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Everything posted by neojac
Just finalizing a few things, but it will be within this week.
Hmm this is a super cool idea, will definitely have to see if it works.
Sorry you fee this way but originally we only promised a few features which we have done ages ago. Yes there are still many bug and mostly that was because we kept adding new features and never completely tested older feature as it requires someone to make a game with the system to properly tested. As of new there is 3 games pretty close to release using current Atavism system, one of them Arcfall has been out on Steam for nearly 4 months now with community and players playing it so it can be done. What we are planing to do with Atavism is going to benefit everyone, with Sooms away the site will still be running as it has been for years and Atavism will still be managed as it has been for years, if it was Vaporware and we did not really bother, this site woudl have been down ages ago as it does cost us money to keep it running and that is paid out of our own pocket as you do know that sales has been next to nothing in the past year. I woudl really wait till our announcement in a week or so and see what we have planned.
Mostly if there is a problem its 90% chance its something I did wrong using Atavism, then the other 10 % usually is a bug which Sooms fixes for everyone. Although he has recently not been around much due to being sick I can still work and progress with Neos np. Some times I have to change my design idea to suit what Atavism does. If I am really stuck on something I ask other coders who uses Atavism, there is allot of talent using Atavism. Some will help for free and others for payment. I will add to this that you actually do need to know somewhat how to make a game with Unity to actually be able to make a game.
Weird that the store login don't work, you can just do a payment for it using sales @ neojac.com in PayPal and send me a email and ill add the license for you.
Hmm so when you do the purchase you will see one step is login or create a account. You have to go through the purchase though. You should be able to login with the same details you sue to enter the editor.
Good to hear, We fixed the bug for registering your Unity License. If you are still having problems with the Atavism Unity Editor please let us know. If you are happy it would be great to leave a review on the Unity store.
Are you sure you are still up to date with your subscription? From what I can see it expired a day or two ago.
Bug Tracker was introduced a long time ago but no one used it so we removed it, same with the forum chat system.
Its just old link we never removed from the template we used for forum. its about 5 years old
What is this?
Alan can you shoot me a message on Skype to have a chat. Looking good so far.
We don't allow posts about Chaos Plugin any more on our forum due to all the confusion there has been between our two products. Please refrain from making any posts on our forum about it as it creates more confusing for new developers.
Yip we can look at changing it or totally removing it, like you say not many uses it
next ti the chat place you type there is a arrow, just click it and your chat will close.
I think regions is already in as in you can add regions with Atavism, and set things according to them with it. Weather and Day/Night you can use UniStorm and a few others, then use the server Time settings/messages to update it so its sinc over the server. We will be releasing the links to Unistorm to set it up with when Andrew is back. You can always also use the free weather/day night system we posted in the tutorial section which have it already linked up to Atavism Server time. Guilds is something that's coming later.
Guard Set has been added to everyone package who bought the Developers Package before. They will be listed in your download section on the Apanel. For those who has not bought the developer package it is available on our store: http://www.neojac.com/index.php/atavism/uma2-guard-set
Hi we are currently busy doing final testing for these assets. They are already done and in Unity. Just making sure they all work correctly then we will release them. Swordsman Guard http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/MaleGuardSwordsman1.png[/img] http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/MaleGuardSwordsman2.png[/img] http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/MaleGuardSwordsman3.png[/img] Pikeman Guard http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/MaleGuardPikeman1.png[/img] http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/MaleGuardPikeman2.png[/img] http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/FemaleGuardPikeman1.png[/img] Archer Guard http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/FemaleGuardArcher1.png[/img] http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/MaleGuardArcher1.png[/img] http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/MaleGuardArcher2.png[/img] Heavy Armor One http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/MaleHeavyArmor1.png[/img] http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/FemaleHeavyArmor1.png[/img] http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/FemaleHeavyArmor2.png[/img] Undercoat http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/FemaleGuardUndercoat1.png[/img] http://www.neojac.com/images/screenshots/FemaleGuardUndercoat2.png[/img]
That will be 3 sprite textures you will be rendering witch is a waste when all you have to do is add those three in Photoshop together and make one sprite so there is less amount of rendering. You cant make one sprite in Unity.
Yip will get that sorted for you when Sooms comes online today.
We are busy with setting these packages up on our store now where you will be able to buy them if you did not get in on the developers deal.
We have announced that all Developers Package accounts will be upgraded to Atavism OP Ultra to apologize for the lack of releasing assets for the developers package. After the release of Atavism 2.6 we will be working diligently on getting all the assets we have developed into your hands. As we now have finalized UMA 2 we will also be upgrading those assets to UMA 2 as well.
I might be wrong but I think those games map size are around 200 square km, so a 10km x20km map size which I believe is still fine in Unity's floating point problem.
There is a few command already in for admin or gm players. Godcommand, respawn and teleport to another players position is added as well in release 2.6 that's coming soon. Like said above we have a whole new ui system coming in 2.6 that uses UGUI of Unity so it is supper easy ti change stuff.
Now that UMA 2 is nearly supported with Atavism the question is do you guys want the assets for UMA to be released for UMA 2 or UMA 1?