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Help put a Price Tag to Atavism CMS Website App  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Help put a Price Tag to Atavism CMS Website App

    • $60 - $79
    • $80 - $99
    • $100 - $120
    • $40 - $59

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Hello atavism community,


First let me introduce myself, for those who do not know me yet,


I have been in the Atavism community pretty much since the kickstarter campaign when Atavism/unity was barely starting the early alpha, so i thought this would be a good solution for mmo since atavism was using a well known and proven server core technology which was used and created by multiverse mmo.

i am glad the atavism devs were using it too and now that the multiverse went MIT, was a great opportunity for atavism to continue to expand its features and glad they opted to adapt the unity engine as a client, so this makes a great package.


so taking advantage of my commercial web developing skills, i thought i would expand the Atavism market a little bit further by creating a website CMS(Content management system)

specially tailored for Atavism server.


I have talked to the atavism dev team and asked if there were plans for this addon app and they said there were no plans yet for something like this on the road map, so i figured i might take advantage of

the situation and create my own. so this way atavism devs will focus more time on the engine development instead of a new task like this one.


Anyways my background is commercial web developer and I have been doing it for the past 10 years full time non stop, so I figured this will be a great tasks for me to do.



A project like this is very large and undertaking if you start from scratch and specially if i am the only dev doing it,

but fortunately I have been a fan and long time seasoned user of the famous php developing framework called codeigniter which is a great heavy duty and light footprint php framework which i use for most of my big commercial website projects, this framework has a a lot of great useful library to speed up any website project and this seems to be the right tool to build on top of it a CMS specially designed for atavism server.


Like I said before, Atavism website CMS will be built on top of the great famous PHP Framework CodeIgniter which will be used as base core and structure for the atavism CMS, so if you are interested to see what this little puppy has to offer check their website and you will see i have choosen the right tool for the job since it can handle the work load fairly easy and clean, plus CodeIgniter is MIT so I wont be having any issues distributing the CMS application built on top of it in any way, dont you just love the MIT license?

thank god multiverse went MIT , therefore we would not be enjoying such a great server core in Atavism engine aswell.


anyways, getting back to business:



I have been developing this CMS for the past couple of months, so far it is looking good.

maybe i may have something to show by the end of this month January


this is not a plugin, but more like a standalone php cms web app that will interact with atavism server database, this is a full website CMS (content management system) specially tailored to work and interact with atavism server


so since i could not find any other place to start my thread i thought the best place will be here in the plugin section even tho this is not an actual plugin.


for starting here are a few needed features planning to implement:


1-account management system:

meaning people can register thru the website cms and it will automatically create the account on the atavism server aswell

a)register copcha driven to avoid spamming


c)forgot password


2-Account panel:

to manage all user goodies ie:

a)view ingame characters

B)view current character armor

c)view and search game server armory ie: items, armor etc....

d)search other player characters

e)who is currently online/ingame playing

f)server status

etc...... more features to come.



3-Admin panel:

a modular and well structured admin system where admins can control all the website content, edit pages, add remove users, search, add items,view statistics enable or disable website features etc......

etc..... full control over the website




a custom forum specially tailored and customized for this framework where logged in users can post threads view etc.... meaning no need to login again just for the forum.


5-media manager:

a custom built media management system for posting videos, screenshots, wallpapers, etc... for the game


6)messaging system:

where users browsing the website can message other users who are loggedin for private messages between them.


7-Patch notes system:

where admins can post patch notes from the game that will be displayed in its own page on the site


8-Search armory:

where users can browse existing armor or items from the game.


9-website add extra page system:

where admins from site can add extra pages to the website with a wysiwyg editor


10-Link system:

where admins can add links of website pages to any of the menu bars from the website from admin panel


11-Online Store:

where users can browse and purchase ingame items and usable goods thru the website

where eventually and automated the items will be added to the atavism server after purchased, meaning microtransactions for ingame items. all done thru paypal gateway system.


12-News system:

where admins can post website or game news section of the website, where users can comment aswell etc....


and more to come.


