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Everything posted by dortorea

  1. just to be extra clear here, How would you use Playmaker with Atavism? this above dialog is confusing me...
  2. Ah, thanks for the quick answer. The terrain I was thinking of migrating isn't that complex so I can just as well remake it in AtVoxel then. And I guess I will have to brush off my programming for that trails thought, lately I have done more artsy stuff
  3. Hi everyone I will introduce myself a little later. But just wanted to ask real quick about if it's possible to import a old terrain and make it "voxelized"? Also I have been thinking about roads... would it be possible to make wagonweels change the terrain so it in turn makes additive and persistent trails? Would be a really nice way of making roads and maybe even lead to a reason to put down flagstones on more heavy traficated roads. Just some short questions here and a hello
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