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  1. So far I am loving the cloud server, it works really well!
  2. You can even have guilds have their own realm/space which I thought was pretty interesting. Create like a fairytail type guild where players get certain benefits maybe, lots of creative options.
  3. Makes a lot of sense, I can see how there would be some limitations in how far one could stretch Unity3d, although like you said Dragon there are some things that are easier to do in Unity3d then in Unreal and C# is a pretty easy language to pick up especially if you used Java in the past(the language syntax is very similar)
  4. There really isn't a limit in what you can do, it's more a matter of time and your general ability. You can program pretty much everything you can do in Unity3d in Atavism, the difference being in how you send updates to the server for multiplayer since the client and server are separated. Could absolutely have airships I would think, not quite sure how that might work if that would be a giant mount or not, or how that would be tracked server side but seems possible.
  5. Interesting stuff you are working on 3DOmelette. I am currently working on doing something similar but as a plugin for IPB Community suite. I am curious where development for this project is at?
  6. If you are going to write a long tutorial, I would recommend writing in Microsoft word or Open office(if you can't afford word) and saving it before posting it. This is always a good practice in general, that way if the forums were to ever go down you would still have your tutorial written and could still share it.
  7. I would recommend either cloud hosting or getting a Linux or Windows VPS to host your server on. You are going to want to have everything either on the same box or the same lan and chances are your home internet unless it is a business internet connection is not going to do the trick. Currently I am using a windows VPS because some web development I am doing is in ASP.NET and C# instead of PHP.
  8. Are your team members still on vacation?
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