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Martin (Dragonsan)

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Everything posted by Martin (Dragonsan)

  1. We are not limiting how many developers can work on the project. One license will allow you to collaborate by as many developers as you want. Each developer will have to log in to Atavism Editor, and from there he can make changes in the Atavism server (databases), then in most cases server restart is required, so Atavism server could load the data.
  2. The new patch is alive.
  3. Hello, Thank you for your feedback. The wrong click can be due to some web cache, not sure, we haven't seen such issue before, maybe for some reason page was not loaded properly. Loading time is due to Unity scene switching, Frist scene is an additional scene in the project, then there is login scene -> character selection/creation scene and world/instances scenes. We can certainly adjust the volume of the video in the first video scene, new build with this change should be up within a few hours. As for the loading screen, it's our fault, we changed the image for the loading screen, and we forgot to switch back the loading time to 1 second, instead of 1000 seconds, the new build will fix it. Atavism Live Demo was made by 2 persons. First worked around 1 week on the scene, objects placement, etc. (it was made by one guy from Nature Manufacture), and then when we took over the project, we designed quests, resources, animations, effects, etc. and configured it within 1 day actually, rest of the time we optimized the environment, so we can say, that 13 days we spent on making map, and then 1 day on implementing Atavism
  4. Long time no see @AlanGreyjoy It would require rewriting abilities plugin, but it's, of course, possible and we will probably get to that point, but there is no ETA for this part yet. Can you explain a bit more what do you have in mind by P2P servers? One license allows you to use one world server and it's up to you how you will use it.
  5. We are new Atavism owner since November 2017. We fixed lots of elements and released the final version of Atavism 2.x which is 2.7 (there won't be 2.8 version). With the new release of Atavism 2018.1, we introduced paid updates, as maintaining and providing free updates to 300 000 lines of code software is not possible. So, you can check our FAQ https://www.atavismonline.com/store/f-a-q how and what you will get by getting extending your maintenance for your Atavism License, here are release notes of Atavism 2018.x releases: http://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2018-1/ http://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2018-1-1/ http://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2018-1-2/ http://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2018-1-3/ http://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2018-2/ Here you will also find progress with the new release of Atavism 2018.3 https://www.atavismonline.com/atavism/roadmap We improved documentation, recorded many (over 40) tutorials on how to use Atavism, which can be found both on our documentation page: http://wiki.atavismonline.com but also on our "wall of tutorials" https://www.atavismonline.com/store/tutorials You can also join our discord server and talk with other developers to check their opinion what progress we made with Atavism https://discord.gg/z95htJA Atavism 2018.1 also comes with a totally new demo with many examples how to use it and package which you will get within Atavism 2018.1 is similar to the Atavism Live Demo which you can download and play here https://atavismonline.com/images/AtavismLiveDemo/AtavismDemo64.msi
  6. Not sure what exactly you have in mind. If you had some case which was resolved/explained on the discord, then it won't be on the forum as we are responding on the same channel where developer asked a question, but we are thinking of implementing a bit different approach like Jira with customer portal, which is already installed, but we will need to migrate our repository there.
  7. Can you explain it a bit more or provide some video? We didn't have any issues related to the controller.
  8. Hello, Basically, Atavism is licensed per world server, but in one world you can run multiple different instances or copies of them. You can achieve it in two ways. First would be to limit the instance like a world to 4 players, so if a 5th player would try to join it he would be spawned in another copy of that instance. This element wouldn't require coding. If you would like to create something like MOBA based on Atavism it would require some additional coding, but it's possible to achieve. In this case, you would need to have Java and C# coding.
  9. You have IP set to but you are trying to connect through WinSCP on IP Come on discord so we could help you with the configuration in the more responsive way.
  10. @romaxjp correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not sure if the CMS is actively developed, so not sure if it will be useful for you @Nala There is @smzero which is working on its own CMS built on blizzCMS.
