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Martin (Dragonsan)

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Everything posted by Martin (Dragonsan)

  1. Our main goal is to finish the first Atavism for Unreal version which will be based on Atavism 10.1 in Q1 2021. There are also some factors to prolong it a bit, like UE5 which will be provided in preview state in early 2021, and Atavism for Unity 10.4 which is planned for February/March. Based on that we are thinking about making Atavism for Unreal 10.1, and then start porting all features from 10.2, 10.3, and 10.4 to Unreal as well along with the engine switch from version 4.24 to 5, to have it ready for UE5. We will definitely inform you during the road about the progress. Also, it's important to mention that Atavism Editor is already working in the Unity version and we will need to adjust it by adding the Unreal project profile, but the rest will remain the same, and this is also a pretty big piece of software that is almost completed. We don't have any pricing model at this point, but we will definitely share it as soon as it will be ready and set.
  2. This usually means that the prefab was moved somewhere after you set the mob and assigned the prefab in the Atavism Editor. The mob settings are saved in the database, so if you will move the prefab within your project you have to open the editor, provide it again, and resave the mob template.
  3. In the new Atavism client you should have something like this So, the Atavism should be grouped. If you don't have it in the menu, please check your Unity console log, as most probably you have some errors there and Unity is not letting you to compile scripts properly. Here is a screenshot on how to open console log
  4. One license can run as many servers as you want, but up to the CCU limit, so with 2 servers, you would have 2 x 500 CCU. By stacking up it means that if you will need more than 1000 CCU you can get another license which will add another 1000 CCU to the pool, so with 2 licenses, you will have 2000 CCU.
  5. Were you able to resolve the issue?
  6. If it's possible, please send them at support@atavismonline.com
  7. Set Host: Username: atavism Password: atavism as in the documentation
  8. Ok, so you have some errors for sure, can you show me your terminal which is opening after you are starting the world server? Most probably it's related to the Hostname, and External Hostname/IP, for now you can set them to to test it locally.
  9. You downloaded the perfect set for the startup. Install Atavism Manager https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-windows-manager/ to set our server up and running, there you will have to provide your Atavism Server .zip file which will be installed and set automatically for you. The only thing you will have to do is to set your mail and license key in the software, then install and setup Atavism Unity full demo https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-client-unity-installation/, and in the end Atavism Standalone which will have similar settings as Atavism Editor inside Unity.
  10. Were you able to resolve your installation/configuration issues?
  11. Atavism Editor v10.3.0 = Atavism Editor v10.3.0 standalone, it's the same application. I said standalone, as it's Unity independent.
  12. Atavism is operating as a server and peer to peer is not supported. In such a case, the whole server-side logic would be obsolete. You can sell your game on steam. There is already one game there called Arcfall that was made in Atavism. Character creation functionality can be visually disabled but Atavism is tracking the player progress using character data.
  13. Take your time. We have hundreds of installations that work perfectly fine, so I'm sure it will be something simple to fix. We are in UTC +1.
  14. Thank you for your purchase. Al features are available in the Editor and in Atavism for you, probably you mean the lock icons, there are not important, all are available for you. You can reskin and edit everything in the UI, models, scenes, even scripts, so it's hard to tell which element you weren't able to modify. Can you give me one example, so we could use it as a reference to resolve this element? I don't understand this element. You should be able to enter play mode, then register your player account within your own server, log in using your own credentials, and then create a character and enter the game. Can you record a short video of what problem you have with this element? No, Atavism Editor connects directly to the database, while the player is using middleware Atavism authentication and world servers. The Editor can be closed. Yes, to add items, quests, mob templates, dialogues, statistics, etc. you have to use Atavism Editor. I would recommend you to use the standalone version Atavism-Editor v10.3.0. That's totally possible to use a hosting solution in the future, but Atavism keeps all data in the database, so by using Atavism Editor you are defining them, then the server during the startup is loading them into the server memory, and then you are seeing them in-game as a player. I'm talking about typical Atavism elements, and not the environment like terrain, houses, foliage, etc. You should be able to use all elements, can you give me an example of the one that you cannot use? You don't have to activate anything in the Atavism Editor, except database configuration. Let me know if you will need remote hands assistance, and I can guide you through these steps if you prefer to resolve it this way.
  15. HI. I totally understand you. Due to covid, so many people are in tough situations. I hope this covid thing will be over soon, and you will be in better financial condition. Atavism 70% sale will last until the 1st of December. Probably there will be a further sale after but more like 50%, and if so, it will last until the end of the year.
  16. Thank you for the comprehensive feedback. Non-target combat is supported out of the box in Atavism, and it was expanded in 10.2.x version by adding nearly 50 features only for combat like stealth mode, shields that can absorb or reflect damage, traps, AoE on location, projectile and AoE movements speed simulated on the server to evade them, triggers on actions, like invoke something on a critical hit, on damage, on evade, on heal, etc. Basically, it brings combat to a whole new level. As for other games, the one you mentioned is more like a MOBA. For these types of games, you won't need scalable networking, as usually, you will have X vs X players where X is like 5, 10, or 15 players most of the time. This way you would need a totally networking design in my opinion, where players would be in the Lobby/Proxy server and after they would sign in to play specific game mode, the proxy would redirect them to the server on which the battle would be handled, and after the battle, they would go back to the proxy. This way you don't have hundreds r thousands of players in the real game, but rather just on chat/proxy/lobby server. Atavism has part of this, as there is arena functionality, where you are signing in to join the battle, and when both teams are filled with players, Atavism will teleport players to the arena where they can fight each other team vs team. After the battle, they will be moved to the world instance. As for the MMO, starting with thousands of players can be expensive, but you can try to cover your expenses using pre-order of your game or in-game goods, items, currency, or just cosmetics, and then scale your server after your game will generate more income. This way also you will have a more generic and organic user base rather than the typical hype on start only.
