Discord helping other members....so it will make a community that much better and bigger at the end of the day.. as everyone can reach there end goal which is to make a good game. I'm also in business, so I think this could help you in that area, which could help fund, Unity even more so, and Avatism as a whole... PS: This was not to bash Unity. I like Unity due to its Editor and I met some great people over the years.. but professional I use Unreal way more. due to reasons I stated. Unity struggles with Open World games, and anyone who made a large game before knows, Unity can be annoying to work with and many assets as well. So having something good like Atavism, would benefit both engines. at the end of the day and the company as a whole as I was saying. so I hope you consider it . This would make me want to invest as it would show me how serious you guys are, with helping actually game developers......because many assets I feel ignore actually game developers, and only worry about making a fast buck.... Which is a turn off to many investors, companies and people who do make games for a living. Thanks for reading. Recon.