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UMA Fantasy Races Creator Pack Goes to alpha

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On Jan 5th UMA Fantasy Races Creator Pack will no longer be available for per sell prices as the products alpha level now can be download on purchase. Alpha prices will be increased to $200 still a 50% savings on planed release price. Beware this is a digital product and there are no refunds as you can not give code and models back.


Know issue male's have a seem line around neck.


Whats Included at this time.

9 new male Heads

9 new female Heads

6 new male skin colors

6 new male skin colors with bump maps

6 new female skin colors

6 new female skin colors with bump maps

1 beard

1 set of tusk

9 prefab race layouts to quickly add dark elf,wood elf,grey elf,halfling,orc,goblin,troll,gnome,dwarfs


More to come during are alpha updates




Hey Tomt,


Got back from holidays, tried to make a purchase few days ago for the package (after all the holiday expenses were paid lol), to find the paypal was only form for the transaction handling, so I ended up in a long drawn out conversation with paypal. They finally resolved most of my account issues today of all days, drawing close to deadline, if there is a way to contact you regarding getting a extension paypal purchase link, that would be great! As i'm not 100% sure paypal will play nice when I try again tomorrow.


I have been told by CS for paypal that apparently all I have to do is wait 24hrs and my account should be resolved of all remaining security issues and I can continue my online shopping.


Otherwise is there a alternative form to purchase this asset, such as google checkout? Or perhaps paypal invoice?


Anyways thanks for developing a great looking asset for Atavism and I look forward to seeing more of it in the future!


I am really sorry for what i am about to say, but i really need to say it, and do not mean to make you feel bad or troll your product.


reason why i do not even attempt to purchase your product.

i am thinking twice before i do something i regret if i purchase blindly.


I dont want to be a nag, but i just cant believe my eyes.


i mean, planned release price $400?

alpha $200? indie ironically.



$400 or even $200 is an enormous amount of money to do a blind purchase like this. at least for me, i work too hard for my money if it is not a justified purchase or need.


not really indie friendly, atavism indie = $70 the main core heart of the whole enchilada. if you compare a $400 or even a $200 addon.


well, let me explain, again my intention of this post are not to look like a troller, and ill backup all the above words so people know i am not just talking troll. i mean i am not a competitor or anything related to troll, but man, come on.



ok, back to facts fundamentals,

-there is just static model meshes only

-no animation(90% of time pro animations are the hardest to do, therefore the value of product)

-7k triangles count, high count for mmo environment if you want optimization and crowded places.

-10 dls per model, well actually $20 since they are male and female of each, meaning, female or male conversion is almost the same, but to add or remove gender related features, easily done.

-no visual of the models, not s single pic of them, just your word.

-no refunds, i do agree with this one since it is a digital product., but if you dont show me (visually)what i am purchasing before the purchase how would i know the quality of models, and mostly of the material of the models.


ive seen people posting show me the pics but you lack to do the propper action.

nor have seeen it ever.

your website is not the high end graphics design, so does not really gives me confidence on the product you are selling to be of my liking(visually speaking)


this makes my pocket nervous to click the pay now button? again i am not trolling


i am just explaining why i will not buy right now even if you rush me with the price increase deadline you doing. just do not sound right in my mind.




Ill tell you what i would expect with a product like this and price you offering.

and if one looks at the unity asset store and compare prices and features of similar models, you will know i am not trolling or trashing this thread, just stating facts and my personal opinion which i am entitled to as a member of this community.


what i expect for $400 or $200 product:

-professionally built meshes

-detailed models but optimized to 2k or max of 3k tris count for mmo environment

-at least 1 LOD half or less of tris count for optimization in mmo setup

-high quality materials optimized material atlases

-at least 20 basic animations, just the basics, run walk, swing, hit wave, etc......

-and mostly a visual representation of what i am getting, show me the product kinda deal before i purchase so i wont regret the purchase by doing a blind purchase.



again, my intentions are not to offend or talk trash your product. i assume if ti s great product and you deserve what you are asking for, but no visual and no optimized features leads me to think twice of this product at the moment, so am politely asking for visuals so i can see if our product is of my liking and it will justify the $200 hard earned money.


thank you again and have a great day.


@Reedtheman We will wait to up date it at 1:00am pst on the 6th that should give you time. As we don't plan on having a huge amount of sells we don't think opening up another payment system is worth while if that doesn't give you time needed let me know.

