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  5. Hi, I am new to Atavism, I followed the video on youtube on how to set up cloud server with KS Web, when I get to the test connection phase, it fails to connect to the database. I have attached a screen capture of the error message.
  6. Hello, I did't purchase a license, the first thing I want to learn is Atavism and Metin2, Knight Online etc. Can I make mobile games? I don't know the c# c++. I am familiar with the Unity interface as a beginner. I think there were Metin2 files before. Are there packages? In the "Atavism X On-Premises Standard" package, Allows "1000 Concurrent Users", what exactly does this mean? (Don't mind my bad English 😁) Thanks in advance
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  9. When i first try it works fine, the second time it cannot connect and it shows ETIMEDOUT database connection error
  10. Fantastic. I just checked out the repo. I will look deeper tomorrow and see what you got exactly. First thought is I wanted to separate each plugin into separate container so that logging is easier to inspect cause right now with all in one its complete chaos. And I see you already have it on your roadmap there. I think that before moving to orchestration more important goal would be to get it to place where it provides smooth development experience locally first, like clarity of log inspection. Also, I've setup a pretty good workflow for VS code to trigger `agis.jar` build and linking on File save with VS code. I think if we combine it with appropriate docker restart we could achieve hot reload for the Atavism server on file save. I think it's essential for solid dev velocity. Extracting JAR from eclipse, copying files and manually restarting Atavism server all the time is a killer. One thing that worries me though is the overhead of containerizing all the services. I currently work on a different project with about 13 different containerized docker services and it proves to be quite heavy for engineers with slower machines plus a big disk space hog - docker tends to do that from my experience, although I'm defo not a docker expert so maybe can be optimized some way.
  11. I would love to combine our efforts, I see a need for this to be a truly distributed service and not a single container. I wanted to split up the `auth.sh` and `world.sh`, as they launch about I think it was 8+ different services I wanted to containerize using compose, then move to Kubernetes, Azure Container Apps, or AWS. https://github.com/delconis/atavism-server-docker
  12. Hey. I prepared a setup to run Atavism Server in a docker container. Repo here: https://github.com/ArturMoczulski/atavism-server-docker/ Hope this helps some of you guys. I think this setup is much easier than manual installation or VirtualBox.
  13. I understand, but until the product is not ready, we won't provide any ETA. You can see how even big companies that are producing AAA games like CD Projekt RED or Blizzard, delayed their products due to issues they had, so you can try to predict something, and add time, but it can always be not enough. In this case, I won't give any potential false hope, unless it will be ready or nearly ready, like the last 5%. Even though I know it's not sufficient, all I can say is that it's in progress and going forward.
  14. What can I say, I know you cannot release a none finish product has company, but waiting another 5 year it's not profitable, All the asset who I buy around Atavism become old too, I think you understand my point. I don't want loose everything by standing in the black night.
  15. It's going forward nicely, but I don't want to share anything that is not polished enough, or in development state. I hope that we will have some elements to share I'm not sure what you mean, currently, our game is on hold due to the amount of work on Atavism. It wasn't about coding remotely. When we hired a company, and devs started to catch covid, some couldn't work. Dev also has family that he/she has to take care of in various situations. It's your choice. We are not promising any timeline related to Unreal, but we are working on it, and I hope we will be starting sharing things one after another soon. Things in Atavism, like in any MMO game, are connected to each other, we have many elements ready like items, and combat, but not mobs, so they are just cubes. We don't want to share something that even is functional but not fully appealing.
  16. 5 year later still nothing? Everything is coding developed on house computer Are you making game with unity money license? (covid?) that strange every school during covid has been made online. Sorry for that but am a paying member who waiting to start on Unreal or other engine! Do I need to stop paying or what.
  17. To be honest, we haven't used the Salsa package, but probably it's all about matching bones somehow. As far as I remember Orc and other race models should be rigged as humanoid, so maybe there is just an additional bone or something.
  18. I'm using using 2023.2.7f1 and Salsa 2.7 lip sync and trying to get the Orc race to work. For HumanMale and female no issues, but Orc is having issues and given an issue with the expression set when you run a scene. Any advice?
  19. Could you tell me what exactly to sharpen your attention to? P.s I figured it out thanks for the quick response)
  20. Camera that is not rendering layer where texts are. Check if you can see texts in the scene view, if so, then it's camera setting.
  21. Hello everyone, I would like to clarify this point. Everything works great, but there is no information about the players, namely the nickname, title, guild - nothing. There is also no NPC name above his head, what could be the matter?
  22. It's really hard to say if something is simple or not as it heavily depends on your skills. There are many developers who are implementing changes and new features into Atavism, but it's really hard to answer your question precisely.
  23. So far I am loving the cloud server, it works really well!
  24. You can even have guilds have their own realm/space which I thought was pretty interesting. Create like a fairytail type guild where players get certain benefits maybe, lots of creative options.
  25. Makes a lot of sense, I can see how there would be some limitations in how far one could stretch Unity3d, although like you said Dragon there are some things that are easier to do in Unity3d then in Unreal and C# is a pretty easy language to pick up especially if you used Java in the past(the language syntax is very similar)
  26. There really isn't a limit in what you can do, it's more a matter of time and your general ability. You can program pretty much everything you can do in Unity3d in Atavism, the difference being in how you send updates to the server for multiplayer since the client and server are separated. Could absolutely have airships I would think, not quite sure how that might work if that would be a giant mount or not, or how that would be tracked server side but seems possible.
  27. Thanks for all of your help. I was able to identify the issue using the debug method you provided here. It seems that something in the Interactions part of the database was causing the issue. It is now fixed and working perfectly. I will definitely be using the debug settings much more in the future. I was racking my brain trying to find a way to pinpoint the issue and completely over-looked the debug settings in world.properties. Thanks again for all of your help.
  28. Change server log level to debug. To do so go to the worlld.properties configuration file, and change it there to 1, default value is 4. ### ### The default log level of the server. ### ### AO-Level log4j Level ### 0 TRACE ### 1 DEBUG ### 2 INFO ### 3 WARN ### 4 ERROR ### atavism.log_level=4 So, set it to 1, restart the server, then reproduce the issue, craft something, pack all logs from the atavism_server/log/world directory, and send them to support@atavismonline.com with this forum post link. Also, after you modified your recipes, are you sure that you restarted your server?
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