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Originally I purchased this because of the Youtube fly through video. It seemed to have all the core that I needed as a solo enthusiast. When I upgraded to 10.1.0 there's no longer a "flying mount" namely the Black Dragon Whistle. Is there some way to import / re create this?  Or am I missing something completely obvious with the flying?   Any help would be appreciated and a direction as to how I may or may not accomplish this last feat - to complete the starting stages and move on to building.   Thank you in advance!


Flying mounts feature is available out of the box in Atavism. You can use any model for any kind of mounts you want. Here you can find our tutorial video https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/mounts/

On our wiki page https://wiki.ataivsmonline.com website you can find documentation and over 80 video tutorials related to the Atavism installation and configuration.

The dragon model you mentioned is from S.F. Bay/InfinityPBR Unity Asset Store, and it wasn't included in any Atavism version.


I did go through the tutorial, step by step and it's not working. Through some further investigation - I can see that the GM command /fly does work. Somewhere in the middle of the Atavism version (10.1.0), and the unity version (2018.4.1f)  I am currently using I will have to figure out what step I am missing.  


 To further explain...  I was using the "Bone Dragon" asset from InfinityPBR. It's an older version (but as the tutorial states - It can be any model) but I assume that it being an older model is indifferent. Placing the Prefab in the resources folder, adding the correct scripts, going through the manager and adding it to /ability /Items /effects and still it's not showing up in the game. I went through and downloaded the newest release and it's still presenting the same issue.  I'm unclear if the older version in the tutorials is missing a step compared to the atavism X version?

Example: There is a button to generate prefabs in the new Atavism X manager. But no where in the Tutorial is that showing. So I have some reading to do on each function (if it's available) and figure out the difference between the 2018.4 atavism server release and the 10.1.0 release.

also When using the command /gi 501241 1 (Black Dragon Whistle) it says "added item 501241" but nothing is showing in the inventory, additionally the same results happen when using the GM panel in game.


 Intentions - are to reinstall a newer version of Unity (I have a ton of assets I've created with unity version 2018.4.1.f) and translating them to a newer version may or may not be complicated and time consuming (That I'm a business owner and this is a hobby) I may  find that task quite overwhelming. Almost 7 years of unity assets and coding in a game to translate it all over to a newer version... I'm sure you get the point.  Depending on the difficulties in updating to a new API, Depreciation, Code, the prefabs that are all linked and set up. Either way, you guys have done a great job on what you're trying to accomplish. Maybe it's a learning curve and I'm just 2 days in. So I'd imagine a few hiccups will occur. 


We are closely cooperating with InfinityPBR, and for some of his packages we are providing files that simplify the process. Not sure if you used it, but if you purchased packages from his website you can find such entry for some of them, and Bone Dragon also has it.


For mounts, between Atavism versions we didn't make any major changes, except some fixes, so the process should remain the same.

if the model doesn't show up in game then maybe you have an error in the Unity console?

On the wiki you can find information about changes in each release, for example here are for 10.1 https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-x-1/ for 10.0 https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-x/ and the same for the previous ones.

Usually it's something simple, maybe you didn't restart your server after you assigned your model in the effect? I can also make such simple configuration later today, as it shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes in total. Import takes longer :)


I don't have the faintest clue what I am doing incorrectly.  So I have a game that I've been working on myself for nearly 7 years. I know it seems like a long time. So far I had the log in system completed, Guild, Instancing, Party, Combat, Looting, Skills, Health and respawn systems, Mounts (Ground only) and I've been working with Unity 3 upwards.  So none of this is foreign to me. I'm trying to figure out if...


MySql is different and causing an issue

If my current version of 2018.4.1 version is not installed correctly.

If there's some other defining issue with software somewhere along the line that is preventing or causing an issue.


Main PC - My Set up is a Corsair 1000d, Thread-ripper 128gb ram, 4 way SLI, all running on 1tb m.2 cards technically I have 2.64TB of ram.

