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Martin (Dragonsan)

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Everything posted by Martin (Dragonsan)

  1. After importing UMA default controller for UMA is in Assets/AtavismObjects/AnimatorControler so you can adjust it as you wan or replace it. Regarding camera it depends what you want to achieve, generally you should have Atavism 3rd Person Input and SDE Targeting components on your camera, you can also adjust it by changing public values or make changes in the scripts itself.
  2. Generally You can find player actions in admin database in data_logs table where You can find data_name field with value PLAYER_LOGGED_IN_EVENT, so if someones last status is PLAYER_LOGGED_IN_EVENT then he is online, of course based on that table You can also prepare reports how many player were online and when.
  3. We should be able to give You virtual images of Ubuntu, Centos with Atavism in place, but in next release.
  4. We tested few Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Centos all went fine on them. There are some differences of course, so You can choose what suits You best. Personally we are using more Centos but because many Atavism developer using Ubuntu then we also prepared some virtual machines based on Ubuntu new and old version to test it out.
  5. Thank You guys, we are trying to be as helpful as we can. We also have to be aware that thanks to previous Team, Neo, Sooms, Chassle, we are here where we are, but after time Chassle left, then Andrew and Jack alone couldn't help as much as he wanted to, so of course we as a clients also could complain about progress and some lack of proper support, but to be honest they put a lot of effort to make Atavism at the first place, lets not forget about it. We also want to thank You as a community that You gave us chance to show our engagement into this project by giving us time for preparation of new release, we are appreciate for that. Now we will try to rebuild good fame of Atavism, with fixes, improvements, new features, docs, vids, providing better support, to make it better and better with each release.
  6. Hello, Right now in Atavism You can setup different worlds on separate servers, but it's not possible to run one instance on separate server. First You need to ensure that all databases are accessible from world servers. Then important thing is that time between servers are more and less synchronized in the same timezone, around 60 seconds difference is acceptable, above You will get offline status. Then all You have to do is on the second world server run only world script with adjusted world.properties config file in which You will have to setup db connections to all db's. You have to change: atavism.servername atavism.worldname they should have different values for each world server You will configure. also You will have to setup: atavism.login.bindaddress atavism.proxy.bindaddress the same way as You did in single node configuration, but they should point to the new world server dns address. At the end You should configure db connections, they should point to the same databases (all world servers). Last important thing is that You need to rename ../atavism_server/config/world directory to the name which You will setup in the atavism.worldname variable. That's pretty much it on the server side. Let me know if You will have any questions.
  7. Our platforms are accessible as following: Website: https://atavismonline.com Forum: https://forum.atavismonline.com Apanel: https://apanel.atavismonline.com Wiki: http://wiki.atavismonline.com also on our atavismonline website You should menu where You also have proper links.
  8. We will asset what we can do, but right now we are heading to release and then our priority will be fixes. During the process we will start preparing new features. Such naming method shouldn't be a problem, but we need to check that. About naming convention in most MMO games I think there is a limitation to one name without special characters including spaces but of course I also know few where You can place name whatever You want, but still it has to be unique. If You won't handle such invitation and other things from distance but only on action on click or something like that, then one thing is left, whisper on chat, You are going to forbid it ? if not, then there is no other way o handle that.
  9. We are glad that people are coming back over time, it's a good sign. About world name we will look into it, I think it's possible, but our draft of roadmap is most about fixing all issues and make Atavism more friendly, You will see how we will be able to achieve it pretty soon. I'm pretty sure that all is going based on user id or rather character id, but still imagine that You want to send whisper to someone or send invitation to someone, will You want to write on chat something like /invite Bob or /invite 22212312333421212 ? I think first option is more user friendly and that is the reason why names must be unique, because of such situation same for guild invitation, group invitation, whisper etc. You can always randomize that character name like most games do, for example notyetapproved_xxxxxxx where xxxxxxx would be random value. Welcome back POTGSAtavism
  10. Black Friday sale will last till Nov 26th. Then it will start Mega Sale and will last till Dec 8th so don't worry, right now list is still open. All integration will be flexible, so just setting one parameter and importing extra integration files will do the trick, but we won't enforce You to use any package, it will be always up to You and to Your preferences.