Basically the CMS will consist of a full and complete CMS website system specially for an tavism game server.




the above list is a large and undertaking task if built from scratch for 1 single developer, but like mentioned before, I will be using a great php framework which will help me speedup the project at lighting speed. plus there are a lot of existing php framework resources and goodies that will be used to put together this CMS, meaning with the mentioned framework and existing resources will help me merge all them together and put together a great CMS specially tailored for Atavism server engine. so, yes with my php wen dev skills i know i can pull it off :-)

wish me luck, lol


will keep on posting on advancements etc...






EDIT 01-12-15:

With the help of Neo from Atavism, i have put a poll so all the interested parties in this CMS web app for atavism can vote and name a fair price for the work ill be doing.

please be advised the price tag you choose will help give me an idea of what you needs are and how complex/robust or feature rich you want the CMS to include, or how exactly to market it in the community


the vote does not automatically mean the exact final price or plan that the project will have, but to help me see what the community want or an aprox price on the final project.


I ll try to include as many features as i can depending on everyones budget by voting your price selection.

depending on this vote ill try to make it as fair and available to everyone interested


Sounds amazing, if you want me to test it out on my servers let me know. I am doing something around the same idea right now, but I am using FileMaker + Web Direct to do about the same thing; but I have only started less than a week ago. So if you need help or like I said want me to test it out let me know. I am intermediate level when it comes ot PHP.




Thanks Chasle,


i sure keep that in mind,


let me put something together and might be able to take your word to test, i will probably need someone with php knowledge to test my security setup, just to make sure i covered all the basic sessions hack prevention, mysql injections prevention, CSRF protection etc... anything that might help to add the extra security layers to make it as secure as it can get


i think i got that all covered very well, since i like to make all my apps as tight as possible from the getgo to avoid being tempered with., but just in case so i can confirm i did not missed a layer of security for the cms before it goes into production.


if you think you can contribute like that, i might take your word later on.

or we can find some other usage for you to test with.


will keep posted on the advances.




That would be awesone if we would have something like that. Just curious, will this be freely available for the atavism community, or do we have to pay for this feature (which I wouldn't mind).


Good luck with it and looking forward to your work.





well, i thought about it, since this is not going to be a ride on the park or a simple plugin where you just do 1 page of scripting, this will be a very undertaking task, ofcourse even tho with the help of the php framework library and existing resources available for it will still be a large task to fulfill from my side, specially the interface bridge between the cms db to atavism db to automate all web transactions etc..


Initially i started this project just for my own website automation system since i am a commercial web developer by official profession for the past 10 years, this is the least i could do for my game project using atavism,


but then I thought why now make it available to Atavism community since the community might have my same needs regarding this web app so i thought I will probably sell it for those who like and are interested in my work, that way i ll be more than happy to make the cms website project shine and at the same time be rewarded monetarily by the community for my work done.


the price i still dont know yet, i am a true believer of community input, aswell as indie/individual developer price range,

so for those of you interested on it will help me try to put a fair price tag to the work i am investing on it, so far been 2 months of nonstop work getting the foundation of the cms together, but once i get that sorted out, the rest features will be a whole lot easier and quicker since the features will be added modular wise, like plugins where they independently do their job for the website without needing other dependencies.



so i think ill do a poll and see what the community thinks about it.


hopefully, there will be enough interest so it will make it worth my while and work invested and help me make it accessible to all of you.


would really appreciate your input.






I did not see an option on this thread to add a poll :-( so a message to all community interested on this app for your Atavism server just name your price that you think will be fair for the above cms and features you think is worth to you, that way i can consider your opinions and make it indie price friendly.


Thanks Neo,

I have put up a poll for every1 interested to speak their minds




EDIT 01-12-15:

With the help of Neo from Atavism, i have put a poll so all the interested parties in this CMS web app for atavism can vote and name a fair price for the work ill be doing.

please be advised the price tag you choose will help give me an idea of what you needs are and how complex/robust or feature rich you want the CMS to include, or how exactly to market it in the community


the vote does not automatically mean the exact final price or plan that the project will have, but to help me see what the community want or an aprox price on the final project.