Server Machine - is comparable with the exception that it's running a Raid set up windows 10, and used only for running the server and storing assets, various builds over the years, etc. 

You can see more on the build on YouTube (enthusiast build) - So nonetheless I know my way around a hardware and software, code and design, but something as simple as adding a flying mount is just not working.  Some of the area's i'm not proficient and struggle with is Data basing, MySQL, and networking. (That's what's taken me almost 7 years on my previous build to get where I am)  Needless to say I have about 5k invested in assets for the artwork and models. Yes I have the pack of SFBayStudios - roughly 50 assets. All the larger packs of dragons, weepers, slimes, gargoyles, bone dragon, Medusa, humans, orcs, elves, etc.. literally everything required to start building. Just can't get this implementation of assets into atavism to work properly. So It has to be something I am doing or missing along the way.


I'll look through your posts here, and compare the editors and see if there's something I am missing. 


 Additionally... I'd like to start off on the newest version of Atavism 10.1.0 (and here's where I'm coming into an issue.) However when I started using atavism I loaded 2018.3.1 server and database. Now I'd like to change that so the server matches the build version. Can't seem to find a link that shows how to do that. a link for that would be fantastic.  I will also come back and update on progress with the mount issue.  


 Thanks so much for your detailed reply - I am certain it will help resolve the issue.




I think that I have figured out where the issue is. - That I'm using older models ( stored on my raid as exported assets)  Not the Atavism Game ready versions. 


  Does that mean we can only use the assets designed to work with Atavism?


As for the server, you have pretty nice one. We also switched to TR 3970x lately, and we are really happy with it.

If you are looking for the installation procedure you fan find it on our wiki:

You can choose one of the installation methods:
- using the simplest windows manager option, best for local development - https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-windows-manager/
- using our premade virtual machine (centos or Ubuntu) - https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-virtual-machine/
- using Custom Linux installation, for most advanced users, but also handled by newcomers - https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/installation/
- using cloud solution like Google Clout - https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/hosting-google-cloud/ or Netcup https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/hosting-netcup/
- using Atavism Cloud Service that was introduced lately, and it's the simplest installation method https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/hosting-atavism-cloud/
And here is information about how to setup your unity project - https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-client-unity-installation/

If you are looking for the upgrade procedure then such is provided with every release, but unfortunately, an upgrade is possible only to one higher version, so you cannot skip them, you would have to do one by one. It's mostly because of the database differential files which are between versions.

Atavism works with any model, but S.F.Bay models are based on substances which are not working correctly in Unity as Unity removed support for it, and you need to use separate package for that from Allegorithmic. That's why it's easier to work with Atavism ready files, as they are not using substances. I think even the author mentioned to not import his default packages into the main project, but to the separate one, adjust models, and then move necessary files into the main project.

The issue you were having in the apanel, can you tell me when it occurred? Maybe was it during cloud server creation?


So the answer to updating the Database is to download and install each version from 2018.3.1  to 2018.4, to 2018.7 to 2019.1, to etc etc? 

(This is the most important information at this point that I need answered.) Do I have to update the database from 2018.3.1 all the way to 10.1.0 Atavism X database?  If so what is the link that shows how to specifically update each database VIA Atavism Manager? 

- Is it possible to log into MySql and wipe the database? I have dealt with the MySQL and Cpanel enough to get around - but i'm not sure with the integration between Atavism Manager and MySql what would be involved in accomplishing that - or if it's easier to just update and install each database via the manager. 





   I don't know what the "APanel" is doing.  I try to open the "Atavism Cloud - Tab" and it was giving me those warnings. My guess for what has happened is - I paid for a Domain on the North Networking site. Somewhere in translation I'm certain North Networking and the Apanel were updating and communicating - resulting in the error. (more likely because it wasn't connected during the update and adding the domain purchase to the Apanel.

Forgive my nature with a million questions, as I'm not familiar with " Atavism as a whole". how the ins and outs work. Once I figure all of it out and get it working the rest will be fairly simple.


