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About Warborn

  • Birthday October 9

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  1. The facts and not childish insults and name calling are helpful.
  2. UMA 2.7 Final release stage, as in not the RC. Not a final version of UMA. Not that hard to Gather really.
  3. It was always designed and supported for Linux, a lot of people just used Cygwin because Linux is scary or something and were requesting a way to run it under windows at home. I always found it easier to run and support on a cloud vps or VM using Linux, the way it was designed to run. I am Windows Systems Engineer by trade and not a Linux admin by any means but the basics were not that hard to learn and there is plenty of information on the web, a quick google search will get you past most issues.
  4. Perfect, but.. for those of us that already run the server on a Linux host i assume there will be a regular upgrade path, not just a pre-packaged VM.
  5. Everquest style could work, you start with a single unique name, then later a surname is added which is basically visual.
  6. He never released it, said he created one, never shared it then bailed out. Unistorm integration would be a great thing
  7. Ok, thanks for the quick responses.
  8. Morning, What Apanel? The one at Neojacks site is the only Apanel I see and do not see a RC1 there. Sorry if I am not seeing something obvious.
  9. Let me start off with nothing against sooms, I know you have had issues and feel for you man, and I know you have tried but its a huge under taking for one coder so you have always had my respect for what you have gotten done. Having said that, Now were are stuck with a virtually unusable software with most of the features in but not finished let alone working correctly, no support other than other users, no plan to actually finish what we paid for let alone the common sense progression of bringing on another programmer or two to finish. I bought into this thing at the very beginning with high hopes an MANY promises, now its looking like just this side of vaporware as its not even close to being finished let alone any announced plan to do so. So it was a total waste of money let alone years of broken promises and time wasted. Sorry but I expect things I pay for to work, as promised. If I bought a toaster that you could put bread in but it did not toast the bread would I be satisfied? Would I expect my money back for the broken, unfinished product? Hell yes I would. Yes, the package I got was a little under $400 but I invested thousands in other things in the hopes of being able to build something out of this as we were promised, many times over many years. There was such promise in this package and still is if the developer would pull his head out of his ass and actually so something with it, hell he can barely bother himself to even post on the forums anymore, and by developer I am NOT referencing Sooms, I know he has done his best but it was way too much for one person. I am so glad I quit wasting my time on this Failure
  10. Oh ok, sorry, haven't used it in a while. Used to be so easy to setup... shame
  11. Its been a while but all I did was add it to the default camera and it worked fine after some adjustment. but you have to add it to the camera of every scene. The part I never got working was the sync between players.
  12. What happened? This new setup is horrid.
  13. Thank you, that would be greatly appreciated.
  14. The EULA that has yet to be seen so technically does not exist?
  15. I would like to see this document, have been using this thing since the beginning and have never seen let alone agreed to any form of EULA
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