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Everything posted by UltraTM

  1. Hi, yes this can be changed to an other email adress
  2. Thats why i wrote make an offer. Getting more and more less for the invested money...
  3. Do you prefer VoxelFarm then or TerraiEngine ? Terrain Engine is for me a really massive thing. Maybe you could contact the dev and write with him a bit. Would be really nice to be able to use it with atavism. It would bring him also a lot of sales i think. Of course i like to buy it. But then i need to be able to use it. Bought so much stuff and could never use it^^ i think i had you also on skype my skype name to add is: eliteultra if you like to talk about something with TerrainEngine or other things.
  4. VoxelFarm is kind of hard to integrate since its normally an voxel world creator only most of the things. And for the price you have not so much features with the lowest one. Thats why i was always looking for Terrain Engine and now baam an price which is buyable. I was always crying with the 10.000 bucks before for the only source code edition
  5. Yes the price was also my thing before. But now with 199 bucks its really ok for that massive terrain engine it is so awesome. The physics the trees fall and so on.
  6. +1 to see this for atavism. im interesting if you are maybe also avialable for an custom job to integrate TerrainEngine into Atavism. i will buy the TerrainEngine end of this month. The performance and all is very very nice. Playing with an test version from the dev at the moment. To also see this engine working with atavism would be a huge boost to atavism. (Maybe also work in claims to flatten the terrain and so on) Since it is now also possible to buy the simple closed source version for normal use for 199 Dollars. before all that it was only open source for around 10.000 Bucks. I would pay the integration or you could sell an plugin to sync the terrain and so on they have a full api and also an Multiplayer plugin server for 25Dollars to see how all can be handled. Greetings
  7. Hey James, would be nice if you could make a tutorial maybe for using Unistorm. Would love to test it. As far as im not a coder it's difficult to know where to put which code
  8. Can you maybe help with the password saving. i took the same script but since it reads the text field and the password is only stars it doesnt work. Would be awesome
  9. I also need to write something about that now here. Atavism needs more time to improve all features and fix them and get it done. After that i think it is possible to think about a very large world. Doesnt make sence with a few features of an engine to design and world like in WoW or something. The devs need to focus on the engine and base stuff first. Also Ashbury (ChaosPLugin) makes a lot of stuff and he will also take a look into large worlds. But thats no priority for them and also for me and many other users. I see a lot of forum treads about that stuff of Streaming big Worlds. Until unity doesnt fix the floating physics issue atavism needed to be rewriten which means again change a lot and this is not a good idea. Sorry to be not so positive here but i hope you guys will understand this now a bit more It will be possible for sure but not on the actual stage. And when unity fixes it in 5.5 or 5.7 then lets go without doing weeks or months on work to change to something which will be fixed and is not so far away And 15kmx15km works acutally i think unitl June/juli Unity fix it would be enough to start or not?^^
  10. UMA 2 much more performance and the same use like UMA 1 only some small fixes missing at the moment.
  11. pimmelmann.de der ist auch gut xD Wenn du hilfe brauchst oder jemanden zum testen usw. kannst dich gerne melden
  12. Sounds awesome. Thats why i think they also wait cause of the Hairpack when uma changes
  13. But you know that the package is called NGUI so you also need NGUI in your project?
  14. Also the Pants: look like this when Show Base mesh is off. If your players switch boots its not nice. And with Show Base mesh i see almost the complete char thru it
  15. This type is only for non UMA Armors. It doesnt matter what name is there
  16. Heres the pic: Thats the Chest from the Screenshot. For Female theres the Female Armor for it in it. Also here in the Char scene it looks correct:
  17. I dont use the racepack anymore at the moment. Made a fresh install and imported my stuff in. Using normal 2.3. Looks more that the Chest doesnt fit well for female. Its kind of big
  18. Heres a link to the male bug: Its from the front and from the back And for the female it looks really not so good:
  19. Hi, sorry was at an business trip and reorganized my server files. Sorry for that. Now the link is in again and wont change anymore
  20. Hi, but newest Version i use is phpbb3 3.1.3 there are a lot of new cool features and security fixes in. Would be cool if it could also work with that version. think they changed some small stuff for integration from 3.0 to 3.1
  21. Yes
  22. Would love to buy the deluxe Version. Cause im also looking for an professional optimized CMS with all features you need for an game. looking really forward to this. In the while i use my Joomla Site. But allready completly redesigned phpbb3 its so awesome now and almost have features like vBulletin and all stuff which is out there and costs money. Greetings René
  23. Would love to buy the deluxe Version. Cause im also looking for an professional optimized CMS with all features you need for an game. looking really forward to this. In the while i use my Joomla Site. But allready completly redesigned phpbb3 its so awesome now and almost have features like vBulletin and all stuff which is out there and costs money. Greetings René
  24. Im really looking forward to this. Sounds good and is a good way to go Keep it Up! There will be also a similiar system here in the forums
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