I have to say, that the support here, Killersan - You're killing it!  I truly appreciate your time and efforts.  You rock!


Here you can find information on how to upgrade from:

2018.3.1 -> 2019.1.0 https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2019-1/

2019.1.0 -> 2019.1.1 https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2019-1-1/

2019.1.1 -> 2019.1.2 https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2019-1-2/

2019.1.2 -> 10.0.0 https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-x/

10.0.0 -> 10.1.0 https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-x-1/

Of course I would recommend you to make a backup before for both your database and your project.

Also, the new Atavism 10.2 with tons of new improvements is planned to be released in a few weeks, and what will be included you can check on the roadmap https://www.atavismonline.com/atavism/roadmap

There is nothing to forgive. IMO it's better to ask questions than not.

Thank you for your kind words, we are doing our best.


Now I am getting this on server start up...  lol  

ORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)
Exception in thread "main" atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)
Starting arena server:          SUCCESS
Starting builder server:        Exception in thread "main" atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)
Exception in thread "main" atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)
Exception in thread "main" atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)
Exception in thread "main" atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)
Exception in thread "main" atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)
Exception in thread "main" atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)
Exception in thread "main" atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)
Starting auction server:        SUCCESS
Wait for finished initializing msg...

Valis@DESKTOP-U62LGLF /cygdrive/C/Atavism Manager/atavism_server/bin
$ Exception in thread "main" atavism.server.util.AORuntimeException: database error: java.sql.SQLException: Table 'atavism.namespaces' doesn't exist
        at atavism.server.engine.Database.encacheNamespaceMapping(Database.java:301)
        at atavism.server.engine.Namespace.encacheNamespaceMapping(Namespace.java:161)
        at atavism.server.engine.Engine.main(Engine.java:361)



I figured that's what it means.  I uninstalled Atavism Manager, uninstalled unity, and all the server related objects. (removed the assets that were downloaded to create a completely fresh install) 

Logged into North Networking and purchased a new server / 11.94 a month set up new IP / Host name

I downloaded Unity 2018.4.1f again - installed fresh

Downloaded Atavism Manager - installed fresh - Updated Email > Key > IP > Host name (Apanel - New Server info used)

Downloaded 2019.1 Server from Apanel - installed fresh (here's where the issue is) Tried to load it into Atavism Manager - "Install button" does not highlight - Only the "refresh" button. Asks to overwrite the existing (Clicked Yes)  // am I doing the upgrade wrong?  There is not tutorial on how to "upgrade" your Server Version VIA Atavism Manager Application.

Downloaded 10.1.0 X with demo from Apanel and fresh install in Unity > Imported error free.

Opened Unity > Loaded Login > Changed IP Address on master server to X.XX.XX.XX.. Saved restarted Unity.

Opened Atavism Online and updated the "Database" in Unity manager to the same (new server credentials from Apanel)  Saved and restarted Unity.


And that's the warning that is given.


Can you explain the upgrade process of the server versions?   Using Atavism Manager I get how to install it initially. I have watched the video's 12 times.. lol for the first time - it was simple.  this upgrade part, I don't know what I'm doing incorrect or if I'm missing a step somewhere?   Not familiar with the software for the Atavism Manager.



Hmmm, now I'm a bit lost. Atavism Manager is a server installation the same as North Networking VM, so you can use one or another, but we should focus on one installation and run it, and if you will want to have also a local one based on the Manager we can move to this later. For North Networking, you can use automatic installation using apanel https://apanel.atavismonline.com/servers

As for the upgrade the procedure is described in details in the section "Update using Atavism Windows Manager Installation" in https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2019-1/

The install button shouldn't be available, as it will recreate your database, it's for the fresh installation and not the update.


I will go through and follow the steps to see if I can manage to get all of this updated correctly.  Also before I begin and for clarification i need to repeat this 5 times.

