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Everything posted by ND1973

  1. Are there any tutorials on how to set up a custom character and controller? I want to replace the main character with my own character. I also want to use my own controller.
  2. I got a successful connection. But I still can't log into the world. ....i will send files to the email address...
  3. This is what I have after I put the details you gave me..... 20201203_140807.mp4
  4. This is what I have changed in the atavism windows manager.
  5. Nothing happens in character demo 20201203_135028.mp4
  6. This is the database configuration inside unity.
  7. This is what I have so far...
  8. No I haven't been able to resolve the issues yet.
  9. Also this is what I have downloaded. Atavism-Editor v10.3.0 for windows with server configuration. Atavism-Server 10.3.0 Atavism Manager 10.3.0 Atavism Unity full demo 10.3.0 I am not ready to host on a server yet.. so what do I need to install just to get started editing the software and begin building my game? I do know I need to be connected to the atavism server for license checks.
  10. I have another question. I do have atavism- editor v10.3.0 I downloaded the Atavism editor v10.3.0 for windows with server configuration. I also seen the Atavism editor v10.3.0 stand alone. I am using windows,so which version should I use? You were talking about the stand-alone version. I assume i am using the stand-alone version.
  11. Damn that is some good work on a game. I would definitely check it out when you get finished. Yeah close the video because its unfinished work...thanks for sharing.
  12. You can build a Rpg game with Atavism. I am doing it myself. Did you ever check out the free demo? Atavism has a nice inventory and skill system. You can reskin everything and make it you're own. You should watch some of the tutorials. There is alot you can do with the software. I am sure there are more games built with Atavism software. What do you have so far on your game? Do you have a videos or pictures?
  13. https://atavismonline.com/made-with-atavism
  14. So far I am making a single rpg game. Its a option to use a server. But you do need to connect to the Atavism server for license checks and updates. That's what I was told by the moderator. You can add any assets,terrains,textures,characters you want to import. You can customize everything including scripts. I have alot of assets i imported along with Atavism software. Also if you want to have it on a server as a single rpg game. You can change the server settings.
  15. I will have to check out the database connection settings. I will let you know if something happens. I will try to set up the database connection. Is there a tutorial on how to set up the database connection. I but that will solve all the issues.
  16. So far you can do everything that you mentioned. I seen some games on steam made from Atavism. It was called Arcfall....there is link somewhere on the board. So far I been told you can modify anything in the software including the scripts. I bought the software on sale. I am making a RPG game single player....
  17. Here are some of the pictures and videos. Not the best quality.. 20201202_093555.mp4
  18. 20201202_092715.mp4 20201202_092715.mp4 20201202_090736.mp4 20201202_093239.mp4
  19. 20201202_093555.mp4 Here are some of the pictures and videos. Not the best quality.. 20201202_093555.mp4
  20. I am using Atavism editor v10.3.0 I will send you some videos and pictures of the situation. I might be doing something wrong. I do notice that I don't have the live demo that is available to people as a stand alone test demo. I think its called Nature Manufacturer frozen lake demo....its the demo that is free to test out the software. I am using Unity 2019.4.0 I am on eastern standard time....12am as I write this post. I will send you the videos and pictures in the morning. Hopefully its not a huge issue to fix.
  21. I have a few questions and trying to figure it out. I brought Atavism on sale and I installed the Atavism-Editor v10.3.0 Atavism-Server 10.3.0 Atavism Manager 10.3.0 Atavism Unity 10.3.0 My questions are I created a new project in Unity and imported Atavism Unity 10.3.0.....I didn't have any problems. I opened the Atavism Editor in Unity and everything is locked.... I tried to edit or reskin the User Interface in the demos and it won't let me. I did manage to edit some texts and change some colors but nothing else. I tried the Demos especially the Character created demo...and when I click create character on the options button to test the demo...nothing happens. I was expecting it to go directly to the main game demo on file that comes with Atavism Unity. Everything is in the builds and nothing has been touched. I also tried all the demos out and nothing happens. Do I need to have the Atavism Editor running and unlocked for me to be able to create additional content and Characters? If I want to add additional items or Characters do I need to use the Atavism Editor or can I just use the demo? What is Atavism Editor and do I need to use it, if I am not hosting or using a server at the moment even if its to test my game. Is it just for mainly editing and creating online content for server use only? I don't plan on using hosting or a server at the moment. I want to focus on making a game before I use server and hosting in the future. I seen alot options in the Atavism Editor and some options I can't use because it's locked. If I want to create some quests or add some items or Characters to test in my game without hosting. Do I need the Atavism Editor active and unlocked for me to be able to do those things or can I just do it without the Atavism Editor?
  22. My question is about the Atavism software. Since it's server compatibility does it require it to be connected to a server in order for it to work? I don't plan on hosting anytime soon. So does it need to be set up to a server in order for it to work on unity Editor? My other question is some people might want to add their game to Steam. Is it possible to add to Steam or not? It has alot of futures that alot of people like including myself. Some people might not want "Only" online connect to server play. Some people might want to build for Pc,Xbox, or Ps4 in the Unity Editor build section. While having a server option available is fantastic. What I am asking is can I use Atavism for all platforms including PC,Xbox,Ps4 build sections. I like to have options to be able to build.
  23. I do have one more general question. You said something about instances? I might have a idea on what you're talking about. Are you saying " Have terrains in different scenes and add them to the build"? Also another question? What about Artificial intelligence for my NPCs? Do I need to add or purchase my own AI for my NPCs or does it come with the software, and I just have to configure it to my needs. You can use instances to swtich between scenese, you can have as many instances as you want and split the workaload between them
  24. Thanks, for the information. If I have any other questions I will let you know. I look forward to buying the asset.
  25. I have a few questions about the asset. Is it fully customized such as Inventory, Main Menu, Loading Screen, Build Objects System, Quests ect? I want to be able to reskin everything inside Unity including the user interface and add my own assets and custom art. Can I add a gamepad controller or need to use the keyboard only? Can I add my own assets,3rd party assets and custom art? Can I add my own characters and NPC and animations? What about the size of terrain map? What up size are you allowed to build that would work on the servers such as 1km x 1km or 16km x 16km ....Can i use 3rd party terrain assets to help build my terrain? What about combat fighting? I want the fighting to resemble a Diablo,Skyrim,pure action fighting. I don't like the Final Fantasy combat where a player has to wait/hit and take turns fighting enemies. I checked out the live demo. Is there anyway to make the combat fighting faster pace as seen in the live demo?
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