  3DOmelette said:
I am really sorry for what i am about to say, but i really need to say it, and do not mean to make you feel bad or troll your product.

I would suggest in future if a product is not for you to not bother posting or you do have my skype could asked me directly.


  3DOmelette said:

i mean, planned release price $400?

alpha $200? indie ironically.

You should check around on indie prices were lower then a lot Indie means you make under 100,000 a year. I would agree its expensive for a guy in his home doing this as a hobby.







  3DOmelette said:

ok, back to facts fundamentals,

-there is just static model meshes only

-no animation(90% of time pro animations are the hardest to do, therefore the value of product)

-7k triangles count, high count for mmo environment if you want optimization and crowded places.

-10 dls per model, well actually $20 since they are male and female of each, meaning, female or male conversion is almost the same, but to add or remove gender related features, easily done.

-no visual of the models, not s single pic of them, just your word.

-no refunds, i do agree with this one since it is a digital product., but if you dont show me (visually)what i am purchasing before the purchase how would i know the quality of models, and mostly of the material of the models.

ive seen people posting show me the pics but you lack to do the propper action.

nor have seeen it ever.


Your missing what were building right now with the texture and the way we have opened the code up for changes as we make videos on it there are a ton of possibility. I cant take a screen shot of a dark elf as every person using the pack can make there darkelf the way they want it. I have asked others using the product to post some screen shots but its there design Ill post one below but as every game is different shades your results will very.

The reason of the triangle count is that's what uma properly uses and the time of needing 2k models in games is years ago even old games such as resident evil 4 used 12-15k triangles on characters.



If the product is not to your taste or is above your budget don't worry about it find something inside your budget. Posting a long rant does nothing but spend time that's not needed to be spent happy development.

  tomt said:

I would suggest in future if a product is not for you to not bother posting or you do have my skype could asked me directly.


whats wrong by doing it like this? does my words bother you or making it public?


again sorry did not mean to offend or trash.





  tomt said:

You should check around on indie prices were lower then a lot Indie means you make under 100,000 a year. I would agree its expensive for a guy in his home doing this as a hobby.


aren't we all "a guy in his home doing this as a hobby"

at least most of us"

meaning you just reduced your chances to make business here from 100% to 1% or 2% :-(






  tomt said:


Your missing what were building right now with the texture and the way we have opened the code up for changes as we make videos on it there are a ton of possibility. I cant take a screen shot of a dark elf as every person using the pack can make there darkelf the way they want it. I have asked others using the product to post some screen shots but its there design Ill post one below but as every game is different shades your results will very.


i am sorry but you really lost me here, i dont really see a valid excuse for not posting a visual screenshot of your products unless you trying to hide something?. it just not valid explanation, sorry again, but in my head does not compile the current statement, i assume i am not the only one here trying to understand.







  tomt said:

The reason of the triangle count is that's what uma properly uses and the time of needing 2k models in games is years ago even old games such as resident evil 4 used 12-15k triangles on characters.


no a valid response, resident evel is not even an mmo, isnt it, maybe i am wrong, but i am sorry again that is only if you planned to release for mid to high end hardware market base,

this is for mmo, where every single optimization counts.


if i were to do that then i would select a different game engine, unreal perhaps, or cryengine ?

but this is unity, for the masses and there is a reason why unity is so popular because it runs in even the lower ends setups reaching masses which in my case would like to do the same, maybe other or you are targeting mid to high end only players.


i really would like to make my game as optimized as possible meaning to have as minimum tris count meshes in any given scene view.







  tomt said:

If the product is not to your taste or is above your budget don't worry about it find something inside your budget. Posting a long rant does nothing but spend time that's not needed to be spent happy development.


nope. is just that i dont really know if your product is to my taste or not, because i havent seen the quality yet, you dont show it to us, why? you expect us to do a blind folded purchase and the you clearly state no refunds? which i agree, no refunds policy for digital items, but show me your product first, you just do not do it openly, is your words only, my pocket do not like mysterious blind folded purchase, you never know what you get.



my budget is ok, it is just that with your answer and responses make it very easy for me to decide what to do, i just needed a justification to purchase in this case visuals to see the quality of your models,


but thank you for making it very easy to not to even try to purchase your mysterious hidden products,


i dont really want to take a chance by doing a blind folded purchase without any warranty of your product.


i just hope every1 else is not that naive to do it, if they dont ask or "rant" as you stated, does not mean they or we will fall for it.



so thank you for making it easy to look away.



again did not mean to offend or trash talk, i clearly stated that, just a concerned member of this community making sure will do the right decision without regretting the purchase.


best regards to you and best of luck in your product launch.

wish you all the best.

and thank you again for your influence for making my decision easy.