  17. It depends on the scope. We have Atavism Cloud Service which is based on the North Networking infrastructure. They have servers in the US and EU, and IMHO prices are really good and affordable, especially for a start, development, and test. At a later stage, I would recommend you to use some bare metal hardware, as Virtualization always has some overhead and it's less efficient than the hardware itself. Another company that we are using from time to time is Netcup they have decent prices, a long time ago, they had much better service, but still, it's a good option. In the end, we are using Hetzner if necessary, mostly with their bare metal options but again, they have similar issues like Netcup, their data centers are in Germany and Finland, so no US coverage. it's definitely possible to implement some Steam elements for purchases and such, not sure about others. If you would want to have many 4 players servers then you can start from the Atavism Cloud and if you will lack server resources, you can move your database and files somewhere else. Even it's possible to use Atavism for RPG, I would use a different package. Lately one of the Atavism users developed something like this, which looks very promising https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/rpg-builder-177657
  18. You can set up your server anywhere, even on your PC, but the Atavism server must have an internet connection to do license checks. Yes, it's possible to publish your game on steam, one of the clients published his game called Arcfall, you can check it here https://store.steampowered.com/app/623310/Arcfall/ We haven't tested Atavism on Xbox nor PS, but I have no reasons to think that it wouldn't work.
  19. Atavism works based on instances which are scene representation on the server, so in the instance, you have mobs, NPCs, resource nodes, interactive objects, regions, basically all Atavism objects, and of course players, that can be switched by the player to improve Unity performance, so your player can be teleported to another instance (scene). Also, Atavism can start many copies of the same instance for you. Let's say you will define that your world instance can have up to 500 players, then if 501 will enter Atavism will create another copy for him. It's a very common solution for optimizing your server and client-side performance because your player won't be able to have too many players in one area at once to render them. Here you can find more information about instances https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/instances-plugin/ AI is a very broad topic. Atavism comes with various AI, like combat, where the mob can use different attacks based on its health, so the mob can use damage AoE attack by default, but when its health will drop below % level that you can define it can use an ability that will spawn additional mobs, heal himself, etc. Mobs and NPCs can roam, use patrol paths between defined points will aggro if you will enter their aggro range, there is also linked aggro, which means that if you will aggro one mob, fi there will be his "friend" near he can aggro him as well to fight with you. You can assign various actions to NPCs like quests, banks, merchants, dialogues, repair equipment, and much more that is coming in the incoming release. AI improvements element was planned for this year, but even we will start it, we won't finish it this year, so it will be released early next year. Here you can find our roadmap https://www.atavismonline.com/atavism/roadmap
  20. You can reskin any UI element, change models, modify or replace controller and use gamepad. You can use your 3d assets and custom arts. You can add your own characters, NPCs, mobs, and animations, textures, models as you want. Terrain size is limited by Unity, not Atavism, so it depends how heavy assets you will use and how detailed your world will be. I personally wouldn't go bigger than 8 x 8. You can use instances to swtich between scenese, you can have as many instances as you want and split the workaload between them. You can use 3rd party terrain assets, we used some like TC, TC2, Gena for our game as well. Here you can find a tutoris about this topic, a bit outdated but the procedure is similar. https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/integration-into-existing-scene/ Combat/fighting is configurable: You can define shorter cooldowns and faster animations if necessary. Atavism combat doesn't work based on turns, but based on cooldowns so how fast it is it's up to you.
  21. We remember these times as well, we had two Ultra licenses back then
  22. Nice documentation. Have you seen this tutorial? https://unity.wiki.atavismonline.com/project/integration-into-existing-scene/ It describes the process with some additional information.
  23. Ok, Did you have previous Atavism installed in your Atavism Manager and you have any data there that you want to migrate to the newest version or you want to install it from scratch?
  24. The tutorial you posted is for VM (Virtual Machine) as far as I know you mentioned you are using Atavism Managers or am I missing something? Let's start it from the scratch, as I think you are jumping from installation to installation. What installation are you using and you want to update? Atavism Manager, VM, Custom Linux, Atavism Cloud, or any other Cloud?
  25. I think you mentioned you have version 2018.3.1, if you have 2018.3.0, you need to do one more step Upgrade #0 Atavism server 2018.3.0 to Atavism server 2018.3.1 https://wiki.atavismonline.com/project/atavism-2018-3-1/ Unfortunately there is no option to skip upgrades, as let's say upgrade from 2018.3.0 to 2018.3.1 will add a few database fields, but upgrade from 2018.3.1 to 2019.1.0 will already have that fields, so if you will skip this step you won't have these fields in your database. We could prepare upgrade for each version to each, but this would end up with multiplication like number of versions * number of versions, so around 144 installation files if we will count only installations for 2018+, and every new release would multiply that, let's say for 10.2 we would have to prepare 13 installations differential files and procedures. The main question is, if you are going to use Atavism Cloud, as you mentioned you have North Networking server, or are you going to use Atavism Manager? We can also schedule screenshare session using Teamviewer and I'll show you how to make this upgrade, you can even use 3rd party tool to handle it, but before I would ensure that you have databases in the proper shape, as you sent some info about missing tables before.
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