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Everything posted by TimSpurgeons

  1. How do we set up our doors to sync across to other players
  2. Glad to see you back Captain!! Very good feeling to have some of the experienced programmers back. Ive been on here almost 2 yrs and this has been the most traffic ive seen!! I cant wait for the Unistorm Plugin. I copied most of the code you posted while back for it but I think I missed some of it. Glad your willing to help!!!
  3. MMODevelpor had a plugin he made If you look at his posts he posted the client side scripts and server. Im not sure if it still works but would be a good starting point
  4. cool thanks hey did you try that script out
  5. Hello All Is there a way to have my character fly. Waht settings do i choose.
  6. Hello Sooms Did you get this worrkin or can you point me on the right path. I have the boat zepplin etc syncing with players the prob is when im on one of the my player looks like its droping and reappearing on it to the other players when im paranted to the object do I need to tell the character controller something maybe a new state please advice also sooms do you have the old script for removing grass
  7. Hello Sooms Did you get a chance to do this one?
  8. I think its Gravitar.com
  9. Hello What issues are you having with the Build and Claim?
  10. Are you not able to get it working? I understand without seting up the pluging it will not sync I was refering to just getting it to work. I have it working for just single player.
  11. Hello all, anyone know how to set the build object so they snap to eachother
  12. Did you get it working? I finanly did all I did was run the auto player setup and used the main camera for the player and main cam and third person Works great
  13. Hey guys, In the server console itt still shows ver 2.6.1 running. Can some one verify that is the case with them I just installed the latest just want to make sure Is there another way to verify?
  14. Hello and thank you for sharing this. The client side script you have is it just attached to a gsmeobject in the scene. I am very interested in this as I just purchased unistorm. Is this all we need to get this working or are there any other things I don't mind paying to get this working.
  15. That is Great News!!!! Thank you sooo much Sooms. This script is pretty smooth. I hadde to set my camera to do late update due to jitter when character is on platform but after that it was great. The script parents the player. Is this the perfered way to keep player on.
  16. Email sent.. Thank you
  17. I didnt see this lol I posted in my other question. Can I shre my script with you that im using to move my current flying transport. It works very well just need it to sync lol I do appreciate all you have done for us. Good to see you back!!!
  18. Hello all. I have a moving platform in my scene. How would I sync this across the net work
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