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Everything posted by Netsun
Only if whe not have to rebuy a new licence for it
Cube i see what you try to make but Honestly you shoul just give-up whe alredy say it to you there why restart the server is usefull and why it gonna be very hard and long to make it It sure your question asked like you have do it easy to say: NO i dont like. But the real question have to be: Atavism team : Should the atavism team take the time and these devellopement resources to attempt to add the object to the server?
It not that hard to add it by yourself but you whant to say when a player or the account is online?
i dont have look if they take name rather than unique ID but if it that i think yea it a good idea to do that change but whe need a option to dont allow player to have same name if you dont whant it. +1 for that idea
Sorry to be ''Rude'' But like a lot of people know in this forum my main language is not english, so sometime my sentence can look like rude.
Hum yes so ask him more information about what he whant to know is a opignion? If you read the complet post you will see what append. I ask him more information about whant a Large world mean for him (for some people it whit a lot of instance other whit big map ect. After he answer it about the big map so i say Atavism dont have probleme whit that it a unity probleme and you need to do a VERY VERY big map to have that probleme so i dont think he gonna have it and after he say i'm sarcastic and i dont help. And after you come here and you talk about something than nobody have talk so i think it you who come here whit a opinion and i just answer to what you say. If you dont whant a answer to something you say just say nothing.
I whant to know if the new Dev team think about change the db (myslq) to MariaDB. In Performence terme MariaDB is a lot better now and new linux support dosent have mysql as default pkg.
i dont think he talked about a "Master Degree" but it like when you whant to cooking, you need to read a little bit about how to make it and whant to learn it. I have now my own compagny and i when i try to find new employe i dont whant a guy whit 600000 yers of experience, i prefert to hire the one who know the basic stuff and really whant to learn
Ok first calm down, i just try to understand whant you whant. Second, sorry if my answer is not long but my native language (like lot of people on the community) is not english so i try to do it the most easy to understand. Make a Large world can mean a lot of thing, you can make it whit a lot of instance or just whit a big instance. World streamer dosent work whit Atavism cause the World Streamer will change the coordinate of you caratere to 0.0.0 (or something like that) The only probleme whit a Large world is the cpu/gpu you gonna use for it, the best way to optimize that it just to do a Local unload but you gonna need to script server side to send position of other player to your player when it close to him to load it . (you see i make a big sentence and i feal it confusing). They have a lot of way to optimise your game but remeber something you cant make a good game whitout programing even whit Atavism. You will need to learn at lest the basic of c#. And no the community will not give you all script you need to optimise your game cause all game it different and need different thing. And for the information Script they take time to make and a lot of time when you make it for your hown game. If you need script and you dont know how to make it but you are good at other thing ask for trade, i make a lot of trade in the past here. And one last thing, Atavism still young and when someone find something they post it so if no one call about a limit in seize it beacause nobody have find one. for now i work on a 60000x60000 map and i have 0 probleme (it only for a test) but maybe if 300 player online i can have it, idk and i will do the test but the best way to know it it the try by yourself.
Hum the floating point precision it not a Atavism probleme is a Unity probleme and you will only get it whit extreme value so i dont know how big you whant to make a world but i dont think you gonna have probleme whit that
Make a large map??? I dont understand your question what do you mean by: "A Large World"
That look more a costome option for your game than a General feature. Personally i dont need something like that and i dont whant it, i think you better code it yourself you gonna save a lot of time cause i think guild systeme and other ''Basic MMO System'' will come beford.
Nop but i have some time free the 3d modler have a lot of work to do^^
Important information: If you ask me something i will do it, when you ask me something and when i finish you dont answer me (like you have stop to work on your project) i'm not happy: I have pass a lot of hour to creat script, or help people to put her server online so it very bad when you dont stop evrything you and you dont call me to ask for stop my work.
2 choice : -1 Your are stupid or -2 You just mist understoud what i say. So i think it the choice number 2. I NEVER SAY NEVER dont buy a Vet license, the only time i talk about that i say: It Better to learn java beford buy it. It like buy a Spanish book whitout know how to read spanish. Or buy a card whitout licence, you can do it but it not very usefull. And if you have probleme whit me come whe can talk in privat and if you whant whe gonna do it in french so you gonna understand me.... o whait sorry you dont talk french and you dont gonna do any EFFORT to talk in french, like i do to write in english. FOr me if you whant to do a very costum thing in Atavis you need A vet licence and knoweldge in Java/c# and a team, you dont have team.... to bad you can try but i dont think you can publish it one day. Tips 101: How creat a team? Find people in internet who do nice job, talk to her about your project, ask him to come to help you: 30% of time he will say yes so if he say no try again.