  11. Hello, I can speak not only from the position of the Atavism owner, but, before we took the project at the end of 2017 (we owned 3 Atavism licenses back then 2 x Ultra and 1 x Advanced), we were using Atavism for few years to make our own game which is still in the development: https://worldofheroes.pl/en. Base on Atavism the previous owner built its own game called Arcfall. You can find some information about them here: https://www.atavismonline.com/made-with-atavism Basically, Atavism server side is close but only on low-level networking base, plugins sources are open and you can modify them because within the license you are getting their sources (AGIS). Server-side is Java with few elements in Python, and client-side is Unity C# of course. Depending on the level of customization you want to make, each Atavism element is designed with customization in mind, you can check plugins overview to see what they can offer: https://www.atavismonline.com/store/tutorials also you can read Atavism documentation: http://wiki.atavismonline.com/ or join our discord channel: https://discord.gg/z95htJA. I encourage you to test our Atavism Live Demo which you can download from here: https://atavismonline.com/images/AtavismLiveDemo/AtavismDemo64.msi There are also few developers which designed and implemented into their server logic their own plugins like Unistorm weather synchronization. In the latest version Atavism has a complete day / night and weather system synchronization in place which is system independent because we implemented Adams Goodrich WAPI free package to which you can connect not only one system but right now there is integration with Enviro, Tenkoku, CTS, Global Snow and more are on the horizon from other publishers. So the answer is yes, you can make your own plugin and change server logic or algorithms. In the end, right now we have Summer Sale with 20% discount for all Atavism Licenses, it's started a few days ago, so you shouldn't rush, take your time, get opinions of other developers and then you will be able to make a reliable decision.
  12. Hello, I can see that you don't have Atavism structure in your project. Your question is strictly UMA related, try to follow Secret Anorak UMA tutorials.
  13. Yes, for sure, we thought about rewriting Atavism Editor, but as @AlanGreyjoy said it's really time-consuming work, so after we took over the Atavism project we decided to implement some improvements into present Atavism Editor like copy/paste and missing filters features along with handling our virtual machines restarts and checking status. We have still in mind faster and more friendly Editor, but not yet. There will be some downside of editor outside unity, so paths to the icons, paths to the prefabs like coord effects, so there are few additional elements which should be considered. Still, it looks good @AlanGreyjoy I hope you are still developing it. Imagine that we made new website, forum, documentation, tutorials, new elements in apanel beside obvious 2 releases within 6 months, where we totally rewritten GUI, implemented many additional packages from our partners along with integrations like Master Audio, World Streamer, Enviro, Posptrocessing Stack 2, I2Localization, there is Live Demo, there are many new features like weather synchronization, pets, arenas, social and much much more improvements for craft, buildings, guilds and more not to mention about fixes.
  14. It should work properly. Older posts can be unreadable, because of the migration process. Он должен работать должным образом.
  15. Welcome back Chasle. Full release notes can be found here: http://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2018-1/
  16. In order to use Master Audio with Atavism, you should use the normal package without networking, as networking is handled by Atavism. Because Dark Tonic is one of our Partners, you are able to purchase it through our store as well as from Asset Store, whatever suits you better. https://www.atavismonline.com/index.php/home/other https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/audio/master-audio-aaa-sound-5607
  17. Yes, you have to have a valid license in time when new release or patch will come to get that update. It's very common solution in software development, especially for complex software.
  18. Even the worse information is better than no information at all, that is the worst thing and we never avoided any question and I think we are very responsive. You should know that with this incoming release we are doing not only new features like pets, weather synchronization, private instances for solo and guilds and some improvements for crafting, new item effect which will give you an ability to create something like bag of items in it with randomly spawned item like loot table and more, but what we also achieved within such short time, which also cost us lots of time for preparation is few other elements like demo with lots of use case examples showing how to configure: arenas, resources, teleports, buildings, merchants, crafts, drops, banks, npcs, mobs, combat (where you have skills, abilities, effects, coord effects in place), items different types (armors, weapons, consumables, skillbooks...), pets, guild private instance, single player private instance, quests and more. Such demo is important for us because some of you would like to see those examples in real, but also new developers will be able to check how it was configured and use it as references. We were also able to improve some of the important aspects of the demo, so it wouldn't have to be that pink plane in character selection and in general not refreshed for years island map, there weren't too many examples. All was possible also thanks to our partners where Nature Manufacture built great environment by implementing part of its own assets, but also S.F. Bay gave us one mob, WillB prepared free starting clothes, Hendrik made special Enviro pack for us, so you could see weather synchronization plugin out of the box, by using Adams WAPI where you have integration of many other packages. As I said it is important because we also wanted to increase the visual quality of the project. We also implemented our exclusively made GUI and spawner panel was rewritten to UGUI. Now if we will record new Atavism