I just purchased the UMA Fantasy Race Creator Pack recently and wanted to say that I’m very pleased with my purchase. I feel I got a great deal at a great price. At $150, it worked out to be $8.33 a character. 9 different races in both male and female, 18 total.



My project is just a hobby at this point and will probably be so for some time to come. As with any hobby I like it when someone makes something that gives me professional results with minimal time and effort along with an easy learning curve which is what this Creator Pack offers. Even with the short time that I have had to work with it I can see that it will be offering me awesome results with the customizations that it allows me to add.



This is one of those assets that I’m glad I got at a great price and didn’t pass up only to want it later when the price has gone up. It has definitively locked me in to my choice on weather to use UMA or not because it fills in some of what the stock UMA system is missing. Now the UMA characters for my project don’t have to be all humans because the UMA Fantasy Race Creator Pack makes it easy for me to add many customizations for me as a developer and to the end user of my game.



Even though UMA Fantasy Race Creator Pack is in alpha it still offers a lot, along with a few small issues that the developer said will be fixed, which after all is what alpha releases are about. The videos on their site ( http://www.artforindies.com ) shows what the different races look like. The developer shows how to install them, talks about the functionality and the few needed fixes they will be implementing.



The quality and the performance of this asset is great. I would highly recommend the UMA Fantasy Race Creator Pack to folks that need multiple races for their game. At the least I would recommend watching the videos on there site to see what is being offered. Also Tom has been very good about answering any questions that I have asked so I’m very pleased with the support that has been offered.

  • 3 weeks later...

@Mightee. Yes I know Tomt because like many of the other people on this forum and in the Atavism skype channel I see what he types when he helps folks out or has a question about Atavism for his project. He has never accused me of lying or scamming like you just did so maybe in that sense you could say he is a friend. But other than that I would just say he is another person on here that happens to do great work.


Did I put a certain amount of trust in him when I purchased the UMA Fantasy Races Creator Pack? Yes and I’m glad I did because even though it is in an alpha state it is a great product. I did the same thing when I bought Atavism MMO and I paid a lot more for it than the UMA Fantasy Races Creator Pack. In both cases I was well aware of what I was buying because I watched the video’s they made and I’m very happy with both purchases.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, Well i bought this a while ago and everything was working fine but now i am getting errors every time i choose race not really sure what the problem is everything was working just fine.


indexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

UMA.SkinnedMeshCombiner.CombineMeshes (UMA.CombineInstance& target, .CombineInstance[] sources, UnityEngine.Transform rootBone, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 boneMap)

UMA.SkinnedMeshCombiner.CombineMeshes (UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer target, .CombineInstance[] sources, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 boneMap)

UMA.UMADefaultMeshCombiner.UpdateUMAMesh (Boolean updatedAtlas, UMA.UMAData umaData, System.String[] textureNameList, Int32 atlasResolution)

UMA.UMAGeneratorBuiltin.UpdateUMAMesh (Boolean updatedAtlas)

UMA.UMAGeneratorBuiltin.HandleDirtyUpdate (UMA.UMAData data)

UMA.UMAGeneratorBuiltin.OnDirtyUpdate ()

UMA.UMAGeneratorBuiltin.Update ()


indexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.


Most of the time this is you have a duplicate in your overlays or slots that's first thing I would check. what did you change that made this start appearing?


yea i checked the overlays and slots no duplicate it only started appearing after I finished my character creations screen UI. using ngui if it matters. also this error started showing up 2

Could not find method 'CharacterSlotSelected' on CharacterSelectionCreation

UnityEngine.Debug:LogError(Object, Object)

EventDelegate:Cache() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:405)

EventDelegate:get_isValid() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:210)

EventDelegate:IsValid(List`1) (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:672)

UIToggle:Start() (at Assets/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:156)

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