I ll try to include as many features as i can depending on everyones budget by voting your price selection.

depending on this vote ill try to make it as fair and available to everyone interested


Hi 3DOmelette,



I will be glad to test out your security layout and make sure there no problem with sql injections and other problems/vulnerabilty with your code.




thanks for your feedback and vote.


this is why i opted to ask the community with the poll on what price range the community is willing to invest into something like this.


this will give me an idea on how basic or complex feature and module wise depending on what the community is willing to pay for.


for example, if the community opted for a top priced item, then i would need to do a very feature rich and robust system with lots of modules addons etc.. so whoever is willing to invest top dlls for it will get a top high end product.


lets say some devs do not need all the bells and whistles and just a basic startup system where they can add they own custom modules and features then they wont have to pay the full price for it, but the basic price.



seems that this poll is showing both the high end and the basic way, no inbetween.


so makes me think i should do a 2 version release,

basic and pro.


this way whoever wants the basic setup for them to build their own custom modules and features they can purchase the basic setup and for those who want all the addons and modules and bells and whistles

then they can purchase the pro version so they wont have to worry about php programming etc...


or maybe once basic price and put the modules sold separate so this way everyone can pick only what they need or want.


i dont know, it is just some early ideas , i will have to rethink this once i have enough votes and something close to deliver.


i still need to make this as much accessible for everyone as possible.


thanks again.




just a quick update , as mentioned before,

been working on admin backend for quite a while now,

just making sure all bells and whistles fall in place aswell as the security layers.

so far i am happy how it has turned out.


after this next will be the styling/skinning the admin backend. which is the fun part

more relaxing than coding :-)


hopefully ill have something to show off by end of month or early Feb.



  • 3 weeks later...

ohh boy, ohh boy, ohh boy, it is tougher than i though it was. :-)


but not impossible, mainly the job is ok, but it is very very time consuming, been working on it non stop for almost 4 months and i finally can see the little tiny light at the end of the tunnel.


So, i am still working at it. soon will have something nice to show.


i noticed, someone else jumped in aboard and will be releasing something similar, awesome news to me, since i dont have to worry about making several versions, i can just focus on the deluxe version with top quality modules and addons etc.. just how i like it to be for myself since eitherway it is a need for myself and going to be made aswell for my own usage too.

so the low end will be scratched out, at least from the getgo. unless requests tell otherwise.





Would love to buy the deluxe Version.


Cause im also looking for an professional optimized CMS with all features you need for an game.


looking really forward to this. In the while i use my Joomla Site. But allready completly redesigned phpbb3 its so awesome now and almost have features like vBulletin and all stuff which is out there and costs money.



Greetings René


Would love to buy the deluxe Version.


Cause im also looking for an professional optimized CMS with all features you need for an game.


looking really forward to this. In the while i use my Joomla Site. But allready completly redesigned phpbb3 its so awesome now and almost have features like vBulletin and all stuff which is out there and costs money.



Greetings René


I would definitely be interested in the deluxe version, especially if it is of full source. I like to customize to my desires.

I have not even made it to first base yet though (have not been able to set up and activate my world on ec2 server) but once I reach that point I would dive right in to your CMS framework. Would I be able to run the website on a different server (desirable) or would it need to be on the same server as the world 3d?




i am currently testing a phpbb integration i am working on, seems to be working along great,

current version tests are with phpBB-3.0.13-PL1 last release from january 2015 for those who like phpbb.


so far when you login to the CMS website it wil automatcally log you in with phpbb forum aswell, same applies to logout or register etc...


so far looking good.


  UltraTM said:
Would love to buy the deluxe Version.


Cause im also looking for an professional optimized CMS with all features you need for an game.


looking really forward to this. In the while i use my Joomla Site. But allready completly redesigned phpbb3 its so awesome now and almost have features like vBulletin and all stuff which is out there and costs money.



Greetings René


that is something i am debating,

i can have it both ways but if ran from other server your server wont interact with exterior dbs,

unless you configure sql server to accept exterior connections which is a great security risk and i do not recommend it.


the safest way to have server db interaction in a separate hardware node is for you to manually backup and restore dbs in the cms server or vise.

but will not be current uptodate info. maybe if you do it a couple of times per day if you have the time.



for now the current setup will be to have it installed in the same where server db is at so both can have a realtime up to date info.


later down the road will need to think on something more robust without having to expose the server db or cms db by opening sql connectivity from remote locations.




