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Sadly the tutorials and help guides are seriously lacking for atavism.  I have been trying to figure out how to add a passive effect to an axe that decreases the harvest time.  I have tried passive abilities, effects, etc... and nothing seems to actually work.  It all looks like it should with the Effect Type: Bonuses, and Bonus Type: Harvest Time, but you enter a value (since the % section is disabled) but then it never triggers. Does anyone know of a guide or can provide a step by step guide on how to apply passive ability/effects specifically to an item that affect Harvest Time and quantity?


I have a 3 tree harvest nodes, one with 10sec harvest time, 20 and 30 seconds.

I created an axe that has a passive ability linked to a passive effect of bonus that uses the default "Harvest Time".  Looking in the database the value is used and the percent should not be.

When I put in the following values these are the harvest times I get.  (value/percent : final harvest time)

10 second default tree: (0/50 : 25) (0/100 : 17) (0/0 : 10) (5/0 : 10) (25/0 : 10) (25/25 : 42) (0/5 : 42)

20 second default tree: (0/50 : 40) (0/100 : 27) (0/0 : 20) (5/0 : 20) (25/0 : 20) (25/25 : 62) (0/5 : 62)

30 second default tree: (0/50 : 87) (0/100 : 87)  (0/0 : 30) (5/0 : 30) (25/0 : 30) (25/25 : 62)  (0/5 : 62)

Now can anyone explain those results?


We didn't record new tutorials about resource nodes as they will be updated and heavily modified in the incoming version that will be released this month.
Anyway, you can create passive ability (preferably friendly effect ability as it will have a 100% success rate and won't take miss into account), then create passive bonus effect, and set harvest bonus. After that create or add the ability into the item/weapon as a passive ability, so once the item will be equipped bonus will be applied, and you will be able to gather resources faster or slower, depending on how you will set your bonus.
You should be able to modify harvest time only by value and not by percentage. The percentage is not in use for this bonus type which you can check in the bonuses section in the Editor


But it doesn't change the fact that it shouldn't let you put something that is not handled in the Editor. In the incoming version, the percentage will be available for both harvesting time and crafting.

I was trying to reproduce the result you were having with percentage, but it wasn't handled in the code, and on my end, it didn't change anything and only value worked as intended.


I am not sure what I did wrong.  I setup it up the way you described though in the past in the editor we could enter negative values but not it will not let us. 

I tried using both the Atavism Editor v10.3.0p11 and the atavism editor (atavism online) in unity.

I have not updated anything that I am aware of and everything should be built on the 10.3.0 versions.  I agree looking at the bonus setup percentage should not be used but for some reason those were the results I was seeing when I ran the game?  I am still trying to debug it but at least its good to know I'm doing what I should there must be something I'm missing.


We can troubleshoot it if you want. I can install X.3 version on my end, but I think it would be better to upgrade Atavism to version X.4, and probably within a week or two, version X.5 will be released with a percentage for both harvesting and crafting. Is it a fresh project or do you have some setup that you wouldn't want to lose? I'm asking if an upgrade would be more appropriate for you or fresh installation could be an option?

In X.4 you will also be able to set negative values for bonuses and stats



Its not a fresh project but still just laying ground work.  Not sure if we want to upgrade and risk changing other things.  Though if I can't figure out why this is not working that doesn't bode well for further development.  We can't keep doing fresh installs.  I'm going to reboot everything as I double checked my setup was the same (passive ability, bonus effect, etc...) but even when I removed those from the item and verified the tree resource still had a harvest time of 10 seconds I was seeing 17 seconds when I try to harvest it?  If the reboot and reset doesn't fix it, I will try a fresh install and let you know how that goes.


There are various elements that can affect your harvesting time like item, which you are configuring, but also VIP, and effect that can be assigned to a region, passive ability, skill on your character, maybe there is such configuration? Maybe just try to create a new character?

With each release we are providing information on how to update your project, of course, the more custom code you will have, the more time consuming to update it, but it's hard to prevent that.

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