  11. Ad. 1. We didn't think about it yet, it is on our todo list but because it's not ready we won't put it into 2.7 for sure. Ad. 2. I think it's related to social plugin which You are talking about, so not in 2.7. Ad. 3. It shouldn't be hard to fix, but we need to look at that. Ad. 4. We added some chat functionalities like new announcements for admins, we also added restrictions for /props and /who commands and we also implemented ability to link items from backpack or abilities on chat, so if You will click shift + click then it will populate chat with special link so if anyone will put mouse over that link it will open popup window with that specific item / ability specification. Ad. 5. I'm not sure if I understand it well. Right now You have scene with extra files which contains elements like objects, textures all related to that particular scene. Asset bundle is something like files/objects container, but it doesn't matter if You will load scene normally or through container. The only exception is when You have something like Main Scene and at some point You want to expand it by adding some objects some terrain and You don't want to rebuild whole scene, but only add something to it, then You can make another scene like for example Main Scene extension 1 and load it through script right after Main Scene will be loaded. Is it what You want to achieve ?
  12. Right now all characters data are stored in the objstore table in the blob files which is not good for backdating and can cause some troubles, but it's much easier to save new structure to it as it is whole class just saved into the blob file and reading is also simpler. As I understand You correctly You want to allow users to build something in their instanced places (which they previously rented for some limited time). If so then probably the best option would be to save instance id along with whole objects which are in that instance into another blob in objstore for that user and read it when he is entering that instance. I know Andrew was going to implement something similar but right now I'm not sure on which stage that code was left. We didn't use it in our game, but we will dig into that for sure as besides of bugs we want to run all advertised features over time.
  13. Shhhhh !!! nobody knows about it We are thinking about Atavism in wide perspective, so within few months from now You should be able to see how it changed the way of Your game production with it and our newly forged cooperations all is in the progress guys.
  14. Any terrain generator will work, better or worse but will work. Loading from chunks from DB, like json files is also a good option, but very few can and want to build their own solution from the scratch, so using ready one when You know it is already there and working is a first step to make huge world imo.
  15. Guys, lets try to see bright side of of it. If someone thinks that other opinion wasn't helpful, then just don't use it, still he took some time to wrote it, try to find useful things from it and wait for another opinions and suggestions, lets try to not waste our common energy for arguing Lets try to spare it in a good and productive way. Positive thinking. I'll gladly give more clues and suggestions regarding big world and even if Unity is not perfect to that, but through some extra tools like World Streamer, increasing performance and maintaining Big Unity World became way easier for us. Another great package which is going to hit Asset Store soon is Vegetation Studio, we are participating in beta and I have to admit that it's impressive package, You should check the results: https://forum.unity.com/threads/submitted-vegetation-studio.479244/page-11 Basically what it does it's placing foliage and rocks mostly, including great optimization and many features for example touch bending. It's working in similar way to unreal engine foliage system, so chunks chunks chunks are the future, including instancing and such. For big worlds we are also recommending using some placement package, I think GENA by Adam Goodrich is really perfect for this, we used it and we will. It speeds up our development a lot. We placed not only rocks and such, but also targetable objects like Atavism resources on the map through it. These are packages which we were using and we highly recommend them. Authors are very responsive, providing great support. For those who are going to build big worlds, stay tuned, new quality and rapid development is on the way to Atavism
  16. We are using MariaDB in our environment, but it's hard to support all version of Database, still we are using 5.5.x patched version in our dev environment and it is working stable and fine so MariaDB is supported.
  17. I'm almost sure that You will be really happy and amazed when we will reach to release and put all we prepared for it Stay tuned.
  18. We are using World Streamer with Atavism, I have to admit that it's not unlimited world, but huge terrains like 10 x 10 km are not an issue to handle through it. Unity generally is not perfect for huge worlds because: 1. It can't handle much objects in the scene - World Streamer or any streaming solution will resolve that problem 2. Nice GI can cause lots of issues and endless hours to maintain Your project - instead use light probes but it leads You to this: light probes are used only for dynamic objects, not static, so You can't use static batching, which is also resolvable by using instancing introduced and improved over last few version of Unity I think since 5.4 or 5.5 (not sure about that). 3. In results all is achievable only You need to find a way. We made lots of implementations of external packages to not invent a wheel from start but use our partners packages. Basically in next release we will introduce tons of modifications, some for performance reasons, in total from 3 fps we have 70fps with full hd and full effects and quality on, so it's like 2000% of improvement. Of course all depends on use case. For example for small heavy packed dungeon with many light sources try to use Occlusion Culling which in smaller areas, halls and caves is extremely useful and will give You some performance boost. For open worlds use world streamer or other streaming solution which You prefer to reduce number of objects present in scene which will cause less CPU usage. Ohhh yes, that's also important factor, streaming solution will only help You to improve performance if You are CPU bound, because of calculations which Unity is doing for each object no matter if it's visible or not. If You are GPU bond try to use layers (fast and reliable solution) so for example really small objects put in Small Layer, Medium objects in Medium etc. and then write simple script to set draw distance for each layer, so even if they will be all in same camera (which is preferable setup) then Unity will draw them only from specific distance which You setup. You can also use this free package: ttps://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/35100
  19. If I may suggest You something. Just make 4 scenes for such map (one for each island), it will give You better performance as there will be less objects in the scene itself and then use teleport (Atavism feature) to travel between them.
