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Martin (Dragonsan)

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Everything posted by Martin (Dragonsan)

  1. We are finalizing connection with the hosting company through the API, and then we will have to test it, so it shouldn't take longer than a few weeks.
  2. Soon we will also have our cloud service, based on our partner hardware that is also Atavism developer and client.
  3. Can you tell me which link doesn't work so we could fix it? I personally tested links I know, and all of them work. As for the error you sent. Atavism has 2 major elements: Server-side (which includes databases and Atavism logic) Client-side (which has client c# scripts, UI, etc. and Atavism Editor which is a development tool that directly connects to the databases). So, the issue you described in the first section is related to the server installation and configuration, most probably ports/firewall was not set properly. The second section is related to the Atavism Editor, like your database is not accessible from your PC. To resume, there are two issues, one with connection as a client, and the second with connection with the development tool (Atavism Editor). To resolve the first one, send me your server logs from atavism_server/logs world and master directories. You can pack them and send them in a bundle in private message on the forum or email to support@atavismonline.com with the link to this forum post. For the second issue, are you using newly created user?
  4. I think we spoke on discord about it, 99% of database actions are accessible, but this 1% we will move to the open section in the incoming release.
  5. The easiest way would be to replace textures.
  6. Hello @HeadClot. We have no business model ready yet. We are focusing on making the product ready, and the business model will be introduced along the road.
  7. Hello Markus, Atavism default ports depending on the version you are using are as following: 9005 TCP 9010 UDP 5042 TCP 5052/5053 UDP And you can adjust any of them.
  8. Hello. There are lots of tutorials you can use, which you can find on our wiki (https://wiki.atavismonline.com/). For example, here is one related with making a terrain and implementing Atavism https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/integration-into-existing-scene/ or how to implement new mobs https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/mobs/
  9. Hello, have you resolved your issue or you need further assistance?
  10. Hello, I haven't heard from you for a while. My offer is to: 1. Help you set your server using Teamviewer (preferable) (In most cases issue is related to misconfiguration, and it takes me average 5 minutes to track it down and resolve it based on your feedback) or screen share (this can take longer, as I'll be a viewer only). 2. Choose one of the installation methods, and let's resolve all the issues you will have. In this case, I'll ask you to contact me in private in some cases where I'll need some of your logs to track down potential issues. This can be done using the forum, or realtime support channel (discord https://discord.gg/z95htJA). I'm sorry that you are experiencing such issues, but even this week we have more than 10 new clients, and it works for all of them with some adjustments like incorrect IP address or database password defined in the configuration file. Independently on the choice and no matter if we will resolve your issues (and I'm sure we will, as there is no single installation which we couldn't process) I can order a refund for you.
  11. Hello. You can ask here on the forum or on our discord server https://discord.gg/z95htJA. With topics related to the purchases, it would be good to contact me in private as I'll need more details. In general, if you purchased maintenance from our store, you can assign purchased maintenance to your license in your apanel in the licenses section. If you purchased an upgrade from the Asset Store, you should be able to provide your order id or invoice number after you will click Add Licence From Unity Asset Store. If I properly found your account it seems that your maintenance is valid for almost 1 year, so you should be able to download Atavism X. To troubleshoot it further please contact me in private (preferably on discord, so I could provide you support in realtime.
  12. Could not find Character Template occurs where you are using Atavism Core version on the server (by default we are recommending to use demo, which has lots of examples and configurations). Core version was prepared based on the community requests, to allow very clean installation for advanced users. Core version requires two additional steps to runt it. 1. You need to create an instance with the name of your map. 2. You need to create character templates to let the server create your character. Both can be done in Atavism Editor in Unity,, ans it's described briefly here in the "Hot to start with Atavism" documentation https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/how-to-start-with-atavism/. I can assure you that the product is not broken at all, but there must be an issue in the configuration. As I said. We can organize it, you will pick the method and let's configure it step by step, or much faster way is Teamviewer, where instead of days for message exchanging, you can do the installation, or we can troubleshoot and find the cause of the issue of your current installation as well. When you are starting the installation from scratch, then you are covering the previous issue instead of finding the cause. Choose the installation method of your choice and we will process it with you step by step while answering all your questions. Based on this additional information it seems, that you have some other MySQL/MariaDB installation within your system or you didn't provide database credentials in the Atavism Editor -> Database settings. In both cases, options must be empty, as you cannot access the database. When you are providing an atavism server zip file in the Atavism Windows Manager, you have two fields in it (DB Username and DB Password). By default, Atavism Manager comes with a binary version of MariaDB, but if you have your database installed within your system, and it's running on the default 3306 port, then you won't be able to start our database, and you have to change these credentials to your database installation. We need to start from the beginning, because instead of resolving the issue, you are switching platform, and other issues occurs on your end, so I highly recommend you to use our remote hands (Teamviewer) session, where during it, we will together troubleshoot your issues, and I'll show you how to fix them (I can say that all of them are in most cases related to the misconfiguration). After such a session, I'm sure that you say, "it's not possible that it was such a small, simple thing". I have to say that we have over 5000 clients, and at least hundreds are using both VM and Atavism Manager without issues. The last error you posted indicates that Atavism Editor cannot access the database, and to troubleshoot it, you can: 1. Check if credentials are configured properly. 2. Check if the databases (admin, atavism, master, world_content) exist. 3. Repeat installation procedure and verify that it was correctly completed. I would do these steps and more during such support remote session. If you don't want to make a Teamviewer session, then we can do a standard screen share, where you will do all the tasks, and I'll just guide you. It will take a bit longer, but it's still possible. Using Teamviewer I can show you step by step installation for both methods VM and Atavism Manager and I'm pretty sure that it will work within minutes.
