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Martin (Dragonsan)

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Everything posted by Martin (Dragonsan)

  1. 10.8 works the same regarding communication. This element Is only an information thing to let you know that there is no certificate private key and you can generate it by following the guide that you can find in the atavism_server/bin/How to - RSA Key Generation.txt file. As for the issue that you cannot enter the world, please send me packed all logs in private.
  2. Hi. Every new license has 180 days of updates included, so if the 10.8 version was released within the 180 days window after you purchased it, then you can easily upgrade Atavism. The upgrade procedure depends on the installation method but you can find it in the release notes on the wiki page. Here is the direct link https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-x-8/ In the mentioned Atavism Customer Portal you should be able to download the 10.8 version while the update procedure is described on the documentation page.
  3. Hello, here you can find all the information you need on how to set up the Ataivsm server, client, etc. https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/how-to-start-with-atavism/
  4. The only thing I can think of is network connection quality.
  5. Connection tests in the editor are related to the database only and not server services. Gather all server logs from the atavism_server/logs/world directory, pack them with zip or anything you prefer, and send them to support@atavismonline.com or use a private message. Unfortunately, logs analysis can take some time, so I cannot guarantee any response time but we will check it as soon as we can.
  6. It was caused by mixed settings of TCP/UDP between the server and the client.
  7. I'm sorry for the late reply. Usually, it's an issue with an incorrect email or Atavism license key, but to verify this, please contact us in private.
  8. In Atavism, you have skills -> abilities -> effects, where skills are the virtual group for abilities that you and you can level up skills, not abilities, but by leveling skills, you can have for example ability dmg 100 that will require skill level 1, but with skill level 3 you will learn automatically or not, it's up to you, an ability that will deal dmg 115. The issue is that it won't unlearn the other ability with lower dmg.
  9. Hello, you need to move through the upgrade procedure that we are providing for each release in the release notes. There you can find the upgrade procedure and you need to do it step by step, like from X.3 to X.4, then from X.4 to X.5, etc.
  10. It would be good if you could send all packed logs in private, preferably at debug level.
  11. Yes, I would say that is being very actively developed. We have no ETA for it yet. No, Unreal didn't cause a delay. Currently, we are using Unreal 4.2, and we will be updating it to 5 at the very end stage. We are not providing small details or not polished videos on what we have ready and working, instead, we want to provide better use-case examples of more polished and more complete features. We have a registration, character creation, selection, deletion, world entry, movement synchronization, and a major part of quests and dialogues completed and now we are working on the build system as well as inventory/backpack and items handling. I understand that some may think that it's not going forward, but we are getting commits once or twice per week, doing tests, and fixing bugs. Some can also say that we are not good at marketing, and not building momentum, but because the project is delayed by a lot due to project complexity, and some issues during the road, COVID, and some contractors issues, we are far from providing any ETA at this point. Instead, we want to have it nearly ready, and at that point, we will start sharing information during polishing the product. We don't want to share information about possible deadlines, that can change during the road.
  12. I'm sorry for the delay in answering you, but can you provide more information on what you mean by spiky? I'm assuming it's related to the poor performance you are having, but is it in the Demo that you run from the package, or in the Live Demo? Performance is based on the client models, shaders, etc., etc. and it can be related to numerous things. If you will run your server locally, it will impact your performance as well, so it would be good to get more details about your installation, your hardware, and what kind of issues you are experiencing.
  13. There are some games on Steam and using Atavism like Arcfall. Such steam authentication is not supported out of the box, and you would have to implement it, but thanks to Atavism remote authenticator it should be simple to handle. https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/remote-php-account-connector/
  14. By default there is an asset bundle with Bomber Bug, so you should have it if you are using Atavism demo in the unity editor. try to use this option.
  15. You have discord link on the forum https://discordapp.com/invite/z95htJA And the same link is on our website in the support section as well as in many other places. It's a permanent link.
  16. It's becaue some elements were designed to be refreshed/reload like skills, statistics, and some not like items or auto attack ability, buit you don't have to change the ability later, you can modify the ability itself or modify coord effect. You don't have to have assigned auto attack to all your player templates just the one you are using.
  17. When you are having crashes during entering the world, then it's probably due to Asset Bundles that require to be rebuilt. You can do this using our menu option It will rebuild them and put them into the StreamingAssets directory which is required by Unity to load them. This is harmless. This warning occurs because of the Unity serialization depth limit, earlier it was 7, and then they increased it to 10. It's related to the Auction House UI layout where you can have a tree view of your item's category, so it's limited to a depth of 10 levels, like Armors -> Plate -> Boots -> ... but I doubt you will use a more complex structure that would require more than just a 3-5 levels. Depending on what server installation you are using, these dots will work or not. They work only for our premade Virtual Machines as well as for Atavism Cloud. For Atavism Windows Manager installation it has its own controls there, and for other installations, you will have to manage your server manually or using our newly released Atavism Agent https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-agent-preview/
  18. Hello, maybe there will be a sneak peek in 2022, but we are not sure if we will make it, but the devleopment is constantly going forward.
  19. Keybindings are defined in the Login scene -> Scripts. There is Atavism Settings component and most elements related to the client side you are modifying in it or in other components on the same game object. But to disable them, you would have to modify scripts to not display them in the game settings in-game. As for the consulting options, currently we are not providing such service, but maybe in the future, as we are planning to provide custom coding service as well.
  20. The only thing I can think off is URP second camera, but I believe we spoke about it on discord, and it turned out it is a shader that is flickering in some situation as you mentioned that it also occurs in scene view in the editor and there is onyl one camera. Another thing it can be a postprocessing effect maby that is causing such behavior in corelation with the BOmber Bug shader.
  21. Ok, I'm glad that you found the cause.
  22. It's probably because the character model is not in the Resources directory, so Unity cannot instantiate it on demand.
  23. So, I'm assuming it can be due to a firewall. You can try to install the server software on the same machine, or you can send me server logs in private to ensure that it's the firewall.
  24. Yes, it's the same procedure as with any other character model. Don't worry about questions. we all had to start somewhere, and asking questions is better for understanding how everything works.
  25. Ok. Is this installation on the same machine as your Unity? If so, then for the test try to set the IP to in both Atavism Windows Manager as well as here in the Master Server inside Unity. I'm suspecting that the issue can be due to one of these elements: 1. Port that you set in the Atavism Windows Manager doesn't match the one in Unity. In this case, 9005, and 9010 are the default ones. Sometimes it's required to change 9010 to 9011 for example, because 9010 is in use in windows by default. 2. Firewall is blocking connections, and the above change to will show us in which direction we should go further with this. As for the localization, yes you can enable it, but do you have i2localization in your project?
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