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About kobaltic

  • Birthday 12/13/1978

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    Pennsylvania, USA
  • Interests
    Video games, programming, business, baseball

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  1. I think you should post on the Unreal engine forums to see if people want it. It is two different markets and you are asking your current Unity market if they want an Unreal version. Try to get information from an untapped Unreal market. I love Unity but it sucks for large scale games with out adding in a ton of modification.
  2. I live in Pennsylvania, United States.I am not against to working with people outside the USA. Heck you might have a better tax bracket. I thought my profile was setup. I guess it isn't. Thanks.
  3. I am looking for someone with an interest in starting a corporation. I would like someone who knows some things about businesses and maybe even have started one or two. You should at least understand what a business system is and how important they are to a business. Cash flow should be a term you are familiar with. I want to start a video game company. Make a small vertical slice of a game (prototype). Go after funding by equity crowd sourcing (NOT reward crowd sourcing such as Kickstarter). I am going after enough money to support the project full time for the partners. I just don't have enough time to work on it part time. Plus it is what I love. Since learning agile for programming I have decided to use agile to reach my goals. In simple terms it is breaking down large tasks into manageable chunks and setting a deadline. I am expecting to go after funding in about six months time. As for the project I am open to just about anything that I believe will make money. I only ask for a polished product. I do have a sci-fi mmorpg started if you wish to go that route. About me: I have ran 6 business. Most of them failed. Most failed do to lack of marketing. One failed do to lack of being bonded. I understand what it takes to run a business. I have helped several successful business owners with running their businesses (family businesses). I am a programmer by day and by night. I love to program. I also do level design. I have more details on business systems, business models and cash flow projections. If you are serious I will share them with you.
  4. +2 I know 2.6 was big. If 2.7 is a much smaller update with a quicker release I could wait for that update
  5. Chasle you are making me happy this week.
  6. Just to note. I tried the pause menu and to bring the player back to the log in page. It worked but had errors. I think there should be some server commands ran prior to doing this. I am not sure if the player does anything in the current world prior to leaving it. I am also wondering if AGIS will allow access to this.
  7. I would like to see a range for the mob respawn time instead of one value. I think players would catch on and know when to show back up for the mob to spawn again. I think a range would be better then have the server pull a random value in that range.
  8. You can get UMenuPro for $10 USD. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/32374 I know it is more money but it is easy to use. I added to another game that I made from scratch and it fit right in. I think I made about 3 changes (not including changing the graphics) to make it work perfect. I actually think I will add it into Atavism and give it a shot. I also use pause menu for the in game menu (you don't actually have to pause the game) https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/29218 The two of them work great together.
  9. I think rain AI was chosen as it is free. Which also means it will probably have a bigger customer base to help support it. As for AI. I think most stuff is already there. The biggest thing I would like to see (and it may already be in there) is AI against AI. Example: Our hero player arggos an enemy AI and runs back to the castle. When he arrives the AI gate guards come running out and defeats the enemy to protect the castle and of coarse our player.
  10. Any updates?
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