I have to chime in here.. This customer/developer asked a question.. you didnt answer his question.. basically what you did is you told him he CANT do something. I have to tell you that you have the wrong attitude here. You dont know what people can or cant do. I was told when i started this project that I CANT make models because I didnt know modeling software or im not a programmer and I didnt take years of college. I can model just as good as the next person now and it really didnt take me that long to learn. I am still learning from trial or error. Please stop discouraging people. 5 years ago people with your attitude also said.. you can not have a MMO.. its impossible. well here we are.. again please do not make this forum a way for you to discourage people or talk down on them because they do not have the skills that you feel you have. If you cant help anyone.. then dont respond. my two cents whether you like it or not I just say you you can read a book if you dont know how to read, you can learn and you dont need 5 years to learn evrything but alway ask for people to help you beacause you dont whant to do any effort it not the good way i have help a lot of people when only restart her computer solve the probleme... is it normal.... NO do soemthing like a reset should be 1 of the first thing you should do. Creat a game for a full team whit high skill people need at last 2 years so if you whant to do evrything whitout any knoweldge ALONE no, you cant do it, creat a game (a MMO) need a team or frends. A community it not your personal debug team. I'm in the mmo creation community since 2004 whit Konfuze ^^ SO i know how it work but just say it to buggy i cant do anything it not a good way to creat, Konfuze was in VB6 and they have bug so what i have do to solve it? I go to library and i buy a book about vb6 (70$). Try and miss whay is the best way to learn so continue like that but when nothing work go outside take a beer and come back it work for me i look the probleme from a other view And to finish it, I'm sorry it what i say Discourage you but i just true thing and my native language it not Englis. So some time (like in this sentense) i write thing whit a very basic english just the try to be understand .
``most of the time says you need a plugin for it`` Ya sorry to say true thing ^^ And i think you mostly just need more skill in programin, you CANT make a game whitout any programing skill, sorry but it true. If you think that work only 20$ i think you dont know all the work to make a java server. at 270$ for the source it like you pay 1 men 2$/hour to make that.
Ok i just finish to write a tutorial in the forum and now..... no no no you cant post it... IT A SPAM... So can you please REMOVE this anti spam. I have lose 1 hour of writing the help people. SO Until this anti-spam it not stoped i'm not gonna write anymore.
Hi, for now my personalle project is in standby (some member of my team are in vacation) so i have time to help you whit your prejet. My skill: -Java ( mid+) -C# (Mid+) -sql (high-) -php (low+) What can i do: -Map making -server edit -client edit -almost anything Pay: Whe can discute about that in privat. I not necessary need money some time i can accept so "exchange" vs asset or service. Other: - I have a server (real one not one at my home) so i can help to host website but sorry i will not host your game except if you pay a freaking lot of money XD - You can find me in Skype by looking for Netsuno
For that i have a team whit me, more easy to do only 1 thing at time. (And by the way it fun to see my Karma go down evryday and my thanks go up ^^)
This compagny is in Canada and whit the law if they change they politic about the licence all people who buy it can reclame a refound. (And no the famouse sentece : ''This can be change at anytime bla bla bla'' dosent work it lot of cause it called a ``unreasonable term`` so it be invalided by a other law who say if you change a terme of the ``Contract`` the other persson can ask for a refound and cancel it
Maybe but if you buy a Veteran licence + it not legal to diffuse part of the source code in public.
I have a little sugestion about the forum, creat a Hiden section for people who buy the Veteran Licence+. Why?: It very simple when whe have buy a licence whe canot share the code or a part of it whit people who dont have the licence. so if whe whant to talk or share some idea or modification about it whe cant make it public.
You need a Veteran licance to make the plugin. And make a plugin take a lot of skill so if you dont know how to make one i think the best thing you can do it to lern java and after buy A veteran licance. But please remeber to learn Java beford buy it. The community is there to help you when you have some bug not to make evrything for you (except if you pay)