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Everything posted by Aizen

  1. target of target player to player dont show i dont know if thats is normal coos in wow you can see othere players target you
  2. jandd661 Good Work i love that , did not even know we missing that Hope Atavism Team adds your changes to New Updates
  3. keep up vote guys
  4. Unreal dont got that many assets and i wold say no coos i dont wanna se team get split and then takes longer to get updates + i dont wanna pay 5% to Unreal
  5. We added some chat functionalities like new announcements for admins, we also added restrictions for /props and /who commands and we also implemented ability to link items from backpack or abilities on chat, so if You will click shift + click then it will populate chat with special link so if anyone will put mouse over that link it will open popup window with that specific item / ability specification. grate
  6. Mount got options to swim ground or fly pic one, in editor
  7. dont that campfire gonna follow you? if you move?
  8. most of us on https://discord.gg/QU8qztE
  9. There is many bugs that stop me from working man in most all systems the dont give any new info for many months naw!
  10. thes takes longer and longer to get updates guys bump thes Post soy there mail alert go crazy!!!
  11. Editor Abilities we need more slots some times i need more effects then 3 there is spells shod work for othere weapons not only one like i got spell that can work for axe off and axe main and sword main and off tho i can only chose 1 is big problem[if 1 of them in my hand spell shod work] and we need other option only for abilities, if you got off and main hand weapons soy is ask you get 2 weapons in two hands or is not gonna work add slots like these 2 buttons
  12. Timer on items like raw meat spoils get deleted from inventory or if that meat in chest storage that count like fridge timer stops need option for chests like time stop for items and gonna need Tooltip Timer soy we know how mach time tell thes item get deleted or crate new item 1]like raw meat get deleted or 2] raw meat create-item spoiled meat and chest storage sort items soy you can only add items that you check mark for that chest can go there if you dont check any then the any item can go in chest storage if you add them Thanks!
  13. whery nice . thes code go in TimeManager? and what shod i do for auto player setup camera type ??? player object ??? was long time sens i test Unistorm
  14. soy cant be random weather ?
  15. can we get script update for Unistorm 2.4 :dry: Thanks!
  16. Refresh button wold be nice to coos i cant se new effects tell i close and open atavism editor all time if is not hard to do Stat change : need search filter window Requierd Effect: need search filter window Bonus Effect : need search filter window Coord. Effect1: need search filter window Coord. Effect2: need search filter window items Required: slots need search filter window Resistance Stat: need search filter window Primary Stat: need search filter window Secondary State: need search filter window Third State : need search filter window Fourth State: need search filter window Skill Abilities Ability 1: need search filter window and soy on when you add ability need search filter window
  17. Duplicate Button for all Tables Items, Build Object , Crafting recipes , Skills ,Abilitise , Effects , Damage,Stats,player Character setup,Dialogue,Quests,merchant Tables,lootTables,Mobs Duplicate is good if you dont wanna change mach and Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Cope and Paste we need thos options thos 3 can speedup work 100% more for all Thes last update Guys Bump thes Options we need them
  18. wanna know that to im on 2.7b
  19. i wold love thes to Bump!
  20. Realy mast be in thes last 2.7 mans armor on girls body fucking mess not all like uma
  21. any one tested Footstep System https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/63066 ?
  22. i need player customization like in thes video can make based on mmd if you can maket work in atavism i pay 50$ depends how good is i might pay more or i can give you Unity5 assets for your work mmd is miku miku dance editor that makes models you can google thos models free soy can get many tipes of bases and parts i can mail you if you need them i got many mmd models and parts reply only to me if you wanna take this task not waste my time pm me your skype we can voice chat there
  23. nice
  24. is free or gonna cost us ? and do you recode thos sites after WoW private servers?
  25. pet system like you can summon/recall it from item or from stable works for me to skills tree for pets and armor slots wold be nice to And Sooms we need item tax system for building zones or world gonna lagg and players got no space to build :silly: and make tax for all items that you can build soy like bed +1 tax ticket home +10 tax tickets option soy you can add set your own tax on items that can be build , and is gonna add to Zone that you buy , after you buy zone you need pay 5 tax tickets + tax items that on that zone if you dont pay zone tax is gonna be open in 5 days for any one to buy and all items onet gonna be deleted and you can get notification in mail how mach tax you need pay and how mach time you got and give option to pay tax in mail notification or zone that tax from for Devs of games good system makes world clean from offline players that build and left game for to long oh and we getting taletn tree? [4- dungeon under terrain- i build my dungeon but i can't enter to it! because the water collision cover all the map and there's no way to Exception some area] thats what portals for lol
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