  Grutrid said:
Would I be able to run the website on a different server (desirable) or would it need to be on the same server as the world 3d?

HI 3DOmelette,


You are saying that if I have multiple servers on the same subnet, I would need to install it directly on my MySQL Server?


I do understand that opening your MySQL server to an % host is a security risk; but people that install server farm usually install their sql cluster on machines and their web/php server on some other machine. I think that letting the users decides how he wants to handle their security should be their choice.


By hard coding the MySQL to be localhost will surely affect you sales. Also in release 2,8 (or 2.7) not sure of Atavism multiple support will be available; meaning that your system might not work anymore (depending on how they handle multi-servers)


This will be a great addons for Atavism and I know it is a huge task to accomplish. Just letting you know what I could prefer in the long term and possibly even in the first releases.



  3DOmelette said:


i am currently testing a phpbb integration i am working on, seems to be working along great,

current version tests are with phpBB-3.0.13-PL1 last release from january 2015 for those who like phpbb.


so far when you login to the CMS website it wil automatcally log you in with phpbb forum aswell, same applies to logout or register etc...


so far looking good.


  UltraTM said:
Would love to buy the deluxe Version.


Cause im also looking for an professional optimized CMS with all features you need for an game.


looking really forward to this. In the while i use my Joomla Site. But allready completly redesigned phpbb3 its so awesome now and almost have features like vBulletin and all stuff which is out there and costs money.



Greetings René




but newest Version i use is phpbb3 3.1.3


there are a lot of new cool features and security fixes in. Would be cool if it could also work with that version. think they changed some small stuff for integration from 3.0 to 3.1


no, it wont be hardcoded.

you can specify in the config file where you want your atavism db server to connect to, local host or any other remote ip address.


there will be 2 databases SEGMENT configuration, 1 for the actual cms db and the other for the atavism, server.


but only stating i will not recommend opening remote db connections at all. and i will only be refering in this thread with lcocal connections, since most would like to avoid a security hole, therefore i will not be endorsing or promoting remote sql connections, just local, but it is up to the user to determine their security settings and who he gives access to or not.


i am not going to support, recommend or even discuss anything related to remote sql connections dbs. that is all.


so it will be left to the end user to do what they need to do, under their own risk,

i think if people if their know what their doing and how to propertly setup a secure environment and clusters, they can get away with it. but most dont, it is a very technical setup , so again I WILL NOT RECOMMEND thus will not even promote or support anyhting recommende, suggestion etc.. related to it.

but i will be there for end user to do how they wish under their unsupoted own risk at least unsuported from my end..



it is a huge NO, NO in my dictionary for non technical individuals or even for well seasoned IT staff, it is a complex thng to setup or deal with when it comes to clusters setup, propertly setup secure remote connections etc...



so hope this answers your question and concerns.


In short "I WILL NOT BE SUPPORTING OR SUGGESTING REMOTE SQL CONNECTION SETUPS". but if you read above then you know you will be not crippled to a hardcoded setup.

so the coice is yours.



  Chasle said:
HI 3DOmelette,

By hard coding the MySQL to be localhost will surely affect you sales. Also in release 2,8 (or 2.7) not sure of Atavism multiple support will be available; meaning that your system might not work anymore (depending on how they handle multi-servers)




yup, ive seen it,


but it is a fresh new version, usually later down the road here will be bugs, unseen security risks etc....


so i decided to go for the very last proven stable and secured release., you just cant beat that when it comes to stable secure etc...

so for now maybe when 3.1.3 is well seasoned and patched and stable enough ill try to update.


sorry , not being hardheaded, just going with what really is proven stable and secured and working version atm.


beside v 3.0.13 latest release update was just made in Jan 15 2015 and probable will be maintained longer, so we not even slightly outdated at all.





  UltraTM said:



but newest Version i use is phpbb3 3.1.3


there are a lot of new cool features and security fixes in. Would be cool if it could also work with that version. think they changed some small stuff for integration from 3.0 to 3.1


Sounds perfect, that's all I wanted to know... Thanks 3DOmelette... So now, when ever you are ready, I'll be the the first in line to break the piggy back to buy your addon.... :P

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