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Everything posted by neojac
Hmm thanks will take a look into it.
Bootcamp demo and maybe Viking demo
neojac replied to dreamlarp's topic in Collaboration and Networking
Hi, yes that would be possible to do roads with voxel system. only thing is it will require some coding to be done on your side. To voxelize your old terrain the only way that will be possible is if you use your hightmaps of your old terrain, but heightmaps will only be added way later to AtVoxel. -
No the housing system wont require the voxel system.
Yeah you most probably am right, maybe my standards is to high when it comes to million dollar company's that has allot of money to spend on production.
Please don't get me wrong, I am not say EQN is bad, I am just saying I was expecting something more than what they had from a engine that costs $100,000 plus.
First things first, I own ever single voxel system that's on the Unity Asset store as we tested them all before we had to look for other options. Original building videos was done with Terravol as that was the nice terrain you could make. After we asked certain things from the publisher to be added, he did a update with the building functions like snap to grid as that was what we already added to his package our self's. We needed it to save and load properly and even while he stated it could do it we found out that it was not actually saving the voxels in the scene so you could never use it with a game building in real time. He did fix that but then two things which was very important for a MMO game came into play. We needed a terrain that was massive to load up fast as you walked through it and the saving and loading needed to be done a certain way before it can work. Once again the problem is a developer making a product and not knowing how it should perform in a game environment because they are not making any game with their product. When you ran with his terrain you had a few second of lag to load up the new chunk's and delete the others which is bad as that should not happen in a game, secondly his loading and saving system works on actions so after 100 actions your information you transfer in file size gets to be so big it will not work for a game let alone a MMO game.Thus all the $100 voxel system you are talking about are no options for a MMO game system or any game system I would want to build and can not at all compare to AtVoxel as it does all those things at a frame rate that is viable to use with a MMO game. Comparing it in terrain size, once again like I said I was very disappointed at what I saw from EQN where their terrain size was very small compared to our test we did with AtVoxel, where ours currently is infinite, although we will scale it down in size because of the fact that its a MMO game and you need players to be able to find each other, it will still be 5 times if not more in size when we do testing with Neos Land. Now I am not saying it will be perfect as it is a alpha version but certainly will hold a candle to a $100,000 engine. Yes the voxel size you are seeing is bigger in the video but it has already been optimized more after that video and the size has gotten smaller. Only difference in terrain textures is that we haven't added normal maps onto ours yet which will be added very soon i was told. Only reason we are releasing the early alpha version is because some people has been asking to start to play around with it and we are not stating that its a final product at all we are just giving those people the opportunity to get in on it earlier. If you are hesitant then for sure wait till beta comes along or more information is given. If by that time there are still seats available then and you are happy with what you see then good. There is no reason that you have to buy it now.
Yip that's the big reason we are making a MMO game along side of the Atavism engine so we have a actual game to test and show results. I think that's the only way to make software to make a game with as you can see in action what is needed for other developers to make a game and not just think you know whats needed.
Yip, that's why we are doing closed alpha testing of Neos Land which uses AtVoxel system at the end of this month. As you know we can only do so much testing on our side and it does require actual people to test it thoroughly so I hope to see you in Neos Lands Alpha which you will be invited to seeing that you are a pledger. To be honest I was really surprised and a bit disappointed with Everquest Next, the way they did their voxel system. When I was looking into VoxelFarm I did expect much more than what I saw in their system, especially as I know how AtVoxel works.
1. The tool is being developed in co-operation with us by another person. Its not so much just being integrated as it is being actually build for Atavism. 2. I am not totally sure if it can be used separate from Atavism, but it might be possible. Like I said its being developed at the moment for Atavism usage. 3. I will get you more specs on this but can say that at them moment its still not totally optimized but know for a fact that it does run faster and better than Everquest Next Landmark as I have tested both AtVoxel as well as their game and our frame rate compared to theirs runs 4 times faster. Like I said more information will be released by next week. 5. The last update we released for Neos Land showed the voxel system and game play, but a more detailed video will be released end of next week. Here is the link to our last update video: Like I said we will be releasing much more information in the coming weeks, but just to do a comparison on pricing. VoxelFarm which Everquest Next is using costs $100,000 to get basic license compared to $200 for a engine which will be able to do exactly the same thing or very close to it I think its priced pretty good.
We have just made the AtVoxel Plugin available for pre-order on our Neojac website. If you have any questions in regards to it please let me know here.
Well as far as I know from numbers about 30% of people are coders or have coders in their team and what you are asking for requires a coder so I would say its a 30% to 70% ration of people who just want the kit with things already for them to use and wont be creating their own plugins. We our self's would love to get the plugin system in your hands as it will mean more plugins being developed for the engine which is great, but there are some things we really have to do before we can release it so I am just asking for you to be a little more patient, we are working as fast as we can to get everything into your hands and working correctly.
I am sorry you guys are feeling like that, but that's why its alpha. There is things we can release yes but if we do it will end up us having to help out even more as they are not fully integrated and easy to use so at the end we will be spending our time helping people with systems that were not ready for release by our standards and thus will be taking time away from actual development. So no we do not intend to release something that will only create more work and problem for all. The only reason we released the alpha version of the engine was so people could get familiar in using it and test things for us, its not intended to be ready for a full MMO production yet. Like I said before server side we have most of those things there , but the code is not totally functional with Unity yet and if we release the code to you guys it will just create more confusion and we will be working backwards as we will be ending up trying to fix it in a release form where we know it should not yet have been released.I think waiting a few more weeks will not make a difference as there is allot of other things that can be done for your MMO game.
Yeah sorry for that, lol bit confusing when there are more than one system a person can use. I think once we have all this done that's on the road map we will have a pretty good MMO system.