Editor tutorials they will have a proper graphics quality so it would fit the overall result. We also refreshed website, wiki, apanel (with additional functionality to handle maintenance plans properly), there will be also Atavism Live Demo Server where you will be able to play that Atavism Demo. We prepared virtual machines - Atavism ready environment with tutorial how to configure it, to eliminate issues which had Cygwin users, because of the specification of shared ports and such. So to resume there were lots of project around activities which we wanted to make to improve that overall quality of Atavism project, which we continue to develop but it is already there, so, from last 3 months, we spent like half of the time for such additional but also important elements, so we could focus on features and improvements for next incoming releases. We also started to build whole Atavism ecosystem, so with this incoming release, you will be able to purchase in our store not only Atavism but also our partners products. This initiative is for developers who would like to use Atavism ready packages using additional simplicity and adjustments which we made, for example, mobs where you will get database scripts for mobs, abilities, effects, coordinated effects definitions, with game ready models with some variations depending on the model. So for example if developer would like to use Atavism and will want to put some mob into Atavism it will be possible within few steps, so within few minutes that mob will be ready to spawn in-game, with audio, animation, prepared default controller, so we made that to give you an ability to speed up your development. Wanna big world, with nice looking foliage and props, rivers, lava and more, take World Streamer and use nice looking models which are in the demo and more, you can grab Nature Manufacture packages, wanna weather synchronization which will give you extra visual quality you can grab Enviro or use one which is implemented, want to put life into your game rapidly, you can grab some mobs from S.F. Bay, if you are using UMA, then you have wide range of armors from WillB, multilingual... no problem, you can grab i2localization and use integration which is already in place, same with great sound and music system like Master Audio, where most of coordinated effects scripts are ready to use it. One place to build your MMORPG game, hopefully now more things will be clear for all of you, especially how much amount of work and effort we had to put to make these things done.
  19. You don't have to worry about it. You have your right to your opinion, still, you also admit on discord that you exaggerated it by saying it was pushed 12 times already and you said you did it on purpose, so I only ask to just be fair and let's stick with the facts.
  20. When we made implementation UMA was in beta 2 then RC version, and a few weeks later they introduced final version, but we were in a different part of the development at that moment, that's why it wasn't integrated with 2.7 final. We did it that way, but it's not compatible with everything, it seems that there were some additional changes and adjustments.
  21. You haven't missed it, we are having some UMA 2.7 integration issues, when we made that integration while ago UMA was in version 2.7 RC but now it's in final stage so we thought that it would be good to implement final version instead of RC and... something went wrong. We have breached ETA, but we are working hard to make that release asap, it shouldn't take long as we are making really good progress.
  22. Atavism is handling dynamic objects, like mobs, NPCs, players, buildings, interactive objects, resources, etc. by using its dedicated quad tree solution on the Atavism server, while you are building your scene you have to handle it by your own, so you have to shape your terrain in any terrain generator or do it manually, place your vegetation (for that we recommend Vegetation Studio combined with Nature Manufacture rocks and foliage packs which are Vegetation Studio ready) place your POIs, buildings, light sources and such and if you want to make your world bigger, then some streamer solution will be handy for you and for that we also made an integration with 3rd party solution World Streamer from Nature Manufacture, in our opinion it's the best streaming solution which you can find on the asset store.
  23. Cloud services won't be part of this release for sure, but we want to implement such option.
  24. The release should be available by the end of the week.
  25. Atavism server part is based on Java and Python, but because python library is included in it, so you don't have to install it in your system, so it can be rn in both Linux and Windows environments (there were also .bat files which would basically run java servers), so why all are focusing Linux, why we don't want to support Cygwin? Becuase Atavism is for MMO production (focused on RPG), so sooner or later you will want to have server environment and first Linux is more stable, it's less expensive in terms of clouds if you compare Linux Ubuntu to Windows Server and requires less resources on server because (since Windows Server 2008 you can run it also without GUI, but for cloud services I think it's not supported). Also, cygwin is a real headache not only for developers but also for support, because of ports in use and you will end up running Linux server under Linux like environment and command line interface for Windows, so basically Linux. So instead of handling so many tickets about cygwin, why not use virtual machine, it's painless and you can do snapshots to restore it to point in time, you can run it in any environment, so if you will install new os, then just import previously exported machine and your database, atavism, logs, settings will work. Fewer support tickets will give us more time for new features and we want to put more and more where among them is proper NavMesh. Unity did the same, they killed boo language previously, now they are removing support for javascript, so you will have (you can say less and less, uninstall - fix), but from another side fewer languages means less documentation, less tickets, so all that manpower can be spent on creation not fixes.
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