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Hi everyone!


What kind of terrain editor plugin do you all use?


We need to create an isle-like continent with about 30x30km and have some different binome types.


So we are looking for a terrain plugin or toolset that works great with Unity 3D.

Since we have a lot of unique places, good options for manual landforming are as important as good automatical creation of landscapes.


Looks like TerrainComposer is an option: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/7065


I am asking here because we don't want to run into problems with Atavism compatibility afterwards, e.g. when it comes to player housing / building.


Does anyone have deeper experiences with that and a hint/tipp by any chance?


Thanks a lot,



Terrain composer works good (or ay of them). As for building I would suggest to use claims places that are flat and not to allow players to build in mountains and such.


Hi Chasle!

Thanks for your reply.


We looked into TerrainComposer which is a lovely terrain generator as far as we have tried until now. Lots of options and sweet functions.


Since we are new to Unity3D: are there any level designer plugins most developers prefer to combine models and structures with the landscape or texturing/landscape modelling - or is it usual to use the Unity3D editor only?


There should be some experienced Unity3D developers that might have an idea about the best toolset within that environment ;-)



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