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Posts posted by bbautista

  1. Hey guys I just found a good asset to use with Atavism. Lets keep this thread going. If you know of any assets that can be used with atavism that doesnt break it..please paste the link store address below.


    Heres mine


    Compass Navigator Pro (works well drop and go)



  2. the service software didnt require to create a bug tracking page for your pleasure..but hey you can sit here and argue your point all you want. youll be arguing with yourself. I personally not into going back and forth on a forum just so can get that last word in ...

  3. you want a bug tracking page? seriously? there is a forum for bugs, and issues etc.. if it means so much to you.. go buy a webpage and call it .. "post here for bugs" but everyone since the beginning has posted bugs.. and you can post bugs all day long.. they are not getting fixed anytime soon unless someone decides to post bug fixes in the forums.. so yeah..

  4. im sorry your bug tracking tool post was more important than my paid cloud service im not getting but Neo wasnt answering my other post and i saw opportunity to get his attention to see if i could possibly get this fixed.. I guessed wrong.. oh well.. its money they lose i guess

  5. Interesting...ok I can take care of that right now


    On my end it says its active?


    OK! since i dont have no way to contact you directly I will keep posting on here and tell everyone my business. I need to update my credit card information for the cloud.. and it says its active.. Could you please fix it for me.. thank you.. day 4 and still down.. because I cant get help from anyone

  6. ok dont mean to come off rude.... what is this????? is it a finished product? what does it do? Can we download it.. I just keep seeing these screenshots of stuff... and im not sure if you are just showing off what you created or its a finished product and I dont see a place to download it ... can you add a bit of insight of what this is exactly?

  7. Can you maybe help with the password saving.

    i took the same script but since it reads the text field and the password is only stars it doesnt work.



    Would be awesome :)


    Even a step further a script that will save username and password.. my fingers are breaking off seriously

  8. Not sure if this has been reported yet.. If you make a node for harvesting and you go in game and chop wood, and go through the normal coordinating effects and collect your resources., hit space.. it will auto collect more resources without going through the coordinating effects.

  9. AI!!! Im grateful to have the spawner that i have.. but the spawner is so general..


    Need to have a spawner that has...


    Boss Spawner

    The ability to make spawner mobs fear when they attack

    wave spawner

    Random spawner to choose from a list of mobs...

    oh and one more thing.. a spawner that will seek out players... or an item in game... that has a heat map

  10. Nevermind got it working.. just took the check mark off the collider and kept the trigger on.. as far as changing the fonts.. you can change the fonts on the canvas in the error part

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