Upgrade #1  Atavism Server 2018.3.0    To   Atavism Server 2019.1.1

Upgrade #2  Atavism Server 2019.1.0     To   Atavism Server 2019.1.1

Upgrade #3  Atavism Server 2019.1.1     To   Atavism Server 2019.1.2

Upgrade #4 Atavism Server 2019.1.2      To   Atavism X(10.0.0) Server

Upgrade #5 Atavism X(10.0.0) Server     To   Atavism X(10.1.0) Server


Or is the alternative to just upgrade from 2018.3.1 to Atavism X(10.1.0) server?

if this doesn't work after spending hours on it... I may just see what my options are about acquiring a new key and a new account. This seems like a lot to deal with - Just wish I had known a little more before I just started in on loading a server.. lol Pain in the ass :X haha







I think you mentioned you have version 2018.3.1, if you have 2018.3.0, you need to do one more step

Upgrade #0 Atavism server 2018.3.0 to Atavism server 2018.3.1 https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2018-3-1/


Unfortunately there is no option to skip upgrades, as let's say upgrade from 2018.3.0 to 2018.3.1 will add a few database fields, but upgrade from 2018.3.1 to 2019.1.0 will already have that fields, so if you will skip this step you won't have these fields in your database.

We could prepare upgrade for each version to each, but this would end up with multiplication like number of versions * number of versions, so around 144 installation files if we will count only installations for 2018+, and every new release would multiply that, let's say for 10.2 we would have to prepare 13 installations differential files and procedures.


The main question is, if you are going to use Atavism Cloud, as you mentioned you have North Networking server, or are you going to use Atavism Manager?


We can also schedule screenshare session using Teamviewer and I'll show you how to make this upgrade, you can even use 3rd party tool to handle it, but before I would ensure that you have databases in the proper shape, as you sent some info about missing tables before.


Team view would not be a bad idea, 

As far as the idea of using Atavism Manager VS North Networking - is indifferent to me.  Again forgive the naivety here but there's a lot to take in when reading over the install process and the video's for each version.  Somewhere along the line there's a set of video's that all explain to use Atavism Manager to launch the Server. Then in other videos for North networking it shows you signing up to have a Cloud based service.  (Networking isn't my strong suit here) So I assumed you needed to have the North Networking for the database access over the net. And North Networking provided that connection to the server with the "IP" vs a Localhost. Where only LAN would connect.

So I ordered the North Networking and used that IP and Hostname in Atavism Manager.


I should be alright with the upgrades, I will follow the tutorials and all should be fine.

I went back and read all of the Log files (Previous server log messages) and what I did was download the original server version - listed in the log (2018.3) and re-write over the existing. So the server is fine it starts (except it doesn't allow me to log in)  Just starts and hangs up at the final stage and says "You can log in now". But all the server connections are "Success".  I have some time in a few hours I'll dive into the Upgrade, when I do I'll post an update and let you know how the upgrade process is working - or otherwise. 


I'll be home tonight around 7pm Eastern Standard time. (U.S.)  I'll check the boards in an hour or so to see if you have replied. 

Again, amazing support - appreciate your time. 



So this I think is going to be a little frustrating.  Downloaded WinSCP and started following the video tutorial.

I can get to the user log in part about logging  into the server (Here in the video he explains if you didn't change the password - I did not)  and I keep connecting with user (root) pass (atavism) and access is denied.  So there's that.. I tried the password from Apanel>AtavismClould>Server> user / pass  Denied access again.  I've attached a Screen shot.

New_Bitmap_Image_(2).bmpFetching info...


The tutorial you posted is for VM (Virtual Machine) as far as I know you mentioned you are using Atavism Managers or am I missing something?

Let's start it from the scratch, as I think you are jumping from installation to installation.

What installation are you using and you want to update? Atavism Manager, VM, Custom Linux, Atavism Cloud, or any other Cloud?


I just want to get the server up and running. I'd prefer to use the "Atavism Manager". It's a stand alone and much easier for me to just plug and play - start and stop when needed.


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