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Everything posted by bilbosacket

  1. OK My bad, on my second NPC prefab, Mob Name and Mob appearance was missing. So that was my fault. Thank you Now I understand and set quest mark apparence on my convienance. Thank you!
  2. Hi Martin, I create my own sprite with my custom quest mark, then created a sprite atlas and set it to the AtavismSetting and now it is working almost perfectly. If the NPC Quest-Giver and the NPC Quest-ender are 2 different NPC but from the same NPC Template, The Mark appear but if the NPC Quest-Giver and the NPC Quest-ender are from 2 different NPC Template, the mark doesnt showup but I can click on the NPC to end the quest with the dialog. Any clue?
  3. I understand that but when the quest-ender NPC is not the same NPC that the quest-Starter, the progression/completion mark doesn't show up at all.
  4. Hi, I'm currently learning all the basic from the framework before beginning the integration of the gameobjects/quest/story/instances and I set a fresh new world with just little object for learning. I set a quest from one NPC where the player should find another npc. I took a look into the code and I found that the Floating Quest Mark are coming from the Atavism Setting script for the layout setting. If the quest-giver is not the quest-ender, the Quest available mark appear but the quest in progress mark or the quest concludable mark doesn't show up. Also the UI Textbox for the mark doesn't face the camera, probably because he is not update in the lateupdate. I'm not sure from where come the problem but I have this fix before going too far in the game development process. Also it could be prefarable to have the option between String caracter or different sprite base on quest status.
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