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Hello! I have been trying to find something about this topic but without any luck.


For my game I need the players to register their accounts from the website and not in-game.

Is it possible? Can someone direct me to the proper documentation about this?


Thank you!


Hi, Atavism covers this element out of the box. Here you can find information on how to integrate Atavism login with your own system based on WordPress example https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/remote-php-account-connector/, but you can use any kind of user base, for example, as we do in the Atavism Live Demo where to login you have to register on this forum. 

On 11/15/2021 at 6:45 PM, Martin (Dragonsan) said:

Hi, Atavism covers this element out of the box. Here you can find information on how to integrate Atavism login with your own system based on WordPress example https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/remote-php-account-connector/, but you can use any kind of user base, for example, as we do in the Atavism Live Demo where to login you have to register on this forum. 

Hello Again! That example is helping a lot. 
Just to be clear, so I create the users in my Database, they won't be added in the "Accounts", right? (Accounts that I can see from the Atavism Editor.

So when I do the Login, my php send an "id" and it saves all the data on Atavism DB using that id. Am I correct? 

Is possible to see the Atavism Live demo you mentioned above? I checked the youtube channel but didn't find it.


Thanks again!

2 hours ago, Doxia Studio said:

Hello Again! That example is helping a lot. 
Just to be clear, so I create the users in my Database, they won't be added in the "Accounts", right? (Accounts that I can see from the Atavism Editor.

So when I do the Login, my php send an "id" and it saves all the data on Atavism DB using that id. Am I correct? 

Is possible to see the Atavism Live demo you mentioned above? I checked the youtube channel but didn't find it.


Thanks again!

They will be created in the accounts in the master and admin tables.

So, the flow is like this.

1. User is registering on your website

2. User is logging in into the game

3. During the login process, Atavism is checking if credentials are ok, and other conditions are met using a remote authenticator script, where you can check if the user has an active subscription or purchased your game, so you can handle any use case you want, and if all is fine, it's returning information with the user id.

4. Then Atavism is getting this data, and checking if the user with the username/mail exists in the database, and if not, it is being created, and the user is logged in.

This way, your users exist in the Atavism database, you can also ban them there or change their role to admin, but credentials are handled by the external authenticator, so the user can manage his account directly using your website, can change password use some forgot password functionality, etc.

Here is the Atavism Live Demo link https://dragonsancom-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/support_dragonsan_com/EQ3M0mzyUbROo2LR7SdicUkBOyuIdiIE9sAu96yI5lelWw

It's a launcher that will download the game.

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