  13. OK, I'm up and running. Based on the logs, your firewall is blocking port 9010 UDP, as connection is closed on 9005. We can troubleshoot it further when you will be online.
  14. No, i was referring to the Atavism Server logs. On the Virtual Machine they should be in the /root/atavism_server/logs directory, you can download them using winscp, pack them using zip, 7z, rar, or any other packer and send it to me using direct message on the forum, or to support@atavismonline.com.
  15. Controls in the Atavism Editor are only for the Virtual Machines. Atavism Windows Manager has it's own controls inside the app. Can we schedule remote hands session for tomorrow? We should be able to track down the issue and fix it within 15-30 minutes depending on the complexity. I'll be available again in around 7 hours. You will be able to see whole troubleshooting process.
  16. Can you join discord server https://discord.gg/z95htJA, and contact me so we could make Teamviewer session? I'll be online for maximum 60 minutes more as it's already 2 a.m. here.
  17. Hello Jaroe. This is totally fine, we will move this topic to the support section after we will find and resolve the issue. Your error log indicates like your master server is not running at all, or it's behind a firewall, by default port 9010. The port can be set in the auth.properties configuration file on the server, and it should be set accordingly on the client site in the Login scene -> AtavismCore. Can you provide me your log files from the server? The most important are authentication.log from the atavism_server/logs/master directory, and this should indicate what is wrong with it, and the second can be related to the login process login_manager.log from atavism_server/logs/world directory. You can send them in private as they contain sensitive information. We can also schedule remote hands support (Teamviewer) for you, so we could resolve this issue directly with you in realtime. You can contact with me here on if you prefer realtime contact you can use our discord server https://discord.gg/z95htJA
  18. About the sale, all I can say is to follow our website and social media, to be always updated about promotions. Yes, we are providing such server configuration help. It's always a good way to try to configure it on your own, as you will get some experience how to do it in the future if necessary, but we are providing help not only in the process but after it as well. The easiest installation method is using Atavism Windows Manager https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-windows-manager/ or if you prefer a typical cloud solution we can recommend North Networking hosting solution https://northnetworking.com/vps/. The newest Atavism X requires Unity 2018.3, as it is using nested prefabs, but also because 2017.4 is the last supported and updated Unity version, but only until around April 2020 when Unity will stop updating it. We are recommending to use Unity 2018.4 as it's the latest LTS version.
  19. The server will be mostly the same, but at this point, I cannot guarantee that it will have exactly the same structure, as some of the elements may be engine dependent.
  20. I'm glad that you like how we improved Atavism. We are also very excited about this new Atavism for the Unreal project.
  21. We are pleased to inform you that we will make Atavism for Unreal. Very roughly it should take around 9 months. We will keep you updated about the progress. We also want to prepare a separate forum section to split Unity/Unreal versions and discord server to handle discussion related to Atavism for Unreal and not disturb our Unity Community.
  22. Sometimes Unity can trick us, and scripts or shaders are not compiled until something will trigger it, maybe the trigger, in this case, was Atavism import. The issue you have is related to the shaders, while Atavism is not using shaders at all, but the 3rd party assets are.
  23. Thank you for your feedback. You recorded a nice video. Few elements I noticed: 1. Quest at first wasn't completed, because you didn't have enough space in the backpack. The message was presented on the screen. 2. When you tried to use ability you had information that you don't have required weapon. On the ability itself in the tooltip, there is information about the required weapon. During character creation you created warrior, so you should use greatsword weapon. 3. Lava map is mostly 1:1 from the Lava environment from Nature Manufacture, but we should definitely "close" it 4. We should definitely block spirit mode or add an NPC or region where you would be able to revive. 5. There is a list of commands available for you: https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/playing-your-game/ The command which you were looking for was /stuck. Crashed can be related to the hardware like GPU, drivers or memory usage, but I doubt they are related to the Atavism itself.
  24. Great, it's a solid foundation for coding, especially as the server is in Java
  25. Please send me a screenshot of your Atavism Manager in private. Also pack all logs and send them as well. How exactly this tcp world error looks like?
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