  20. No it isn't in 2.5 but apparently You don't understand that it was hard coded till 2.4 included which I mentioned that clearly in sentence, same with bad stats calculation of items. In 2.5 You can do this and it's working, but in 2.4 You could make a change in Atavism plugin, but... You weren't able to get more level than 10, because.... because it was hard coded
  21. If You will let me I'll conclude this discussion. Both sides are wrong The truth is in the middle... and not most of the time, but always. I'm a part of community since few months now, I knew that I need with my team new features that are not included in Atavism, that's why I bought Veteran license upgrade few days after starter one. Lets make a theoretical assumption: I'm a one person (coder, graphic, animator etc.) and I'm skilled with all requirements, can I make a simple, small MMO with Atavism standard version till 2.5 ? The answer is no, as I said in my previous post, max level hard coded to 10, wrong stats calculations and without Veteran license You cannot change it. Basically You are not able to publish Your game with such problems. That's why I think that he still should buy Veteran license and make a few code changes to see that there are no limits, only imagination makes them. We don't know him and giving him the advises like make a level and don't focus on Atavism.... maybe he already has a level and he is waiting only for Atavism, we don't know that these are assumptions based on our knowledge and our experience but they may have or may have not be the clue in his "case". Still I'm doing it in same way, because in my opinion Atavism needs improvements, so we are focusing on level design and other mostly graphical/animation things and with patient waiting for next and next release, which is improved a lot version after version. I'm aware of some bugs, beta state of software and others should be aware what beta means, that's why patient and building community, helping others are so important in that stage. Core of Atavism is Neo, Sooms and Chasle but we are all part of it. I said that few times and I haven't changed my opinion that Atavism team are doing great work with full competence, even that they are mostly over scheduled time, but it is normal in software business To all of us with less skills, less hope... don't give up Your dreams, if Your dream is to make a second wow, You will build it, even if for others it won't be second wow, Your friends and You will play it like in wow, because sometimes cash is not so important as fun Gaming business is like a roulette, You can make simple low graphic game like minecraft and win a lottery but on the other hand You can make a realistic game with full pro graphic, sounds, music and no one will play it, You need marketing or luck or better... both which is more important than features and graphics in game. Lets support each other and make that community bigger and stronger that these Atavism Core could focus on most important things than on discussions like that one. You know the old sentence, if there is something that is not possible to do then give it to someone who doesn't know that and he will do it.
  22. I think that many people are experiencing some problems and the lost position of most of them is because they are not able to make a change in source because they own only standard license and they don't have access to the AGIS code, which is the clue of the server. Still You guys have to admit, that Atavism team are trying to make things better and better and their effort are far from related to that small price for such piece of software. I have to admit that till 2.5 Atavism in standard version wasn't useful at all, because of hard coded level limit or critical error in items calculations while getting level up and few other things that some of users just weren't able to correct without proper access to the code. In my opinion that is the clue of the problem. If You are creating serious game on atavism then You should be aware that it is some kind of beta with major bugs and without at least veteran license and programming skills in Your dev team You won't be able to patch it or implement new features by Yourself so You need to do some time overhead in Your schedule to prevent frustration. Atavism team is implementing new features which is related to new bugs, this is normal in software business, so please be patient, patient and once more.... patient and You will be rewarded If you are creating game for fun and this is Your hobby, then Atavism in present version is for You in any version. Lets try to build up more this community and help them out with testing because they put a lot of effort in it and I'm more than sure that they are investing more in this solution than earning from licenses.
  23. One useful functionality which could be included is refer a friend, that You could invite a friend via mail, set the conditions when the reward for referred friend could be obtained and what would be the reward. This could be even done by the simple database query as a text field, because it's obvious that You won't be able to predict variables of which people might want to put as a reward and same with conditions. But it could be simple condition like level which new player should achieve that both players would get a reward which could be something like "update ...." and people could just define it by query. That's my only feature which I could wish for but still what You are doing is great and I'm glad that You included those features which You mentioned. Can I ask You about timeline when would You like to provide it for testing and in the store ?
  24. I think the most important are micro payments and subscription payments. If someone is planning to create MO or MMO game then it should be available as download digital version so non-digital products with shipping are lesser concern. Consider refer a friend as an additional feature too with reward system. In this solution there should be some kind of condition/trigger like, if player will reach level 20 then give referrer reward 1 (defined somewhere) and the one who has been referred reward 2 (defined somewhere).
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