I think you are getting confused with the voxel terrain system and the Unity terrain system. The voxel terrain system you will need to buy but the unity terrain paging system we are talking about is using unity free terrain system or any other terrain system of your own if you have one.
Thanks for your concerns, here is some feedback on them: 1) Authoritative for terrain can not be done until the terrain and server side collusion is done. When we put any date on there it does not mean we are only working on it once all other plugins are done before it, as some stuff takes longer than others to do. We want to have a steady flow of released updates so we try and space things that are easier to do in with earlier release dates although we might be working on things more than two weeks before its meant to be released. Combat as in positioning goes hand in hand with terrain Authoritative and position of players and mobs. As for any other things like quests and items, those are already Authoritative on the server side as its all handled server side. 2)Quests current setup is definitely not the final version or we would have just linked it up already. Once again don't get confused on the time frame that we are only working on just that one plugin for two weeks. Also to note there is much more that goes into quests than just setting to drop an item as rewards, you have the back-end of what type of quests it is as well for instance a collection quests, or kill x amount of mobs and so forth. We intend to make the quest plugin very versatile. 3) The paging and stitching Unity terrain system will come free with Atavism, where it was mentioned on other places you have to buy it was for those who does not want to wait for our own system we are making and would rather just buy a Unity Asset that does it right now. Things not Mentioned: 1) Plugin development tools/documentation. We have posted some where else already that we want to first release the combat and quest plugins before we release the Plugin editor as we don't want to have code out there which does not totally work yet and will be changing (Quests and combat), once those things are released we will release the editor. Documentation/Wiki is being released today. 2) Building system was not mentioned in the roadmap, sorry we missed that one and will add it in later today, but I am thinking it will be after terrain system as those are hand in hand as well. 3) Same with Crafting, that's a big one and I think I might have missed it when I was doing the write over, ill update that to the roadmap as well. Please note the roadmap is not the final version as things will most likely come up we need to update to it as we go along. 4) Things like UniStorm linkup and other plugins from asset store was not mentioned as they are not core items we develop, those will be getting another roadmap of their own coming soon as we are busy talking to different developers in regards to it. 5) Guilds and Clans are all part of the grouping system we are doing. 6) As mentioned already Documentation/Wiki will be released today. We will keep maintaining functionality of all plugins we do that are with external assets from the asset store with the hope that at some point the developers of those assets will see it worth while to maintain there plugin connection with Atavism them self's, but at the moment because we are not so big that will be our responsibility. You will have the ability to switch easily between UMA and Vanilla character creation soon. Please note once again what you see in the roadmap wont be the only things we release most of the time as we will be adding small things here and there.
We will have a patcher system in the feature for update, and also we will have a login system per account in Unity so you will be required to login before you can use the atavism Unity editor so wont be easy to distribute Atavism and use it without our knowledge.
As we release stuff and get bugs we will update the list here with info, if you find fixes post it here so we can add it. UMA Release: - Q model textures work fine inside unity but not in a EXE? - A UMA was defaulting to use PRO for rendering, when I unchecked that box the textures started working in the EXE player. - Q My bags and UI does not seem to work anymore? - AYou have to make sure firstly that the NetworkAPI scripts is on the AtavismCore object in the login scene as a component
Bootcamp demo and maybe Viking demo
neojac replied to dreamlarp's topic in Collaboration and Networking
Yes we are working on that as we need it our self's for our MMO game Neos Land. I would wait a bit yes, and just do a small island or so for testing. -
Bootcamp demo and maybe Viking demo
neojac replied to dreamlarp's topic in Collaboration and Networking
Cant say much at the moment on this subject as we are working on a terrain system which will answer all the questions. What I can say is that it will be infinite and a very good system ! -
Most of those features and many others are already implemented on the server side, its just a matter of implementing it into Unity so it works
Thanks for the feedback, we will be adding a Loot Table plugin, in it you will setup a loot table for items and what percentage of drops you want for each item. This will also be used for merchants. Then we will add in another box on mobs where you will specify your loot table to use. With mobs you should be able to create anything from mobs to kill, treasure chests to open, trees and ore to mine. We will also be adding more options so you create your own damage types soon as well. Lots to come still.
If you have any bugs please submit them here and we will crush them!! Current list of Bugs: - If you are using Intel Video card, the terrain shader of AGF does not work properly, it makes the terrain pixilated due to a shadow bug, just put your settings to fast in the quality settings.
Bootcamp demo and maybe Viking demo
neojac replied to dreamlarp's topic in Collaboration and Networking
For those who haven't seen yet, the roadmap has been posted in the announcements thread, also we have just released a video in the announcements section showing the first draft of our terrain paging system. Currently it allows you infinite terrain so the world can be enormous, next we will be adding settings for developers to change and set the size of world they want. -
Bootcamp demo and maybe Viking demo
neojac replied to dreamlarp's topic in Collaboration and Networking
Yes posted there, roadmap is coming very soon. I think we will also add in the free viking demo as a test area with the bootcamp as its easy to add in RPG systems into that one -
Bootcamp demo and maybe Viking demo
neojac replied to dreamlarp's topic in Collaboration and Networking
Our focus has been on the Kickstarter , but now that its finished everything will be back on the engine. I haven't gone over the new schedule with Sooms yet as he has been sick and we have just finished the Kickstarter so everything is changing. Within the next two weeks we will have server side collusion on the engine as that is the most important thing to have for any MMO. The server will also be the first thing to be released so its the most important thing now. As for the voxel building system, what you are seeing at the moment is not just a single player system but you are login into the engine to play so even though you are not in game with others in your area you are still on the MMO world. Only thing we still have to work out is the unloading of the chunk and then it will be exactly the same in performance as you get with a normal terrain.